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Mourdock gets his ass handed to him by Righteous Woman

jimnms says...

>> ^Payback:

This fucktard is OK with the idea of a God that forces someone to rape another?
Can someone look up the chapter and verse of at least one instance of God calling on an Apostle to "teach that skanky little whore a thing or two about respect"?

If Mourdock were a true Christian he would be pushing for the death penalty for rapists and their victims that didn't cry out loud enough, or the rapist has to pay the father of the victim and the victim must marry her rapist:

If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die. ... For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her. If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. -- Deuteronomy 22:23-29

Mourdock gets his ass handed to him by Righteous Woman

Payback jokingly says...

This fucktard is OK with the idea of a God that forces someone to rape another?

Can someone look up the chapter and verse of at least one instance of God calling on an Apostle to "teach that skanky little whore a thing or two about respect"?

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)

Phreezdryd says...

I generally liked the movie. I didn't think it was full of holes, and anything not explicitly explained you could give some thought and discuss with others, or accept as currently unknowable. I was okay with the ride. The "Alien" universe continues to unfold and I look forward to the next chapter.

The Bane of Banned Books

Sagemind says...

At the time of his suicide, Hitler's official place of residence was in Munich, which led to his entire estate, including all rights to Mein Kampf, changing to the ownership of the state of Bavaria. As per German copyright law, the entire text is scheduled to enter the public domain on January 1, 2016, 70 years after the author's death.[19] The copyright has been relinquished for the Dutch and Swedish editions and some English ones (though not in the US, see below).

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^Sagemind:
In Canada, We have Indigo Books, Indigo Books also runs Chapters bookstores, Coles Books, Worlds Biggest bookstore, Indigospirit, SmithBooks and The Book Company. It's the biggest chain in Canada, practically a monopoly, but not quite. It's our equivalent to Amazon books combined with Barns & Noble in the US, in fact, Amazon even owns stock in the Canadian book chain. It also retains a 57.7% share in Kobo Ink. (968.9 Million in yearly Sales.)
Heather Reisman, Indigo's CEO and owner banned "Mein Kampf" from all the stores. Although not casual reading material, Mein Kampf is required reading in quite a few university and college's. It's an important book for historians and students of history and politics.
You can find critiques of the work in her stores but not the book itself. Heather herself has, admittedly, never read the book. Being Jewish, she sites it as hate literature and doesn't want anyone to see it.
Heather's stance is that she is not Banning the book, she just doesn't carry it. It just so happens she doesn't have any competition. (other than college book stores and few straggling independants)
So my point is, if she is blocking this historical book, which other publications is she blocking? And what can we do, when the book stores filter the books we can see?

Out of curiosity, if someone were to buy Mein Kampf, where does the money go? Who publishes it? Or would it be in the public domain now?

The Bane of Banned Books

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Sagemind:

In Canada, We have Indigo Books, Indigo Books also runs Chapters bookstores, Coles Books, Worlds Biggest bookstore, Indigospirit, SmithBooks and The Book Company. It's the biggest chain in Canada, practically a monopoly, but not quite. It's our equivalent to Amazon books combined with Barns & Noble in the US, in fact, Amazon even owns stock in the Canadian book chain. It also retains a 57.7% share in Kobo Ink. (968.9 Million in yearly Sales.)
Heather Reisman, Indigo's CEO and owner banned "Mein Kampf" from all the stores. Although not casual reading material, Mein Kampf is required reading in quite a few university and college's. It's an important book for historians and students of history and politics.
You can find critiques of the work in her stores but not the book itself. Heather herself has, admittedly, never read the book. Being Jewish, she sites it as hate literature and doesn't want anyone to see it.
Heather's stance is that she is not Banning the book, she just doesn't carry it. It just so happens she doesn't have any competition. (other than college book stores and few straggling independants)
So my point is, if she is blocking this historical book, which other publications is she blocking? And what can we do, when the book stores filter the books we can see?

Out of curiosity, if someone were to buy Mein Kampf, where does the money go? Who publishes it? Or would it be in the public domain now?

The Bane of Banned Books

Sagemind says...

In Canada, We have Indigo Books, Indigo Books also runs Chapters bookstores, Coles Books, Worlds Biggest bookstore, Indigospirit, SmithBooks and The Book Company. It's the biggest chain in Canada, practically a monopoly, but not quite. It's our equivalent to Amazon books combined with Barns & Noble in the US, in fact, Barns & Noble even owns stock in the Canadian book chain. It also retains a 57.7% share in Kobo Ink. (968.9 Million in yearly Sales.)

Heather Reisman, Indigo's CEO and owner banned "Mein Kampf" from all the stores. Although not casual reading material, Mein Kampf is required reading in quite a few university and college's. It's an important book for historians and students of history and politics.

You can find critiques of the work in her stores but not the book itself. Heather herself has, admittedly, never read the book. Being Jewish, she sites it as hate literature and doesn't want anyone to see it.

Heather's stance is that she is not Banning the book, she just doesn't carry it. It just so happens she doesn't have any competition. (other than college book stores and few straggling independants)

So my point is, if she is blocking this historical book, which other publications is she blocking? And what can we do, when the book stores filter the books we can see?

See How McDonald's Canada Hamburger Patties Are Made

chingalera says...

In September 2013, India will have a 100% vegetarian McDemon's. They can only claim .5 million served daily there....They'd be in chapter 13 if the rest of the shit-eating world followed suit.

Mcdonald's represents to me one of the fundamental causes of why America can't get up off the mat and why otherwise beautiful people are inflated and miserable. Their food is sewage.

They also represent a NON-LIVING WAGE! They fuck their employees and the world.

Corporate Death Burger

Wannna impress the world??? Increase the number of Buffalo and Bison to pre-1840's populations and start using THAT meat in your shit-nasty burgers!...Oh and use the state of Utah to corral all those herbivores AFTER enslaving all Mormons to work the herds.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

NetRunner says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

The bottom line here is that you lack the courage for your convictions. Take the license plate off of your car, cut up your social security card, and stop paying your taxes. Otherwise, you're just contributing to a system that you believe is impinging on a majority of the populace's freedoms (a hypocrite).

Actually, the reductio ad absurdum goes a little further. If you think the government "owns" the people because it can collect taxes from them with impunity, and you claim to really believe in the idea that liberty is indistinguishable from the unfettered exercise of property rights, then really, you should be defending any government exercise of power over its property, because it owns the people, and anything it does to its subjects is a legitimate exercise of liberty.

You already see them trotting out a form of this argument anytime there's a major management/labor dispute in the press. From there, you only really need to change a few words, and you wind up with almost exactly the rationale given by royalists in favor of hereditary monarchies in middle-age Europe.

Conservatives are more or less living out the final chapters of Animal Farm now. Their supposed dedication to principles born from a rebellion against authoritarian monarchies has, over the ensuing decades, been slowly twisted until it's become a rationale for establishing a new monarchy on this side of the Atlantic.

I keep waiting for the day I see a clip of some wingnut on Fox News declaring four legs good, two legs better that monarchy is a superior form of government to democracy because then those undesirable people we're always bitching about would truly know their place...

Caine's Arcade - Best Kids Arcade Story Ever

Black Mesa

Black Mesa

Black Mesa

MrFisk (Member Profile)

2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly

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