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Newtboy Achieved Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

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Well, well, well. Here we are. I'm not around much any more - but I couldn't let this event pass without celebrating an amazing achievement of Newtboy reaching Galaxy.

Even though I'm not around much - going through some life changes (time makes you bolder, even children get older) VideoSift is still my high water mark for making a dent in the world - and I'm very proud that great people like Newtboy still choose to make a home here on the Sift. VideoSift forever!

My song is short and sweet this time. I'm mainly a cappella these days ... with a large helping of apologies to The Eagles. @lucky760, flip the switch on the new badge! Congrats @newtboy.

Newtboy Achieved Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris says...


how well are her kids doing?

removal? 'cause you find her 'wacko'? you are here?

if you take dares - go on some of these international sites and try to explain to Europeans why pledging alliance to a flag is okay.

bet they have more compelling reasons not to.

would agree w/you IF you said people shouldn't post every f'n thing on the 'web. hard to understand putting personal/private thoughts w/one's face attached to it (no that's not me, it's an avatar - not even my cat). like they're celebrities or have no friends to share goofy thoughts with (don't start).

RATHER tell the woman advice similar to this: shut off the phones. don't post private shat. do who we do. grouse w/folks you don't personally know, or where they live, or could fire y'all.

bobknight33 said:

And lets not forget the wacko teachers that should be removed.

Roller Coaster Accident - SNL

The case to rename this famous Christmas plant

drradon says...

Not so inconsistent with how Christianity has been practiced in the past (Spanish Inquisition ring a bell, anyone?) and the looting of resources of native cultures by "Missionaries"... even to the extent of hijacking a pre-Christian "pagan" celebration (winter solstice) in order to draw adherents... Why pick at historical nits when there are much more impactful transgressions related to the holiday celebration???

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

You’re a liar. Watch the video.

He said some “dinners”….with the justices families at their second or third estate in I think Wyoming (definitely including private jet travel there and back, and limousine rides to and from airports) and hunting trips to South America were what he was personally specifically aware of and could recall off the top of his head, not that that was ALL they gave the justices, he certainly did not say the efforts were limited to cards and prayers. Watch it, you must not have or you wouldn’t be making up such easily disproven lies.

I have issues with anyone hosting a judge they have cases before….or will. More so a justice. Major problem if it’s a billionaire getting hours of private lobbying time for personal gains. I don’t and won’t have a case before the Supreme Court, but I don’t want any of them at my home either, I’m not starstruck by celebrities or public figures….but yes, any citizen is worthy of such. They are justices, not gods.

Definitely a problem for justices to socialize with senators….but you’re just posing hypotheticals about Pelosi and Soros not anything that actually happened ever, I’m talking about what HAPPENED regularly with Con justices who have no ethics, and reality is 10000 times worse than your fantasy hypothetical.

If you are a justice, the appearance of impartiality is as important as the impartiality….and they failed miserably at both.

Having a normal social dinner is a far cry from what he testified to, lavish almost certainly multi day vacation-“dinners” at billionaires estates across the country and lavish first class hunting vacations to South America for the family all as ways to get days of private lobbying time with judges they have cases before at a minimum….but you are deathly allergic to honesty so it’s no surprise.

The Con justices sold their decisions and time. You excuse this with a whataboutism fantasy hypothetical that still wouldn’t be acceptable if it were true, but it isn’t. Every baseless accusation is an admission….what other senators and billionaires did the conservative justices sell out to? You just told me there are more.

I’m a blind tool to think that, as they are required by sworn oath to do, Supreme Court justices should avoid even the appearance of impropriety, bias, or favoritism and should certainly avoid actively engaging in them or be impeached and removed from the bench. Ok buddy. Noted.

Such an infantile mind you have. Always prepared to defend the indefensible with nonsense and blather, never fact.

bobknight33 said:

Spin to your hearts content.
That what he said.

You just want to read was more into it.

So you want the SCOTUS to have dinner at you house? Are you worthy of such event?

But you have not issue if SCOTUS had dinner at George Soros / Nancy Pelosi house?

But have dinner with like minded folk you get you panties in a twist.

Such a blind tool you are.

The Deserved Downfall of CNN

newtboy says...

For once, Bob is right….CNN is losing viewers, now that it’s becoming another righty propaganda outlet under the new CEO Chris Licht to appease John Malone, a far right-leaning billionaire now on the board of Discovery who just purchased CNN, close friend of the Murdoch family, and key Warner Bros. Discovery board member who has made it well-known that he would like CNN to be more “centrist”—whatever that means, has taken a noticeable shift to the far right in recent months. Firing the most highly rated hosts, cancelling highly rated shows, simply because he didn’t like them personally and hated the fact checking of the right.
It’s reported that they only watch CNN through FOX news….so only the edited clips Fox shows with Fox commentary and editorializing.

Note, when Stelter was fired, Tucker Carlson and Daily Mail seemed to know about it a full day before even Stelter was told….because Malone couldn’t keep from bragging about it in celebration.

CNN is under attack from within by the destructive dishonest right, who is trying their utmost to kill it. Who in their right mind could believe they might attract righty viewers at the outlet they call “the Devil” “evil” “communist”..etc? No one. The changes were blatantly obviously intended to ruin and kill the network the right hates with a passion, not improve it.

Curb your "safe" crypto exchange

eric3579 says...

Here is the attorney on Fox regarding the suit.

I wonder if having a stake in the company could have something to do with it. Also when it comes to financial investing the rules may be different having to do with responsibility. Will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

moonsammy said:

Wait, are people blaming the paid celebrity endorsers, as if they're at fault for some part of this? I suppose that wouldn't surprise me as I've met people, but goddamn that's dumb. They're actors! They were PAID to ACT in an AD!

Curb your "safe" crypto exchange

moonsammy says...

Wait, are people blaming the paid celebrity endorsers, as if they're at fault for some part of this? I suppose that wouldn't surprise me as I've met people, but goddamn that's dumb. They're actors! They were PAID to ACT in an AD!

cloudballoon said:

Larry's more in the same boat as the likes of Matt Damon & Kim Kadashian here. However, the after-the-fiasco irony in the ad could/should avoid landing Larry into lawsuits/hotwater like those 2 actors did (unless he also pump & dump, contrary to his message, which I don't know yet?).

Gay Frogs

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

newtboy says...

Really?! Just like all knew Jan 6 was ANTIFA, like everyone knows Trump won and Democrats cheated to the tune of tens of millions of votes, but perfectly with zero traces, like everyone knows Covid is just a cold and won’t last 3 months? It’s true, both sides have corruption, but one side punishes and ostracizes those in their camp caught being corrupt, one side makes corruption their party platform and celebrates their members caught flagrantly violating ethics and finance rules, gladly donating towards paying their fines and shielding them from most consequences.

Point to the time Republicans put forth a serious bill to remove dark money that Democrats said no. I don’t think you can, nor can you deny Republicans just voted FOR corruption in government…and not for the first time….you just need to make up fake and false equivalents to pretend blatant Republican corruption is normal.

I’ll point you to Citizens United, the main cause of dark money in politics today, which started as an anti Clinton Republican movie that filed suit and appealed up to the conservative Supreme Court to allow corporations to spend essentially unlimited amounts in secret on political advertising and campaigns (because their “movie” was clearly a political advertisement with secret backers), or to say it plainly, they sued to legalize corporate bribery and conservatives loved it.

Again, point to some “egg on their face” instances that were Democrats fighting for dark money and Republicans trying to ban it, I can point to many times Democrats tried to ban it and Republicans blocked all efforts.

Republicans won’t even limit dark money, and can’t compete on equal funding so refuse to consider getting rid of it.

If you want bribery to be illegal, vote blue.
If you want freedoms beyond just what’s church approved (like in Iran), vote blue.
If you want ethics in government, vote blue.
If you want to fund border control better instead of using its lack of funding as a political ploy knowing your constituents are too dumb to see who caused the surge, vote blue.*
If you want publicly funded campaigns, vote blue.


bobknight33 said:

Why be upset about this? Both sides are corrupt. All know this.
Both sides act self righteous till a vote is placed. This shit happens all to often. The "other side" often puts to vote just to get the hatch video compilation . Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rubs will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.

Carol of the Old Ones

Carol of the Old Ones

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mark McCloskey, remember him? The terrified snowflake that pulled out guns and threatened peaceful marchers in the street walking past his house? Now running for senator, guess which party. Only one party thinks menacing peaceful protesters with death is something to applaud.
Well, he’s in trouble for claiming to be endorsed by Vanilla Ice and Yang Yang Twins (because of course he isn’t).

This you guy? This yor best? Thuggish violent liars prepared to say or do anything for power. It’s all the right has left.

How you liking Cruz showing off how anti military the right is by celebrating withholding earned medical benefits out of pure spite on the senate floor? Their “excuse” is utter nonsense lies, claiming that the bill was once discretionary spending (meaning at the whim of the current president) and has been CHANGED to mandatory spending. It’s a lie, not one word changed since they voted FOR it in June.

How about Trump chumming up to the Saudi Royal family, now saying no one knows if they were involved in 9/11 (he had no doubts in 2016 whatsoever, but now they’ve invested hundreds of millions into Trump companies). He was outraged Obama didn’t release the classified 9/11 report, then when he had the secret report detailing their involvement Trump kept it secret (for favors and investments), Biden released it and Trump now pretends he’s never heard of it, doesn’t know if the Saudis are involved, protects them when they murder Americans, and is more than apply to help them try to destroy an American sports league miles from where the towers once stood. Must make you so proud as a patriot.

Fascism, theocracy, and anti Americanism has actually become the Republican Party platform. Only the TrueType totally insane could possibly see their actions, support them, and still think themselves as American patriots. History will judge you harshly, your families will too. Your legacy is treason.

Just to rub it in how much more competent Biden is, today ended the reign of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties, something Trump promised and completely failed to do…so badly he gave up and agreed to surrender Afghanistan unconditionally.

Just to show how anti American and pro terrorist the right is, your talking heads like Carlson are trying to spin the killing of the mastermind of 9/11 as a bad thing that somehow makes us less safe, and are trying to blame Biden for Russia attacking Crimea and Ukraine.

Trump hosts the sponsors of 9/11 while Biden eliminates the perpetrators. Thanks Biden.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahahaha!! Trump is threatening to sue CNN for saying he’s a big liar spreading his big lie. His claim….it’s his “belief”, so when he says it he’s not lying…not that it’s true, not that he can prove it, just that he believes the lie and that magically makes it not a lie.
He will never sue because 1) he has no case at all 2) he’s terrified of discovery and they would gain access to all the Jan 6 documentation he’s hidden from the committee, and 3) it’s a slapp lawsuit, which he would lose badly and be forced to pay millions in restitution and punitive damages for a frivolous lawsuit designed to silence critics….to anyone he sues.

Derp! What a sad, powerless little bully, enraged that no one takes his threats seriously anymore.

Also, his Saudi Arabia PR golf tournament is losing him so much Republican support. The FBI has said definitively that the Saudi government was directly involved in 9/11…not just the 15/19 terrorists being Saudis, but Saudi intelligence agents supplied them with funding, lodging, and “travel assistance”.
Trump was well aware of this, but chose to keep it secret to protect the crown prince and billions in arms sales. Biden declassified this information and stopped protecting those that attacked America.
Birds of a feather….no wonder Trump likes the terroristic draconian Saudis. I wonder how 9/11 Rudy feels about it.

Side note, the sedition caucus voted against helping victims of human trafficking. Their press conference celebrating protecting perpetrators of human trafficking was disrupted when Gaetz was asked if he’s a pedophile and instead of answering “no” he and the rest literally ran away in fear.

Second side note- Republican senator Mike Braun has said the quiet part out loud and proclaimed the right’s next move is to make interracial marriage a state right, not federally guaranteed, so states whose legislature is controlled by Republicans who are against it can ban it, just like abortion. I’m sure you won’t admit you see that as racist, but everyone else does.
Next comes voting rights for non whites and women, they need to be barefoot in the field, or barefoot, pregnant, and always silent and submissive anyway, right?

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