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CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

alcom says...

That's a good idea! I'm Canadian too. Coming from a federally subsidized station, this video is just embarrassing. *Edit: Complaint to CBC filed!

>> ^PalmliX:

Haha nice one! I will do the same. Let's start the get Kevin O'Leary kicked off CBC news movement! He can stay on Dragons Den.
>> ^notarobot:
I actually wrote into the CBC about his disgraceful treatment of this guest to the CBC and requested that O'Leary offer a public apology and resign from any further on camera roles. I haven't recieved a response yet. >> ^PalmliX:
Couldn't agree more. I've always been proud of Canadian news for not lowering itself to the same type of inflammatory, fact-less rhetoric that American news networks seem to thrive on.
I'm very dissapointed with the CBC for letting this 'pompous overinflated arrogant dick' shoot his mouth off on the air, contributing nothing and lowering the standard (or attempting to in this case) of debate.
Sure, on Dragons Den he's entertaining, on the news, he's quite embarrassing.

>> ^harpom:
O'Leary is a pompous overinflated arrogant dick. As a Canadian I am disappointed with CBC. I thought they had a higher standard then this. Hedges said it himself. referring to Fox News. O'Leary is not worthy of being a Canadian broadcaster.

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

PalmliX says...

Haha nice one! I will do the same. Let's start the get Kevin O'Leary kicked off CBC news movement! He can stay on Dragons Den.
>> ^notarobot:

I actually wrote into the CBC about his disgraceful treatment of this guest to the CBC and requested that O'Leary offer a public apology and resign from any further on camera roles. I haven't recieved a response yet. >> ^PalmliX:
Couldn't agree more. I've always been proud of Canadian news for not lowering itself to the same type of inflammatory, fact-less rhetoric that American news networks seem to thrive on.
I'm very dissapointed with the CBC for letting this 'pompous overinflated arrogant dick' shoot his mouth off on the air, contributing nothing and lowering the standard (or attempting to in this case) of debate.
Sure, on Dragons Den he's entertaining, on the news, he's quite embarrassing.

>> ^harpom:
O'Leary is a pompous overinflated arrogant dick. As a Canadian I am disappointed with CBC. I thought they had a higher standard then this. Hedges said it himself. referring to Fox News. O'Leary is not worthy of being a Canadian broadcaster.

notarobot (Member Profile)

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

notarobot says...

I actually wrote into the CBC about his disgraceful treatment of this guest to the CBC and requested that O'Leary offer a public apology and resign from any further on camera roles. I haven't recieved a response yet. >> ^PalmliX:

Couldn't agree more. I've always been proud of Canadian news for not lowering itself to the same type of inflammatory, fact-less rhetoric that American news networks seem to thrive on.
I'm very dissapointed with the CBC for letting this 'pompous overinflated arrogant dick' shoot his mouth off on the air, contributing nothing and lowering the standard (or attempting to in this case) of debate.
Sure, on Dragons Den he's entertaining, on the news, he's quite embarrassing.

>> ^harpom:
O'Leary is a pompous overinflated arrogant dick. As a Canadian I am disappointed with CBC. I thought they had a higher standard then this. Hedges said it himself. referring to Fox News. O'Leary is not worthy of being a Canadian broadcaster.

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

PalmliX says...

Couldn't agree more. I've always been proud of Canadian news for not lowering itself to the same type of inflammatory, fact-less rhetoric that American news networks seem to thrive on.

I'm very dissapointed with the CBC for letting this 'pompous overinflated arrogant dick' shoot his mouth off on the air, contributing nothing and lowering the standard (or attempting to in this case) of debate.

Sure, on Dragons Den he's entertaining, on the news, he's quite embarrassing.

>> ^harpom:

O'Leary is a pompous overinflated arrogant dick. As a Canadian I am disappointed with CBC. I thought they had a higher standard then this. Hedges said it himself. referring to Fox News. O'Leary is not worthy of being a Canadian broadcaster.

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

harpom says...

O'Leary is a pompous overinflated arrogant dick. As a Canadian I am disappointed with CBC. I thought they had a higher standard then this. Hedges said it himself. referring to Fox News. O'Leary is not worthy of being a Canadian broadcaster.

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

Peroxide says...

My hypothesis on why O'leary is on CBC all the time.

Despite originally the CBC being brought into existence by a conservative government, "in 1932 the government of R.B. Bennett established the CBC’s predecessor, the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC)." -wiki

I think that they've tended to be a generally more social democratic oriented media station, but as of late, Prime Minister Harper, won a majority (because Canada, like the USA, has a shit electoral system, and Canadians can be just as big of greedy shits as American Republicans) and the Conservative Government now has the power to do whatever it wants really (a.k.a. whatever Harper wants), which means the neo-liberal privatization of public goods are on the horizon, like the CBC.

My guess is that the CBC realizes they might be de-funded and so they put the free marketeer "nutbar" O'leary on to win some favor with the neo-conservatives.

CBC's Kevin O'Leary is a Douchebag - OWS

Fusionaut says...

I really wonder why Kevin O'Leary is even on the CBC to begin with. Sure he's the Dragon Den's resident ass hole but that doesn't qualify him for journalism. What's the deal? Is he some sort of Stephen Harper crony?

Proposed Canadian Law Means Huge Fines For Downloaders

Sagemind says...

>> ^Zifnab:

That is 'CBC news' not 'CNBC news', a little different.

CBC = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canada’s national public radio and television broadcaster
CNBC = Consumer News and Business Channel, a satellite and cable television business news channel in the U.S

Proposed Canadian Law Means Huge Fines For Downloaders

therealblankman (Member Profile)

Stan Rogers "Barrett's Privateers"

Indiana State Fair stage collapses during storm, 4 dead.

60 Minutes on the impact of antivaccination lobbying

messenger says...

No matter what you think about vaccinations, this piece was a meaningless attack piece. On the one side, grieving parents who cry and say how sad they are while saying nothing authoritative about vaccines, and on the other side, two wingnuts who are fervent and dogmatic, and not necessarily representative of the anti-vaccine lobby as a whole. I have worked with activist organizations, and they sure can attract weirdos, but it doesn't invalidate the issue itself.

Very disappointing for 60 Minutes. It's the same style as the CBC piece on homeopathy.

To be clear, I'm knocking the style of this piece because it removes credibility from anything presented. An opinionated journalist can make any opinion convincing.

Tennis Player Makes Very Odd Noises

entr0py says...

This study suggest that tennis players are clued into where the ball will go by the sound it makes when it strikes the racket. So, covering up that sound with your own sound effects gives you an advantage. I'm not sure the athletes themselves are often aware of why grunting (or warbling) helps them, they've just noticed that it does.

You could make an argument that it's a form of cheating, if indeed it works by depriving the opponent of one of their senses. In the same way that wearing a blinding reflective amulet would be foul play.

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