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Royal guard punches annoying guy.

ulysses1904 says...

The overactive camera movement, trying to capture the reactions and results, is always a give-away on these, as if everything else in this skit didn't give it away. The only thing missing is the paid extra, screaming directly into the camera, "Blimey, call 999!"

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Satellite Captures 2017 Hurricane season, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Nasa Tracking 2017 Weather by Imaging Aerosols

Nasa Tracking 2017 Weather by Imaging Aerosols

Nasa Tracking 2017 Weather by Imaging Aerosols

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

2017 Hurricanes and Aerosols Simulation

2017 Hurricanes and Aerosols Simulation

2017 Hurricanes and Aerosols Simulation

Soccer Fan Takes Out Drone During Game

newtboy jokingly says...

A crowd of soccer fans wanted to watch the game they paid good money to see. However, another spectator decided to ruin that experience by using his loud, non transparent drone to capture the game in a birds-eye view to relive the experience another time. A fan solves this issue by throwing a roll of toilet paper at the drone causing it to fall down, clearing everyone's view.



newtboy (Member Profile)

Unreal Engine's Human CGI is So Real it's Unreal

Khufu says...

what you saw was a mesh with a skin shader rendering in real-time so that's how fast it renders. didn't look terribly hi-res, the real advancement here is the quality of the skin shader(for realtime) and the fidelity of the facial rig, having proper face target shapes all blending together to get complex movements with skin compression/stretching/wrinkling at this level have historically been out of reach for anything but pre-rendered cgi.

They can probably drop libraries of mocap data on this with face markers that match those manipulation points you see in the video, and animators can use them to animate, or clean up/change the motion capture data.

and the skin textures/pore detail/face model are not a technological achievement as much as the work of a skilled artist, and the deformations are the result of someone who really knows their anatomy.

since there is no animation in this video, no performance, it's hard to judge how realistic it feels. the real trick is always seeing it animated.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, not quite there yet. There is no way anyone would actually look at that and think "oh, it's a video of a human".

The uncanny valley is one of those instances where the closer you get to perfection, the more obvious the flaws are.

But in terms of a video game character, this is very, very good.

I would love to know a few more details about it:
- how expensive is the rendering? We're just seeing a face on its own. If we drop it into an actual scene, will it still run?

- how well does it animate/lip sync?

Simple Rick's - New Freedom Wafer Select

newtboy says...

Once, there was a Rick who was more Rick than any other. He brought down an entire galactic federation with a single keystroke.
We captured that feeling of ultimate accomplishment and fed it back to him on a loop, so we can feed it to you in every bite of new Simple Rick's Ultimate Reserve.
Come home to the feeling of galactic domination.....come home to Simple Rick's.

Why Magneto Can Never Be In the MCU

Mordhaus says...

Ahem, Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch. Just as an example, although not seen (yet) in the MCU, both Dr. Strange and Charles Xavier together could not totally defeat her.

Quicksilver could probably take him down as well, but he is no longer available in the Avengers movie canon.

While not shown in the MCU, and therefore up to speculation, Thor's hammer can actually absorb Magneto's magnetic manipulation and cannot be controlled by Magneto. There is an alternate universe comic that shows Thor with multiple versions of the hammer, but only one is the actual Mjolnir. At one point, Magneto captures one of the non-Mjolnir hammers because it has a base of Iron instead of Uru (the metal used to forge Mjolnir).

So, pretty funny, but far from accurate. Obviously, Hulk doesn't seem to care who he smashes (if they are heroes or villains), so I don't think he would back down either.

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