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Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Day 4 of incursions going deeper and deeper into Russia proper, destroying ammo depots, airports, refineries, and other military targets, capturing hundreds of Russian soldiers, killing thousands, and taking control over 100 sq miles of Russian territory.
Vlad is losing, and will lose. He destroyed his own country in his effort to destroy his neighbor, and the world is coming to rebuild his neighbor, but not Russia.

bobknight33 said:

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Ukrainian troops today successfully attacked deep inside Russia…troops and tanks, not drones
What were you saying again about maps?

Ohhhh- worse than first thought. Russian fighter jets and airports destroyed and hundreds of Russia soldiers captured DEEP INSIDE RUSSIA! Russia has no troops left in country to stop them, Ukraine just got a shipment of next gen weapons.

If Russia is winning as you say, why has Ukraine pushed back the Russians? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

How do you film the Speed of Light?

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bobknight33 says...

Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a brief civil war back in 2006 / 2007 . Before that Fatah was a major Palestinian political party that began in 1965 as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. Fatah wanted to negotiate back to the 67 boundaries.

Hamas – Does not recognize Israel, but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders
Fatah – Recognizes Israel, wants to build a state on 1967 borders

Israel should stop advancing and leave it to the Palestine to find and and capture Hamas.
To pressure this no aid to Palestine. Their desperation will weed out Hamas.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


“Your”. “Says”

You know it’s true since Chris Licht took over, which was exactly when you started posting CNN videos with the caption “even CNN something something” as if it wasn’t common knowledge they tried to become a right wing outlet to capture Fox viewers, destroying any credibility they once had and tanking their ratings which you celebrated.

But of course you’ll pretend you don’t know that, just like you don’t know about the “southern strategy”. Just like you pretend you don’t know Ashley Babbitt is a catch 22 for you that completely destroys one or more narratives you hold sacred, which explains your absolute refusal to ever even acknowledge her existence anymore.

Only far right anti Biden outlets would host hour long free campaign commercial Trump softball “interview” events packed with only supporters and infomercial level questioning, and Trump only goes on far right outlets. Proof enough for those not blind that they’ve sold their soul.

If anyone cared to look, they pre-labeled upcoming hearings as “democrats attack whistleblowers” before the hearings even started….”whistleblowers” when talking about the disgraced paid activist actors/ex FBI agents that are 100% not whistleblowers by any definition of the term, which was clearly determined by the courts when they applied for whistleblower protection from being fired for insane violations of duty, clearances, and the law including stealing secret FBI data, refusing to serve warrants, lying to protect Jan 6 defendants, threatening other agents, refusing direct orders from superiors, etc. and who the courts clearly determined aren’t whistleblowers, but now far right CNN calls them “whistleblowers” anyway, bowing to the MAGA crowd’s factually incorrect nonsense once again. Sure sounds pretty far right to me….excuse me if I trust my proven ability to determine facts over your proven inability.

This proves once again that you are incapable of comprehending anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.
To be clear, you are only worth listening to because you expose the complete insanity MAGgots are telling each other annd which propaganda outlets they come from, offering an opportunity to investigate myself and learn facts to contradict their baseless claims and projection with. You are an unwitting tool for me. Without you I would be ignorant of so many MAGA crimes, lies, and schemes. Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

You text from below say it all.

CNN = Far Right Anti Biden

That is how fucking stupid you are.
That finally proves that you are not worth listening too.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid man that roots for Russia and against democracy consistently. You think you can just repeat Russian propaganda, flatly deny reporting from any non Russian sources, and still convince someone you haven’t clearly taken sides, choosing Russia over democracy?

“Proven wrong”?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!! Please, if you think you can, explain exactly what I’ve said that’s been “proven wrong”. (Hint- Saying “Russia said so” actually proves me right). Be precise, not just generalizations…make sure you quote me, don’t intentionally incorrectly paraphrase what I said. I KNOW YOU WON’T EVEN TRY, you are just a dishonest coward whining.

Every legitimate source is reporting major advancements by Ukraine, retaking much of Bakhmut and the surrounding areas and establishing supply lines, Russian lines are falling, supply lines failing, and Russia is in a major retreat.
The only places you hear any hint Russia isn’t on the ropes is directly from Russia, no where else.
You get your pure Russian internet propaganda “news” from sources like “weeb nation” and other incels in mom’s basement and think it’s real?!? 😂 I guess you’ve forgotten how many times you repeated the Russian claims and claimed they had already taken Bakhmut, only to be proven wrong every time. You simply are incapable of learning, which must be why your English skills don’t exceed a poor 3rd grade student’s.

Even far right anti Biden CNN says this is only unverified Russian propaganda directly from repeated liar Prigozhin that has claimed to have taken Bakhmut more than a few times now (every time you buy it) and Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Ukrainian troops were still “holding the defense” in a district on Bakhmut’s western-most edge.
“As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector,” she said.
I guess Prigozhin was lying about having taken the city, then about having no ammunition, about Wagner fleeing Bakhmut (on film), and about Russian regulars dropping their guns and fleeing the front lines just last week? But now he’s telling the truth….I see.

Admittedly not the city captured then 🤦‍♂️, Likely not any actual Russian advancements, only a change by saying the Ukrainian held parts are “unimportant”…and it’s certainly not an unimportant piece of the city as Russia is suddenly changing their narrative to indicate, the opposing army having a well defended stronghold in “your” city is hardly unimportant. Ukrainian territory is not shrinking but expanding and displacing Russians.
Ukrainian capabilities have increased by multiple generations of weaponry in the last few months, now capable of shooting down even hypersonic missiles, aircraft deep in Russia, even of getting Russia to shoot its own aircraft and soldiers. Russian capabilities are near nil, no new weaponry to bring to the front, only 50+ year old mothballed WW2 equipment no one has training with.

Russians are fleeing Crimea because it’s so clear it’s likely to be retaken soon.

COVID’s not real, the economy won’t suffer, Trump won the election, Jan 6 was a coup by BLM, Russia is winning in Ukraine. Your list of insanity grows daily, fool. Keep spreading Russian propaganda, it helps us identify it.

I’m actually glad you say this, because your reporting of facts and prognostication are so diametrically opposed to reality that your assertion that Russia is winning is real evidence they are losing.

“Side bitch”? Lol. Because we agree on some things?!? Um…..ok. I think he’s going to take issue with being declared my “side bitch”, right @surfingyt? I definitely don’t think of him (I assume) as some subordinate…just a fellow sifter with a brain.
At least I don’t have to create sock puppet accounts to have someone agree with me like you. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

bobknight33 says...

Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.

newtboy said:

So sorry, I must have misunderstood you when you verbatim repeated Russian propaganda one week ago saying “ Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop” because I thought you were saying Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop, not “Russia says Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia but in reality it’s closer to 50% and they’re about to retreat”.
What you said one week ago was not true one week ago, or ever. It was Russian propaganda.
I hope you understand my confusion.
🤦‍♂️ 😂

(Such a silly liar. Why are you embarrassed to admit you are rooting for Russia? It’s blatantly obvious.)

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

So sorry, I must have misunderstood you when you verbatim repeated Russian propaganda one week ago saying “ Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop” because I thought you were saying Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop, not “Russia says Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia but in reality it’s closer to 50% and they’re about to retreat”.
What you said one week ago was not true one week ago, or ever. It was Russian propaganda.
I hope you understand my confusion.
🤦‍♂️ 😂

(Such a silly liar. Why are you embarrassed to admit you are rooting for Russia? It’s blatantly obvious.)

bobknight33 said:

You are constantly a fool.

I'm not taking sides. Just reporting what was going on then.

The fact that Russia is being pushed back is just that, another part of the war.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

Oh snap!!
Tesla employees are claiming that, at least from 2019-2022 they and others routinely accessed and shared private videos from customer car cameras including captured nudes and sex, road rage incidents, speeding through neighborhoods, and footage inside homes and garages including inside Elon Musk’s garage…shared widely between employees for fun.
Of course, Elon/Tesla for years had insisted this COULD never happen and WOULD never happen. Another broken promise from Elon. This one a MASSIVE problem, requiring you to cover your car in a sound proof garage for any privacy.
This sounds like a major privacy issue for Tesla in America especially since the cameras record audio on private property which is usually a crime, and I can’t imagine what China is going to do. They might recall every Tesla in China as a national security risk.

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 207 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

Ocean Acidification - Another Pitfall Of Climate Change

newtboy says...

Note- it takes approximately 100 gallons of gasoline to create 1 ton of CO2, so at $475 per ton you double the cost of gas to capture it all in a best case scenario with the cheapest carbon capture systems if you could build millions of them for free. Mechanical carbon capture is not a solution.

Not mentioned here is the fact that if acidification destroys the base of the ocean food web, the resulting masses of rotting dead sea life is expected to creat massive clouds of hydrogen sulfide that will poison oceans further and spread over most land masses again.

How A Brick & Rock Battery Is Changing Energy Storage

newtboy says...

Ok. I like the concept….thermal mass as short term heat storage/release is a well established science.

Sadly calling bullshit when they claim converting electricity to heat is 100% efficient. Nothing is 100% efficient.
They also claim 98% efficiency “pulling the heat back out”…unbelievably high.
Noticeably missing were heat loss rates, both for capture and storage over time…both expected to be extremely high at temperatures of 1500C.

The second system boasting 80% efficiency (but why burning wood?) is more realistic, but the only 3% heat loss per day at 500C temperatures claim is not. No insulation I’ve ever heard of is that efficient.

Recycling industrial manufacturing heat seems smart, but I think they need to be honest up front about the real world expectations and uses. If it could cut the energy needed to bake limestone or melt steel in half, that’s great…please don’t imply it could cut it by anything approaching 97%. That makes me not trust it at all.

Rescuing Bees from the Bottom of a Trash Bin

cloudballoon says...

The video's giving me all the heebees -jeebees. And wow, capturing their Queen, flinging the bees into the new enclosure... those are ballsy moves. How can those not inviting a thousand stings!?

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