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Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

Yogi says...

If not for your response I would've thought you had me on ignore. You still sort of do in a way, you didn't address anything I've said in any of my posts.

I would call you a 'fuckface' if it made absolutely any difference, but then you'd just not read anything else I wrote.

Please respond to any of my numerous posts or this isn't a conversation, it's a monologue you're having in your own head.

lantern53 said:

I got to give you credit for not calling me a 'fuckface'.

but you know what they say...when you 'assume' you make an ass out of u and me.

My brother is quite well read, everything from medieval war tactics to the rules of cricket.

He used to live in a predominately black area of town. When they parked their cars below his window with music thumping to rattle the spleen, he would scream at them to knock it off...they responded to that! You have to talk to people in a way they can understand.

Like the lady at Fox said...a terrorist doesn't understand anything but a bullet to the head.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...


two dimensional thinking at its finest.

just because i point out that your commentary is tantamount to harassment does not automatically equal my condoning lantern or bobs oftentimes ridiculous commentary.

just because i am pointing out your hypocrisy does not mean i disagree with your actual comments.

if my fly was open or i had a huge booger hanging from my nose i hope you would pull me aside and point that out to me not stand from the bleachers,point and laugh.

your obsession with always being right has clouded your judgement in regards to what i am trying to point out to you.

is your ego so massive that the words of another should be so easily dismissed?each consecutive comment towards me is becoming more and more irrational and paranoid.

you mentioned calling me out on another thread.
yes you did.
which was a response to ME calling YOU out first.
and i smacked you down pretty handily.mainly due to the fact that you base your commentary towards me rife with presumption and conjecture.

which is exactly what you are doing here...again.

instead of hearing my words,you marginalize me in order to dismiss and ignore them.which is what all weak-minded people do in order to hold onto their own misconceptions.

bob does it.
lantern does it.
and so do you.

but never for a second deceive yourself into thinking i do not have the stones to say what needs to be said.your commentary reveals such an ignorance about who i am that i am literally laughing while i type this to you.

stop projecting voodoo.this persona you write about is not i,but rather you.

one last thing for your consideration (since we have totally hi-jacked this thread.sorry OP,please forgive).one of the main reasons i called you out was due to multiple private emails i received in regards to your current..and i quote one.."douchey attitude".

so the silence you hear is NOT due to agreement or consensus but rather many sifters fear confrontation.

i hold no such fear.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Sorry Enoch, but I don't consider your bodily functions to be reliable evidence of hypocrisy. Perhaps you should consult a doctor about your particular issues.

I'll make sure I consult you in the future about which sifts and when it is appropriate to confront Lantern and Bob. I wasn't aware that it was in the TOS of Videosift that I need your permission.

How exactly do you objectively measure humanity, or lack thereof? Maybe if your emotion filled rant had any actual meat as you say I might be better able to comply.

What's the matter? Choggie got himself banned, so you're picking Lantern and Bob as your new hard luck case in need of your personal "defense" even though you claim to not condone their posts too. If I remember right I called you out as a hypocrite when you did that with Choggie. Are you finally revenge posting? What took you so long to have the stones to say something?

enoch said:


your comment is the definition of circular logic.
ignoring the meat of my commentary to actually repeat what i said,and for what?

i was pointing out your lack of humanity.
i was pointing out that you use the very same tactics of former sifters that got banned because of their:harrassing,belittling and personally derogatory commentary directed at other sifters.

i watched you cry like a little girl and call dag out on multiple occasions when it was done to you.yet you feel it totally acceptable to do it to others you disagree with.

hypocrisy in action and you are totally oblivious to that fact.

other sifters criticize bob and lantern,myself included,for the exact same reasons i posted in my commentary (which you just regurgitated) but i dont see them following them from thread to thread to ridicule,belittle and berate, but YOU do.

i was not defending lantern.i was pointing to your hypocrisy and lack of humanity.
i was pointing to the fact that when YOU were the object of ridicule and harassment,you cried for bannation.

so how come when YOU harass it is somehow some social justice issue?
that your golden-honeyed words are really for the betterment of mankind but when its done to you..well..they are just being big meanies to you.

irony seems to be lost on you.

since your commentary reveals 2 dimensional thinking i can only assume you will take my commentary as somehow being a hateful attack against you.i assure,this is not my intent,nor does my commentary indicate an abstract support of lantern.quite the opposite.lanterns commentary was never my point to begin with friend.

i have offered multiple times for you and i to clear any grudges or disagreements in private.which were always ignored.

so i have said it before,and i will say it again:love your commentary.hate your high horse.

hypocrisy makes my eyeballs itch.
and you ARE a hypocrite voodoo.

Weird Al's Ice Bucket Challenge

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Native Advertising

ChaosEngine says...

Excellent bit, and as always, he's got to the heart of the problem at the end.

No-one wants to pay for anything. If you tell people that you actually pay for tv shows like Game of Thrones, 50% will call you an idiot and the other 50% will actually express some kind of moral outrage (how dare you give that corporation money!)

The internet has essentially taught everyone that all digital content (movies, music, games, software, etc) should be free.

And a large part of the problem is that most content providers have failed to adapt to this. Instead of experimenting and looking for new ways to monetise their content, they have added increasingly archaic looking artificial barriers in a vain attempt to maintain their old business model. There are a few companies getting things partially right (Valve are mostly there, but could still use some work, and Apples consumers seem to consistently spend money in their app store), but most are failing miserably (especially movies and TV).

Tim Harford: What Prison Camps Can Teach You About Economy

enoch says...

sorry mate but you have entirely missed the point.

which i will take responsibility for,in my usual verbose fashion i sometimes lose the plot.

so let me try again:

you speak in the language and certitude of someone who has found jesus.
i didnt ignore your argument points because i was NOT ADDRESSING them.
i was,however,addressing your:condescension.arrogance and constant passive/aggressiveness.

you quoted MY comment,so i responded.dont puss out on me now that i called you out on it big guy.

god you are one big ball of passive aggressive.
oblivious to your own proclivities.
and THAT my friend is what saddens me the most.

but feel free to preach to the masses and chastise them when they disagree with your conclusions,sneering down at them from your fortress of arrogance.

yeah..thats the tactic to get them to listen to your words.

good plan.

let me know how that works out for ya.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

OR chiccorea, SHALL WE DRAG, the entire sift community into your fucking therapy sesson, and make a deal of it, which I am VERY want to do. You have shown your ass here with regard to myself, are shitting once-again, on one of my posts, my comments, and you have a fucking problem that may very well cause my account to be unilaterally by admins stripped from me, and I consider ALL of my actions art in my life, INCLUDING my participation on this website.

You are forcing me to be this dick sir, and you have some real problems which are detrimental to this forum. Calling you out once again you pathetic asshole, what's it gonna be??

I'd be more than unhappy to have my account stripped from me by someone who obviously needs some hard-core therapy. You're socially inept and incite these incursions unilaterally with a view to my demise and I take issue with it. Does this make me your whipping-bitch?? Fuck that and no sir, it does not.

All you do here is hunt new submissions to see if you can ban someone for violations of rules, hassle me, and otherwise make benign, one-line comments with a brown-nose-finish as a thematic device.

*edit: I'll let this thread lay fallow or not and then take chichorreas's bullshit to the sift talk forum, I'm tired of one user's mental illness fucking with my place here....

Rick Rubin: Punk Rock, Hip-Hop, Advantage of Big Companies

Trancecoach says...

You seem to equate "envy-fiends" with "liberals" here. I suppose that it's an understandable conflation tho, seeing as how you seem to consider yourself to be a "liberal" and thus (possibly) know yourself an envy-fiend, and can therefore link the two as being evidently interchangeable.

Perhaps, as a "spokesperson" for "liberals," then, you'd like to clarify for me what it is that the envy-fiends "really" say?

And I'm curious, too, as to whether anyone (other than me) actually care what you (as a "liberal" spokesperson) think (aside from those who have their fun at your expense).

Just like Mr. Rubin would likely remain in the 1% in any system, whether the state is run by "liberals" or by "conservatives," so would the envy-fiends remain so, either way. (BTW, I'm not calling you an envy-fiend, but you made the link for whatever -- Freudian-or-other -- reasons that seem to be quite personal to you.)

9547bis said:

Of course, you can name a record producer who said such thing.

Do you never get tired of using the Straw Man fallacy? Or maybe you don't know what it is and can't tell the difference between what liberals actually say and what you fantasize they would say?

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

SquidCap says...

Like someone said above, it's an app to make calls. You can't make calls without a microphone.

On another note, i've had good facebooking by not using ANY apps on it. None. My privacy rating is the best you can have.. It's Facebook, not gaming platform. Just deny every app your friends send, never ever use "share on facebook", deny all FB connect requests.

Install Ghostery, it'll keep your FB separate from other sites you visit. Same goes for twitter, google+ etc. Share via the old fashion way: copy & paste urls.

A transgender child and a family's unconditional love

shatterdrose says...

Dysphoria goes way beyond that. I still enjoy boy things. If you want to call them boy things. That's one issue there: we gender activities and clothing needlessly.

Instead, it's a matter of your body being completely and utterly wrong. To the point where looking in the mirror is a nightmare to be avoided. Absolutely no pictures. For the longest time I couldn't even recognize myself in a photo without trying. It didn't come naturally for me like it did with other people. That picture just *wasn't* me. It was *wrong*.

So yeah, in his case, being a tomboy and being transgender are completely different places on the spectrum. A tomboy doesn't feel pain over their appearance the way a transgender would. I remember first finding out that boys and girls actually had different parts. I wished every night that it would fix itself, until finally, at age 11, I resolved to remove it myself. I didn't succeed, but the scars still exist.

Additionally, the "he" and "she" parts are painful. It's the same as if someone picked a mean nickname for you and refused to ever acknowledge your real name, but insisted on calling you by the offending one instead. It's our identity. It's part of the core of who we are, and by ignoring that, you ignore us. You ignore one of the most fundamental things that makes us who we are.

You'd be surprised just how much kids ages 3-4 understand gender identity and roles. I mean, most of our childhood is learning societal roles we play, and kids really pick up on that. So when a transgender kid sees other girls being treated one way, and they're being treated like the boys, or vice versa in this boys case, it's demoralizing beyond understanding as a 4 year old.

I don't mean to rant at you, but I hope that helps you understand why it's different for us. Oh, and I also didn't go into the science of it. But strictly speaking, our brains are different. Chemically, and even physically, we exhibit the sex characteristics of the gender we identify with. Even the hormones our body produces naturally due to our natal sex causes great discomfort and pain until they are eliminated. Even minor doses can go a long way to eliminating the physical pain we feel.

Shepppard said:

This is a great story of parental acceptance, I guess I just don't understand what's wrong with staying a girl but identifying yourself as a girl who likes boy things.

Granted, that may be harder to accept, but shouldn't that truly be the overall message of acceptance? Accept who you are, love yourself, and if society doesn't like it, fuck society?

I guess explaining that to a 5 year old would be tricky, though.

Should Powers Be Stripped Unilaterally By Admins Without Balls? (User Poll by chingalera)

newtboy says... admit to intentionally and improperly changing the embed codes "artistically", but can't fathom why you were stripped of that power? Think about that.
The admins 'hobbled the problem person here', yet they have no balls? What does that make the 'problem person' then, if they are so powerless against the ball-less?
I'm sure you'll blame this hobbling on me...even though I had nothing to do with it whatsoever. I only call you out on your constant vulgarity and attack posts, and otherwise do my best to ignore you.
Can you guess my vote? I bet not.
As an aside to all those that voted for "Reinstate powers after a period of time-out", how would you vote if the user in question has been banned, hobbled, and put on 'double secret probation' repeatedly for inappropriate behavior on the site? Would it change your vote, knowing that temporary 'time out's' had been tried repeatedly with little or no effect? How many 'time out's', bans, and hobbles should a single user get before a permanent I.P. hammer ban is reasonable? 3 strikes and you're out?

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

chingalera says...

Yeah, yeah, and I joke around with yogi as well. My jab at your manner is lost to you. On the contrary, don't need a clue, as your modus operendi is apparent from your response to an observation, vis-a-vis my calling you out here.

You accuse people of being confrontational? Check that mirror again, perhaps.
You're welcome to maintain and foster any opinion you wish.

Nothing here? Obviously am or your blood-pressure wouldn't have spiked like it did during what appears to be a rather sophomoric and infantile reply.

Admittedly, I am guilty of the same when cornered by haters....working on that.

Whether the comment in question was or wasn't directed at me is mute point. The fact that you've been directing foul energy in my direction on this site lately with a view to destroying my character and integrity is evident to all.

Not nit-picking sir, s..t-kicking....and trying to get it out of my way in order to walk unhindered by kak on my boots.

I'd be more than happy to talk to you in private or in real-time with a view to a mutual understanding because I'd rather not play this back-and fourth. Please...Name the venue of your choosing for a discussion.

BoneRemake said:

Grasping at air.

You comment about shit you have no clue or dealing with.

Yogi and I fuck around like that.... YA TWAT. Not like you are rightfully privledged for the friedly twat.. in this instance you are, like I said grasping at nothing saying nothing, meaning nothing and being nothing (here) .

Your little fart in the wind made me laugh up until the first ..say six/seven lines , depending on how your screen is formatted. You are nit picking at the first thing you see, you see but do not actually fully understand, you are lame. I mean , really just Lame.

picking for shit out of a friendly ribbing from a comment that was not even in any way directed at you.


nenner neener neener, this guy is a jack ass.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

VoodooV says...

wow...did you have a stroke or something bob? Nice attempt at another dodge. We're talking about YOUR claims of the superiority of biblical morality, not evolution. nice copy and paste from a right wing blog btw

no pissing matches, just changing the subject. gotcha. I can change the subject too. Hey look at the pretty flower!!

prove it or gtfo. I knew you'd fail like you always do, The best minds in the world can't prove your claims, so it's a given that a guy who has problems with constructing basic sentences sure as hell isn't going to be able to prove anything.

It's my fault though, I actually did give you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't be a coward and change the subject.

It's time for you to go back yelling at kids to get off your lawn. You can't handle the internet, too many people willing to call you out on your cowardice, bullshit, and bad ideas. Off to the nursing home with you. grandpa.

bobknight33 said:

I don't care to get into a pissing contest with you but there are things that just don't fit the evolutionary thought.

If evolution is the order of the day why would we need to have multiple dimensions. Physicists theorize that there are about 10 or 12.

Where does Quantum physic fit into evolution?

We all believe in the big bang theory but where did all the matter come from? What evolutionary reasoning explains this?

There are stuff out there that just make you stop and think otherwise.

RedSky (Member Profile)

enoch says...

thank you for your most awesome reply.always a pleasure discussing topics with you.
i always give an ear to your input,especially in regards to business and i am not surprised you studied in that field.

but now i feel i called you a charlatan...derp derpa bad.

there is something that always confounded me in regards to higher education.
why is it there appears to be a triad:business,economics and finance.

shouldn't these be integrated? why are they separate?

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