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Let's talk about Chicago and strobes....

bobknight33 says...

The strobe didn't get the kid shot.
The kid got shot because he had a gun, shooting ( him and his thug buddy) in the middle of the night .
He should not have run.
Chased by cops with gun in hand and ditching it and turning around at last moment got him shot. The kid is 90% responsible for his death.

Strobe, cop and all other factors 10%.

This is a non story except by fake media to divide Americans.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I look forward to you changing your picture like I looked forward to (and then got to see) my dumb-ass neighbor taking down his Q/Trump flag. Don't worry buddy, I'm sure he'll be back... any month now.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Says the person who still believes the big lie, the election fraud fraud, even though it's creators admit it's a lie only morons could believe.
The same person who still tries to claim Antifa attacked the capitol dressed as ten thousand Trumptards at the direction of McConnell who directed the terrorist attack to help Pelosi.

Talk about a useful idiotic tool, you win the prize, buddy.

....aaaaaaaahahahahaha! ....aaaaaa.....aaaaaa...I......can't......breath......aaaaaaahahahaha!

bobknight33 said:

You cant handle the truth. A true usefull idiot you are. Perfect candidate for the democrat party.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

Wait....I drink a line by the gallon? Probably better if you don't try to use metaphors, buddy. You don't know how.

Trump's plan? Working? Which one?
His plan to start a depression and epidemic concurrently, making America less appealing?
Or his plan to deny entry to even unaccompanied minors, leaving them alone in Mexico, ripe for abuse with no protections?

You know Biden is continuing the rest of the Trump plan so far, only letting unaccompanied minors across into refugee Trump did until he caught flack for caging them and denying it....don't you? Probably not. OANN isn't telling you that, and you abdicated your ability to think for yourself long ago.
No one opened the border. You're being lied to again by the same asshats that convinced you of the election fraud fraud. Why do you keep begging them to mislead you? Why do you so enjoy being a misinformed idiot, Bob?

It's odd you aren't complaining about caging them in over crowded camps (which I see as an abject failure by Biden's administration)...perhaps you can foresee the ridicule you might get for complaining about the same thing you defended Trump over?

If Trump's failed fence worked at all, there wouldn't be any making it....but it doesn't work at's usually less secure than what it replaced. It can be cut through in minutes with battery operated grinders and takes days to repair. Some fell down from wind. Almost any section can be pulled down with a car and a chain in seconds. He removed imperfect barriers in favor of useless fencing, making it easy to drive truckloads of anything across the border at will. Thanks Trump....great plan.

I would admit, Biden isn't doing better at preparing for the numbers of refugee children, and he hasn't changed policy much beyond not abandoning children to the cartel sex trade, but treating refugee children like refugee children and not like criminal lowlifes is a step in the right direction. Now we need the infrastructure to handle them. For the money wasted on Trump's legacy fence we could have built it already and could have a functioning immigration system, but Trump had to have that fence....that Mexico didn't pay for.

Note, the main reason people are coming is narco terrorism, created by the war on drugs and made exponentially worse when Trump cut international funding to fight it when his ass wasn't properly kissed by other country's leaders. End the failed war on drugs and use that money to fight organised crime in central America and the flood will be a trickle overnight. Of course, the right has no interest in that, and ignore the evidence of how well decriminalization works.


bobknight33 said:

You really drink the leftest line by the gallon.

Trumps plan was working.
Biden plan was come on in and open the flood gates. No planning on trying to figure out how many people are out there ready to storm the gates..... He just open the doors and got a stampede.

kinda like Thanksgiving
Black Friday Stampede and Fight at Wal Mart -

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So now it’s one hour. Consistency, bob. You lack it.

Yes...but 5 second clips out of context are all you’ve been fed for the last 5 years....just as your statement about Biden tripping suggests, because it is a non story on real news, mentioned but not dissected to imply he’s on deaths door. Trump made his ramp crawl a story by denying it and claiming he ran down the ramp unassisted, without the denial it would have been a nothing burger....Thanks to Trump's dumb denial it became a story about his health AND his lack of honesty.

Don’t make up lies, Bob. I’ve never “secretly agreed” Biden isn’t presidential, I’ve said he’s not the best Democrats had to offer. You are the one who is consistently inconsistent between your private conversations and public ones, that’s why I won’t talk to you in private anymore. In private, you can occasionally be rational and honest, but then publicly you are bat shit crazy and contradict your private positions. That’s not me, it’s you, buddy.

No sir, Trump and right wing media are far more likely to be outright lying to you than telling the truth, something like 90% lies 5% misdirection and 5% truth...main stream media is closer to 90% truth, 5% misdirection and 5% lies or mistakes they retract when caught. It’s nothing similar. Right wing media excuses this by saying they are 90% opinion and only 5-10% news, and they have no obligation to tell the truth on their opinion programs. Indeed, they've successfully argued in court that no reasonable person could possibly think they were ever telling the truth so they aren't responsible for their lies. Main stream media doesn’t do that, they are maybe 20% opinion shows that actually do care if they’re correct and voluntarily correct themselves often and 80% actual news that follow ethical guidelines absolutely missing on right wing media.

For instance, you don’t see footage from clan rallies presented as Trump rallies on CNN, but Fox OANN and Newsmax all replayed year old riots in the Midwest labeled as Portland burning all summer, photoshopping armed ANTIFA into the fake pictures to scare you into voting out of fear of the terrifying black man, and lied to you claiming ANTIFA, the anarchist movement, is somehow part of the Democratic Party of big government and also in cahoots with BLM so much your ilk use ANTIFA and BLM as interchangeable terms....and you believe every word without question.
You don't see main stream media pretending there was massive election fraud based on nothing but the word of consummate liars, actually accusing American companies of being foreign entities run by America's long dead enemies in efforts to invalidate an election. You don't see them pretending a DOJ rule that denies a prosecutor the ability to press charges against the president explained as proof and official verification of his innocence on main stream media.
The right spread the absolute lies about vote fraud for so long they are being sued for billions and have convinced their viewers a dictator dead for a decade personally stole the election from their guy (who received 8 million fewer votes, and who’s never won an election by getting more votes).
If right wing media were held to the same standards as real news media not one right wing outlet would still exist.

bobknight33 said:

Limit of all news media to 1 hr / day and ban it from social media.

5 second clip out of context pushed with a slanted bent does nothing but divide people.

Biden tripping on AF1 Stairs, should be a non story Same with Trumps Walking slowly down a ramp should also be a non story. Both sides push the 5 second clip bent on hell to ding / impune the POTUS.

Media is the problem of the day. If reported news fairly then America becomes stronger and united.

Biden as you secretly agree is not presidential. Joe just is not up to the task. This is sad. Sad for Americans. It makes America weaker on the global stage. People surrounding him pushing "this is what is needed" and going with it.

All that yo say below about trump and his media is the same for Biden and his media lapdogs, and that IS the problem.

Have a great day,

Getting the most out of factory downtime

SFOGuy says...

Had buddy who was a chemical engineer with a petroleum background---After the British Petroleum blow out in the Gulf, he told me that he knew it was going to happen; that it was always going to happen--because BP had always underspent on maintenance. He explained it like owning a boat. If you aren't spending 10% of the cost of the boat on maintaining it every year, you're doing it wrong. That includes maintenance, downtime, and prevention/OSHA/Worker safety.

deathcow said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sorry, I forgot anyone not a Trumptard ready to follow Trump and abandon the republican party at the drop of a hat is a RINO. You have lost your mind, buddy. Trumpsters are RINOs, lifelong conservatives, Republican back when Trump was partying with Clinton, decades before he switched parties to become a republican out of convenience, they are not the RINO, friendo.

Also, if you really could read, and really had read it, you would have read about the bipartisan commission intentionally including Trumpsters who had to be reminded that if Trump won they would have to convince many that he hadn't cheated, so needed to participate in the anti election fraud committee even though they didn't actually want it to exist.

What is that supposed to mean? Free and fair elections by any legal means is the American way, and the right thing. They are the foundation of any democracy. My forefathers died to secure the right to free and fair elections here. You're saying free and fair elections aren't worth the efforts it takes to maintain their freedom and fairness?
Free and fair by funding underfunded election offices, providing missing ppe, helping states send out applications for mail in ballots the Fed won't know, the kind of stuff Americans as a whole took for granted before Trump.
Trump and his cohorts went above and beyond trying everything imaginable to make the election as unfree and unfair as possible, the first president ever to work against free and fair elections in our country, I know it's normal in yours, Putin doesn't want elections at all.

It's like 10 poker players at the table and 2 collude to get new unmarked decks so no one can cheat...player 3-9 having no issue, and player 10 throwing a fit and claiming they're all cheating him, he really won all those hands he just lost, it's a fraud, he won't pay, and calling his crackhead buddies over to try to rob and kill the other 9.

bobknight33 said:

Not bipartisan ,, RINOs, Never Trumpers and leftest.

Free and fair election. NOT Free and not fair by any means.

It is like 9 guys sitting at at poker game all in cahoots to cheat player # 10 and player # 10 thinks all are in the game for themself.

Terrifying Moment Skier Falls Into A Crevas

SFOGuy says...

"My friend came just above me with too much speed, the snow took me and caused the fall. "

His buddy's skiing pushed him into the crevasse. Damn.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhhhahahaha. YOU are saying I can't think....and you're repeating Donny's lie that poor little Donny was cheated!? Aaahhhhhahahaha. Sometimes you really make me smile, buddy.

bobknight33 said:

Biden not a leader and all know it. The party had to cheat to get him in.

Keep you head up CNN back side and stay in the dark. Democrats like that, people who can't think.

Lawyer trying to defend man who took Speaker's lectern

newtboy says...

You sir, are a moron and traitor to the US.

Patriots don’t violently attack their own government and representatives because they lost an election. That is the opposite of patriotism. It’s called insurgence.

Democratic tyranny? Is that what you ass hats are calling elections now? Only when you lose them. Interesting you had no problem when the minority, the party that received fewer votes and was representing far less than 1/2 the population was tyrannical. Clearly you support being treasonous, anti constitutional and despotic if it’s your guy.

Redcoats? So real American patriots, you know, the kind that stands WITH the US and election results even when they lose, not against it, are now considered invading British monarchists and those that wish to dispose of elections to install an unelected monarch for life by force are the defenders of democracy? You need a history lesson, buddy. You would fail a 6th grade civics quiz. You’re arguing at or below Bob level.

Edit : Perhaps I misunderstand patriots do you mean those who stood against the Trump insurrection, and by democratic tyranny are you referencing the treasonous Trumpsters and the Republicans who legislated as if on a vendetta against over 1/2 the country? In that case you’re right....and many were wearing their red MAGA coats and hats to prove the point.

TangledThorns said:

People who hate the patriots for taking a stand against Democrat tyranny on Jan 6th are modern day redcoats.

Best Gift Ever (Priceless Reaction)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

"Unobserved, unsupervised, and not in public view"

Yeah, except for the multiple cameras pointed at them from various HD cameras that are live-streaming and recording everything in the room. As in... the place where they got the footage?

Ahh i must be mixed up, you and he clearly know better than I do, but I think Biden still has a chance. You're a crook, I tell you, but I'll bet on it.

Drop me a PM and we can make the arrangements $1,000 a piece - a gentlemen's bet, no? Apparently, The escrow fee is 1% so for the 2 of us it'd be $20 total. Hey, I got you buddy. I'll pay your fee if that's what's holding you back.

The bet terms roughly are as follows


Remember to use your legal name on any of the forms, do you have a (digital) fax machine? I use MetroFax for contracts and hospital documents.Pretty cheap, saves me enough headaches throughout the year but it's worth it. Oh listen to me blabbering on. LETS WIN yOU that MONEYYYYYYYY!

I will bet in the affirmative!



YES YES YESSSSS uhahh oh my...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS omg... i never cam...hold on, i'll get you a towel.

bobknight33 said:

No evidence???.. Lots of smoke


Last Call

newtboy says...

130 infected secret service agents is what the biggest spreader, Trump, has now.
Odd, covid didn't disappear on the day after the election. Must be a liberal plot.

10 million cases, just under 250000 dead with over 1000 more dying daily, (that's 2.5% mortality) over a million disabled, 2 million hit with massive hospital bills, and rising faster than ever. Good thing it's mission accomplished.

Trump's response...give me more money for lawsuits that really pays my debts. Pence's response, finally a meeting of the covid response team in which he refused to wear a mask or social distance.

Fake leaders, and now fake fundraising for fake lawsuits. Mortgage your house and pony up, buddy. Trump wants your cash NOW!

bobknight33 said:

Fear is all Biden has, No plan, just fear.

8.8 million cases = 8.8 million success stories

99% + survival rate.

Fake news and now fake stories.

FreshPotix | How Dave Grohl manages coffee addiction

BSR says...

Started developing a taste for it at 16. Hung out with some buddies and we would cruise "the strip" at night in Easton PA. Northampton St. We would stop at Dunkin' Donuts and I was the only one who would drink soda out of about 5 - 6 of us. Peer pressure ya know.

So I started to develop a taste for coffee by adding lots of sugar and cream to it. I eventually worked my way down to just one creamer and no sugar.

So now I'll have at least one iced coffee with an espresso shot a day and hot coffee in the morning and later at night. Since I'm on call 24hrs a day I have no regular sleeping pattern. I also drink cold Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey. Good stuff.

newtboy said:

How long have you been addicted to coffeehol?

Trump posts "60 Minute" interview before it airs

BSR says...

Blatantly brilliant, beautifully bullish, beyond bold, bustling boundless brain banter, buddy boy.

newtboy said:

Butt-hurt baby's badger-buffering ballistic blanket becomes bespoiled, baby becomes bombastic.

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