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SPECTRE Movie Trailer

SPECTRE Movie Trailer

SPECTRE Movie Trailer

James Bond: Spectre Trailer (2015)

6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

Babymech says...

This is one of the reasons why I hate internet feuds - everybody involved seems to feel that it's not only ok but necessary to give their point of view in as one-sided, hyperbolic a way as possible. Like the Reddit CEO resignation, with some describing it as a clueless venture capitalist (Pao) ripping out the infrastructure heart of reddit until a popular uprising managed to stop her, and others calling it a white power assault on a woman of color (Pao).

The Techdirt article seems like a reasonable enough take on this situation; I'm not sure the friend testimony adds much. I am happy to learn of, and a little worried by, the Canadian vaguery of a peace bond. It sounds a lot like an asbo, which is also pretty icky.

Bruti79 said:

Here's a good article as well, it also confirms how terrible a person Christie Blatchford is.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends 10 Surprising Things

MilkmanDan says...

...And one more thing that I think is interesting:

In many cases, even if it is 100% proven that somebody did some very bad things, I don't personally think that should (necessarily) negate our respect for the good things they did.

Michael Jackson may have been a serial pedo, which is pretty damning in general. BUT, *that* doesn't make his music bad, or make people who like his music bad.

Cosby almost certainly did drug and have sex with a whole bunch of women, without their consent. That is a very shitty thing to do. But it doesn't make his impact on comedy any less real. It doesn't make The Cosby Show a shitty TV program, that I/we should feel ashamed of having enjoyed.

OJ Simpson almost certainly got away with murder. I think that makes him a scumbag, but I can accept that many people think/thought of him as "OJ Simpson, running back, actor, announcer, etc." rather than "OJ Simpson, murderer". And even though I personally dislike the notion that he got away with killing people, I can watch video of him playing football and appreciate his undeniable talent, or watch him in The Naked Gun and still chuckle.

Sports figures like Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong are a different story, at least for me personally. Even though doping or using steroids isn't even remotely comparable to the objective badness of pedophilia, rape, or murder ... those two guys were respected specifically for their sports accomplishments, which they "cheated" to obtain. For me personally at least, that completely invalidates those accomplishments, which were pretty much the only reasons to look up to them. In the meantime, I might think that OJ is a terrible human being, but at least I can still respect what he did on the football field.

Maybe that is a weird distinction to make, but it makes sense to me, anyway.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends 10 Surprising Things

MilkmanDan says...

Cosby was (still is, even) a personal hero or idol to a whole lot of people. I think we're all tempted to put the blinders on and be *very* reluctant to accept any accusations of wrongdoing against people that we look up to like that.

Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds ... all got a hefty dose of benefit of the doubt from their fans way past the time that more clearheaded people started thinking "there might be something going on there".

I don't think that makes Whoopi a stupid or shitty person. Just a fallible person that *wants* to believe the best about people that she has respect for.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Right. The point is:
She's still a shitty people for defending terrible, indefensible actions up until there was absolutely no denying it..

Like.. who the hell still "needs to reserve judgement" of a serial date-rapist with 50+ identical accusations against them..

even after it's revealed they've already admitted to drugging women in order to have sex with them?!

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

TheGenk says...

In my non-expert opinion the only way to really help Greece at this point is to release a significant amout of debt and set the interest of the rest to zero. (Instead of trying to keep on profiting on their misfortune)

And I fear a Grexit will inevitably lead to the worst case scenario for both Greece and the EU, hyperinflation in an european country.

After having read some more stuff about Greece and monetary shell games aka economics I've come to the conclusion that zero interest debt would not actually help. Interest for goverment bonds has been declining worldwide over the last decades, yet government debt has increased proportionally.
Why is that? Well, if you, as a politician, can borrow more money for the same amount of effective interest to fulfill your election promises in order to stay in office for as long as possible then why the hell not? Some day you won't be in office anymore and the higher government debt isn't your problem anymore.
So in the end, lower interest rates may not be 'helpful' for the greek government to balance their budget.

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

poolcleaner says...

Polyamorous feelings are hardly learned. You only like one person at any given time? Lies. Not even speaking about SEX, which always seems to be the trigger word for our collective fears. Why does it come down to sex? Most of my romance is asexual, y'all (society, the royal y'all) are oversexed because you're afraid of your feelings. Either you can't free your feminine self or your masculine self because you are afraid or embarassed, or lack the ability to think beyond that into nonbinary worldviews. Removing negative values from sexual acts so that they become naturally flowing, and not repressed sudden bursts of violence. Practice being asexual around people you're deeply attracted to. Treat them like *gasp* people.

Group hugs, anyone? Holding hands in prayer? I can't be the only one that feels that built in polyamorous tingle, can I? Sporting collisions? Animals born in litters crawling all over each other. Ain't sexual, is just a deep rooted desire to be among life close up and in that shit; protected and secure; loved. Any concert goers out there like getting close to the stage? That's a lot of sweaty people you're being sandwiched between. I know not everyone likes these situations, but it's enough latent desire, again not just for sex, but to be VERY close with more than one other person.

Haha... anyway! It's not all about dirty, sexual acts. If someone I hardly knew asked me or my wife to hang out and tried to have group sex, it wouldn't work anyway. Friendship and asexual romance are higher powers of coexistence anyway; more honest, less messy and ancient mammalian.

But... what is so wrong with bonds that form out of such natural human need beyond the twosome -- also think of all the lonely people out there who you're depriving of human touch, and just because you irrationally believe it's wrong. Shame on society. Shame.

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

Lawdeedaw says...

"Because people aren't born polygamists..." Sorry John, but whether you learn a behavior of mutual love and respect for the bonds with other human lives, you're still fucking human. I hate this shit that he spouts, the veiled hatred that conservatives jack off to with glee. The same hatred discriminating blacks used against gays... That's great...I love the support the gay community gets but not those that believe in alternative forms of marriage. It is funny that if read that another way, most people are born gay or straight. Essentially, if they aren't born that way and instead grow naturally into it, John thinks you're a pickle puffing faggot who doesn't deserve equality? I say that pissed off because homosexuals have always compared polygamy closer to bestiality than to their own sexual orientation. Its been laughed at. Haha. Fuck Stewart's views on this. I love him, but fuck his stupidity here.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

Sepacore says...

Some interesting arrow science.
Predicting that wobble = warlock.

0.38% of the video yields 95% of comments.

Hadn't considered the fist bump as a potential health measure.

During greeting processes I've fist bumped a billionaire (he shook his head after, with a smile), refrained from physical contact (sick) and have been told "i killed your family" (many times by a friend, joke deliberately focused on inappropriate things to say), in all cases i knew the person well.

I think the difference in appropriateness is how well you know the individual, and what they're tolerant of. A first bump as a first meeting is a bit off imo as no bond has been built and best left to a generic handshake.
These guys however, had obviously met multiple times, so not a bad idea to freshen things up with some alternatives. Seems the older fella was too quick for this to be their first fist bump.

Also i agree fist bumping is not professional, it's casual.. with or with out a classy explosion.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

Mikus_Aurelius says...

I was simply trying to point out that we all pay for stuff we don't use. I obviously didn't communicate that well.

I do think you might be missing the point of paid maternity leave, though. It is not (in the country at least) to encourage population growth. It is to improve the family situations of those who have kids.

While it's true that childbearing is usually a choice, and that people ought to save money or wait until they are financially secure, the fact is that this just doesn't always happen. There's a parallel argument for public pensions, which would not be necessary if people would just put aside 20% of their paychecks every year.

Given that people are going to have kids, and that they aren't always going to be financially secure, the question is: is there a material or moral benefit in giving those families more time to nurture their children and more time to bond without the stress of trying to navigate financial hardship? What is that worth to society in dollar term?

I don't claim to be smart enough to know the answer.

sirex said:

Well firstly you're making an appeal to extremes which is besides the point, and secondly cancer or unemployment aren't (or at least shouldn't be in the case of unemployment) a choice


People are having kids just dandy, so no, i don't think really any paid time off is a particularly good idea.

3D Printing A Mini Jet Engine

HugeJerk says...

There are a few types that can make metal. They both use a powdered metal and are fairly slow. It has to rake the powder across the top each time as it lowers the printed object. The one in this video is bonding the metal with heat via the laser. The other type I've seen uses a inkjet print head to spray a bonding agent, but then it needs to be fired like pottery to be finished.

newtboy said:

I've never even heard of laser/metallic 3D printing. Pretty cool.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

zaust jokingly says...

This video is horrible. Why should America promote family values?? They are way better than the other 183 countries with their squirt it out, work it out attitude.

Other benefits of course include:

*The raft of emotionally wrecked children who don't even have essential bonding time with their parents, which brings more income to the therapy sector.

*People deciding they are financially unable to take the time off needed to birth children, which brings a smaller American population.

*And of course the comedic value of millions of babies being raised by trained childcare professionals rather than their mother who got knocked up in the back seat of a ford chevy.


Delicate Surgery

poolcleaner says...

I was going to dodge your reply but I always enjoyed the games I attended when Barry Bonds tore shit up, even at the cost of my home team.

But I've witnessed first hand several of Piazzas's epic grand slams. Most games are like, well, ok that was boring, if not medatative, but not those Piazza games.

Sort of like this surgery. Most surgeries are just so boring. But this is home run leading shit right here.

eric3579 said:

Mike Piazza played like a girl! GO GIANTS!!

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