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RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

To those attempting to ban Bobby, I believe it takes a siftquisition to ban a star powered member. That means talking to @dag and @lucky760 then stating your case for his removal, then I think he gets a chance to defend himself. It’s not as simple as typing “ban”…fortunately.

@bobknight33…as I warned, this kind of blatant *snuff is clearly against sift rules, and has led to multiple people wanting you permanently removed. It would be smart of you to kill this offending video before you are actually banned. What will you do without the sift to abuse? Don’t push it that far, it’s clear you’ve intentionally stirred up the hornets nest with this inappropriate snuff film, and clear the sift is done with you being insultingly inappropriate by posting graphic videos of children being murdered.

Maybe I can save you a shitload of trouble maybe not, I’ll try….*kill *discard…nope, didn’t work…you have to save yourself.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh Bob. Yes you did. Why do you tell these stupid obvious lies. If you didn’t read it, you wouldn’t have replied…not even with this total nothing reply. Why do you constantly make yourself a blatant liar trying to deny reality? 🤦‍♂️

I’m the only one here who actually gives you their time, bobby. It’s not because you are worth it, it’s because everyone else is.

That’s quite the compliment from you. I’m not worth nothing, so you think I’m worth something. This is why it’s important to know your language, bob. You accidentally end up giving compliments when you meant to be a nasty insulting little girl. 😂

You have got nothing just because you have got nothing, and we all know it. You can never be specific about what you say is a lie because you honestly don’t know why you think it’s a lie, only that it makes you cry hurt. Every word I wrote was and is correct. Everything political you post is pure insanity (and most everything else).

You, as usual, cannot dispute any fact, not one, so you just whine “Nooooooo!”….again. That’s not a rebuttal, not an argument, not an answer…it’s a whine from a little bitch. 😂

bobknight33 said:

FYI just saw you delusion post. didn't read it -- not worth my time.

Got nothing for you because your aren't worth nothing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 100% projection, little Bobby.. 😂

I give you vetted legitimate professional sources, they aren’t random internet trolls broadcasting nonsense from daddy’s basement. Yours always are these random idiots that made a talk show in daddy’s basement that get 100% of their “information “ from Trump’s lying mouth or the toilet (hard to tell the difference). Never once have you provided a rational or legitimate source of information, you don’t know them when you see them. The closest you’ve ever come was Fox, and even you now say they’re completely full of shit since they once reported on Trump and Jan 6 honestly.

Cereal boxes don’t often report on the verified daily court failures of a disgraced failure of an ex president, Bobby. If you could read, you might know that.


bobknight33 said:

Getting "facts" from a cereal box are not facts. Quit being so gullible.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 😂 😂 😂
Oh poor Bobby, that one must have hurt for you to erase it off your page so quickly. Hilarious it’s still a top 5 comment but gone because you can’t stand the truth.
Poor baby. Bad man make Bobby cwy hurt. 😂

Democrat NYC, citizens fed up of Illegals

newtboy says...

Bobby posts a video of a few MAGgots absolutely losing their shit and screaming nonsense through bullhorns and fighting police and thinks it’s a good look for his cult.

Another total fail bob.
No one on the sift has 10% the number of failed posts you do, for a good reason..

Democrat NYC, citizens fed up of Illegals

newtboy says...

Again, Bobby gets it 100% backwards. Not surprising since he gets 100% of his information from random internet trolls that make a living by lying to MAGgots. Can’t blame them, MAGgots will buy any stupid claim as long as it’s made up and nonsensical.

Democrats aren’t “all for illegals”, they are all for fixing the intentionally broken legal immigration system, but republicans block each and every attempt to fund border patrol or immigration courts, then go on tv and tell Latin America that America’s borders are wide open and they’re welcomed by most Americans and the government, then go on to blame those who say “the borders aren’t open and don’t come” for the people who show up. Just ludicrous….like everything bobby claims.

This manufactured “crisis” is 100% thanks to failed Republican border plans (like build the fence, and close the immigration courts), and the governor of Texas and Florida should be prosecuted for thousands of cases of trafficking undocumented aliens across state borders, a crime called Domestic Transporting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigration status, to transport an alien within the United States by any means of transportation, that has a penalty of up to 10 years per case, and he’s knowingly transported thousands.

Why don’t we just call righties what they are, idiotic criminal bigots.

bobknight33 said:

It's important to file trespass charges in these cases.
traitor gets ejected

Don't forget to trespass these illegals and eject them back across the border.

Funny how Democrats are all for illegals till they show up in their neighborhood and take their resources.

Or should we just call it what Democrats are, Hypocrites

Chicago’s Defund The Police Leads to Supermarkets Closing

newtboy says...

As usual, Bobby gets it 100% backwards and grammatically incorrect.

Republican policies always require a Democratic solution.

Supermarkets aren’t closing due to high crime, they largely never existed in these neighborhoods. More idiotic lies by the moronic pathological liar.
Whole foods? In a low income neighborhood? Who could have predicted that would fail? Only anyone with an IQ over 17…so not bob or the people who tell him what to think.

Edit: The hilarious irony with your position, bob, is that “defund the police” (admittedly a terrible name) had the goal of deTASKING police away from mental health calls (and other minor civil issues) that police tend to escalate into serious problems, charges and/or injuries or death requiring massive responses and burning resources when a mental health professional could usually de escalate the situation and get the patient proper medical care without incarceration or worse. It would allow police to focus on crimes like shoplifting, crimes you claim closed these never-existed supermarkets in low income area food deserts.
Side note, so you know, police funding hasn’t actually been cut. It’s still going up in almost every department in every state.

Who last balanced the budget, Bobby? Does your cult addled brain remember…or do you insanely think the answer is Trump? Likely the latter, despite him adding more to the debt and deficit than any two term president, and don’t ignore that he injured the state of the union more than any issue or person in history….and is a rapist.

bobknight33 said:

Democrat Policies always need a Republican solution.

FBI - 60% of Mass Shooting Stopped by Good Guy with a Gun.

newtboy says...

Already listed as lies and debunked….bob is learning!

Note bob, this guy’s videos have a disclaimer that he is entertainment, not news or information, “This is an entertainment show for entertainment purposes ONLY.”

His source is one guy, Paul Bedard, an opinion columnist for the Washington Examiner…the extreme right rarely factual rag. He wonders why the media hasn’t reported it…because there’s zero evidence behind the claim.
The fbi site
shows 50 “active shooter incidents” in 2022, only 2 stopped by civilians with guns. That’s 4% bob, not 60%.

You are so gullible Bobby. Never even considering looking into something you hear as long as you like how it sounds.

More ridiculous lies by our favorite ridiculous liar.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Thoughts on The Ukraine War

newtboy says...

Oh bobby…
Macgregor…the racist that said Muslim immigrants/refugees (whom he referred to as "Muslim invaders") come to Europe "with the goal of eventually turning Europe into an Islamic state" so should be turned away.
Who said “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” (which refers to the psychological process of the denazification of Germany post ww2) is a “sick mentality”.
The guy who under Trump argued that martial law should be instituted on the U.S.-Mexico border and argued for the extrajudicial execution of all those who cross the border at unofficial ports of entry (which, like they’ve done in Texas, means intentionally killing children).
The guy who congress refused to confirm as an ambassador for good cause.
And disgraced liar Tucker?

This is you guys? 😂

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! You fool. An over 35 year old clip of Biden being tough on crime is what you’ve got? Quit now. 😂

At that time Trump was publicly calling for the lynching death of 5 boys who were known to be innocent of all the charges against them, he still is. He had recently paid out millions in fines for racist redlining at his NY properties. Way to remind us of the public lynching supporting racist he is.
For a long time after this, Trump supported the democrats and these same drug policies.

Do you not know your party STILL wants MORE mandatory sentencing and MORE disparity between crack and cocaine….you actually think Don Jr shouldn’t ever be prosecuted for his blatant current full blown cocaine addiction despite it being obvious he was high as a kite as he did government business, but Hunter should get life for recovering from a private crack addiction 5 years ago (past the 3 year statute of limitations). 😂

Biden said jail for Hunter too…if he had been CAUGHT with the crack or if he had refused treatment in 2019…or if he’s convicted of a crime with a prison sentence.

He said all this about mandatory sentencing well over 30 years ago when the pitfalls of mandatory sentencing and underlying racism of considering crack different from cocaine weren’t as obvious.
Yes, his support of mandatory sentencing and different sentences for crack than for cocaine was misguided in hindsight. At the time the Regan CIA’s responsibility for flooding the inner cities with crack and causing the epidemic of crackheads wasn’t understood, but the damage it was doing was.

Dark Brandon has done not one thing to keep Hunter out of jail. Not a word of protest, no interference whatsoever. Rant and cry all you like, no one has presented a single word of evidence indicating he has. Not even the fake whistleblower actors the GOP paid to testify. 😂
You cannot say the same for Trumps or the Trump administration, which pardoned dozens of its own members for committing serious crimes against America and We The People for Trump and then were set free by decree.

Keep whining and crying Bobby boy. Every MAGA tear gives Dark Brandon more power, makes Trump weaker and sadder, and makes your friends see you as weak and someone to be cuckolded. Better keep an eye on your wife and kids, they think you’re a loser and a nutjob, and may be out the door already just like Melania.

Enjoy upcoming indictment 5, 6, and 7!
Enjoy the next 2 years of public trials with discovery exposing more disgusting, abusive, illegal subversion of the government by MAGA, more blatant lies they sold you, more avoidable deaths caused by divisive policies, and always more and worse debauchery. 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:

Over crowding jails for decades. thank you Joe.
JAil for all but his son.

Judge CANCELS Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal!

newtboy says...

As usual, a complete misstatement of facts.
The plea deal was not canceled by the judge, she also did not accept it, she made no ruling about it she had questions.
He plead not guilty when the prosecutor reneged on the agreement that these guilty pleas, payment of taxes, fines, and probation would end the endless criminal investigations of alleged past white collar crimes and would cover all tax or gun/drug cases that might arise from pre 2021, including those still being investigated despite being well beyond the statute of limitation.

It never covered FUTURE crimes, no plea deal in history has ever granted immunity for FUTURE crimes. Another stupid MAGA lie bobby swallowed.

What stupid nonsense…you have to have severe brain damage to not see the utter insanity and impossibility of these just dumb claims. I’m looking at you, Bob.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

This is your answer to 50 listed (and 1000 to come) pedophilic Republicans is a single unquoted tweet by a Republican operative best known for spreading false propaganda that you know no one will read because you are known to link to fake sites? ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂 😂
Let me help you with that…don’t ignore #61

51Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl

52 Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Authorities say Floyd also was interested in a 3-year-old girl and 16-month-old boy.

53 Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy, in other words, rape.

54 Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.

55 Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.

56 Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pled guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14-year-old girls.

57 Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker was found guilty of offering alcohol and cigarettes to a 14-year-old boy. Authorities accused him of having offered beer and cigarettes to a boy while driving a car with a trunk stocked with blankets, duct tape, rope, and a lubricant. Seidensticker worked on NH Republican state executive councilor Burton campaigns for more than a decade. Burton knew he was convicted of assault when he hired him.

58 Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.

59 Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

60 Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor

61 Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Lutheran church president, and BTK killer Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

62 GOP ad consultant Carey Lee Cramer who created an anti-Gore ad modeled on LBJ's "Daisy" ad convicted of sexual assault of 2 8-year-old girls, including his daughter who appeared in the ad.

63 Republican Lobbyist Craig Spence - running call-boy prostitution ring, killed himself. While I am not posting people arrested for soliciting a prostitute, someone who runs a prostitution ring is a whole different kettle of fish.

64 Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography

65 GOP state Rep Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud, MN ended his re-election campaign Friday amid detailed accusations from his adult daughter of what she described as his inappropriate behavior toward her since childhood

66 Steve Aiken(82), campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer, and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls

67 Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer

68 Republican state representative Bob Allen charged with soliciting oral sex from a male undercover cop. Normally, I would ignore a gay man being arrested for being gay, but he claimed Fear of Black men made him do it

69 Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison arrested on charges of flying across the country to try and have sex with a five-year-old girl. Committed suicide.

70 Republican chairman & radio show host E Ozwald Balfour arrested on four counts of forcible sex abuse/groping

71 Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona Republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas. They sodomized 18 boys and were not charged with sexual assault

72 Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16-year-old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus

73 Republican commission candidate Wilton Frederick Bland sentenced to 80 years in prison for various sex crimes including 45 counts of first-degree rape of an 11-year-old

74 Republican councilman John Bryan resigned from office and committed suicide several hours later, just a few minutes before police arrived at his home to question him about his alleged rape of his two adoptive daughters, ages 12 and 15

75 Garrett Ventry-Judiciary Committee communications aide coordinating GOP messaging on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation forced to resign due to sexual harassment claims. He denies them

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Yep….I didn’t see public pedophile Roy Moore, back under investigation for child sex trafficking Matt Gaetz, indecent exposure to minors convict Jayson Boebert, admitted child sex trafficker (and Gaetz co defendant) Joel Greenberg, rapist D J Trump, or child rape facilitator Gym Jordan, … you didn’t even list the most recent, or highest position holder, or worst offenders in your list. I can’t wait for Bobby to take up your challenge and list two unconvicted democrats as his rebuttal.

surfingyt said:

I got over 1,000 more repubs @bobknight33 if you realllllly wanna play. But for now lets see you do a list of Democrats LOLOLOL

newtboy (Member Profile)

IRS Whistleblower Confirms DOJ HIJACKED Hunter Investigation

newtboy says...

TLDW; but prove it. Flapping gums mean nothing, especially from RWNJs.

Robert Gouveia Esq. 😂 you’ve got to be kidding with these random extreme righty basement reporters that always have the big scoop the media won’t talk about, and are never right. 🤦‍♂️

Everyone involved disputes his biased claims, including the many Trump appointees.

Prove he isn’t another paid political actor like every fake “whistleblower” the right has produced so far (most couldn’t be produced because, like evidence, they never existed (like the phantom tapes), are (dead?) Russian spies, or are in prison for treason).

Prove with undoctored internal communication this interference existed, not uncorroborated hearsay. Republicans are clear, they have no obligation to tell the truth and won’t. They said exactly that clearly and unambiguously.

Then if the right can do all that, prove it was worse than how Trump abused his power to have the DOJ go after political enemies for no crimes which the right applauded and protect himself and his family from prosecutions and lawsuits like his personal law firm.

More fake news bobby. Cry me a River. He could pardon Hunter by thinking it, but no, you think there’s some convoluted conspiracy to get Hunter to plead guilty to the same crimes Trump says are not crimes, everybody does it, no crime, perfect bookkeeping, perfect when he was caught not paying his taxes for decades.

Can’t wait for the investigations into Jared and Ivanka. There’s actually a “there” there.

How many fake whistleblowers must fall apart before you stop believing them? Sucker.

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