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72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

Practicing "The Neymar"

Chasing Cheese Down A Hill Is Dangerous

Mean Tweets – Avengers Edition

newtboy says...

Racism-prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
-the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

....I absolutely hate the bastardized definition you gave, because it's flatly wrong and just an excuse for horrid behavior.
Edit: the statement "I feel "racism against whites" is not only currently impossible, but the idea is inherently racist. " is inherently racist.
One, whites are hardly always dominant in every situation (I sure as hell wasn't when I lived in East Palo Alto for years) and two, actual dominance has little to do with racism, it's about what you think. For example, if blacks think they're automatically superior to others based on race, but not in status because they are oppressed, they are perfectly capable of vile, even murderous racism towards non blacks.

Clearly, racism paired with power is far more harmful, but the powerless can be just as racist.

Payback said:

As whites are, and always have been, dominant over everyone else they've interacted with, it's not "racism". There needs to be a downward direction if a statement is to be considered racist. I'm white, and I feel "racism against whites" is not only currently impossible, but the idea is inherently racist.

And whiny...

Payback (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I'm not a hippy, I'm just seriously anti social and a cheap bastard. I love what my dad said in the 80's, cell phones are for people so unimportant that they can't afford to miss a phone call.

Payback said:

No cell phone???

Please. I'm a Luddite, not a damn hippy.

AR app lets you paint in 3D in mid-air for others to find

ChaosEngine says...

I can just imagine the poor machine learning algorithm to detect dicks.

Some poor bastard will have to spend hours looking at dick photos to help the system learn.

moonsammy said:

I'd hope that they put some time into automated dick-detection technology. Or perhaps just a tagging system to alert about rogue dicks for the admins to delete. I mean, you can't make this and not address that issue in some manner.

How Dark Patterns Trick You Online

MilkmanDan says...

Hmm. 5.5 minutes of good info, making us think about tricky ways that online stuff gets us to click or pay attention to stuff that isn't good for us (the audience) but can benefit the creator/host.

And then there is a brief cut to black that doesn't obviously mark an endpoint, continued background music that doesn't mark the change, followed by a paid sponsorship shill for "hey, if you're worried about this shit, TOTES BUY THIS VPN DUDES" plus icons for "obviously you want some merch or to donate to my patreon!".

insert [I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg]

Maybe I'm just a cranky bastard in my old age.

Let's Talk About Facebook

newtboy says...

They've reported that it secretly, somehow, used granted permission to copy certain personal information from participants as a way to surreptitiously steal far more information than was allowed including the private information of any of their friends, totally against written rules of Facebook, their contract with Facebook, and common decency. Granted, Facebook did nothing to stop them.

There's tons of evidence they used it, but not clear public proof....yet. wait. It took 2 years for this to be public (reportedly Facebook knew years ago and stayed silent).

Again, reportedly they used it to target posts and 'news' individually, specifically contradicting posts and liked stories by individual users.

Yep, Facebook has a lot of blame here, but not all of it. CA are some seriously underhanded bastards all around, see the recordings.

Jinx said:

I could well be wrong about this, but my understanding is that the data wasn't really stolen, it was freely shared by Facebook. I also don't think there is any evidence that suggests that CA used their psychoanalytic stuff on the Trump campaign specifically. It sounds like they are targeting voters more on purely their geographical location than any in depth analysis of their social media profile. It seems doubtful to me that CA were the only ones at this game though...

I do think Facebook absolutely shares some blame - They hand over their users data and make app creators etc pinky-swear that they will use it responsibly and delete it once they are done...and then they do absolutely nothing to ensure that agreement is honoured. They either willfully ignored it because they knew the data was likely to be misused, or they were naive to the point of complete incompetence. I really can't see an option C.

The result of our obsession with plastic

bremnet says...

Hmmm... along comes plastic. Plastic is cheap, reusable, lasts a long time, doesn't mind getting wet, weighs less compared to the variety of non-plastic things it replaced. Humans love plastic. Producers make more things out of plastic to keep the humans happy. Uh oh. Plastic winds up where it shouldn't. Humans aren't bad, plastic producers that made the plastic for the humans are bad. Humans might have wanted it before, now they don't, but it's not their fault, it's the shitty industries fault. How dare they make things that we used to want, but now we don't. Bastards. If you feel so strongly, take everything you own that has plastic in it and give it the toss. That'll show 'em. (Proper government representation?)

jmd said:

No obsession here, simply a result of our shitty industries and lack of proper government representation to control this crap.

South African Parliament Votes Take White Stolen Farm Land

newtboy jokingly says...

WTF!? You just said I was the raciest, now he is!?
You fickle bastard, jumping from one person to the next.
Maybe pick one person to flirt with a day or you look like a major slut.
Be honest, which of us DO you find more titillating? *sniff

bobknight33 said:

You are as ignorant as Newtboy.
The sift community should be ashamed of you . You should be ashamed.

You condone this makes you the raciest.

Sci-Fi Short Film "Seam" presented by DUST

Payback says...

I'm not sure if this is a dupe or just a missed opportunity on my part, but I know I watched this a month or so ago. I sure as Hell can't find it, so if it's on the Sift, it has horrible tags and title.

...and I if I did just miss it. Have my upvote, you bastard.

"Batman Ninja" trailer (English language)

newtboy says...

Says you. ;-)
I've always been entertained by kaiju movies (until sci-fi channel got involved), in large part because of the terrible dialog and dubbing, but also the dead pan seriousness. When they have tried to be silly, like Godzilla Jr, it always fell flat for me.
As for kung fu, I feel that the bad dialogue adds a needed comedy element often otherwise missing. I thought Kung Pow was hilarious and inventive because of intentionally terrible dubbing.

I do agree, this bastardization has some glaring issues...that doesn't mean it can't still be fun.

jmd said:

But that is because the movie is so bad to begin with. I hate dubs with a passion because most often the voice does not match the actor like originally intended by the director. Also in the case of japan animations, voice acting is a highly competitive career market over there which means there are many top tier actors to choose from. Liscensed dubs on the other hand deal with a lot of frequently contracted actors in a market that isn't bursting with talent.

Also the plot of this animation seems pretty ridiculous. I would have let the batman and joker pass but when everyone else in the batman universe, even the god damn butler, showes up I was like
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Australian Men Are All Considered Pedophiles

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, along with stories about:
- how climate change is a hoax
- why sexual harassment laws mean the end of romance
- how immigrants are stealing your job
- how immigrants are lazy bastards who don't work and take the dole (I presume these are Schrodinger's immigrants?)
- how the youth of today just need a good war to sort them out

First Today Tonight, now the Daily Mail?

Fucking hell, the standards for journalism are falling through the floor.

C-note said:

The UK's DailyMail posts a story of a female teacher molesting a student almost everyday.

Dramatic crash during rally in Lithuania

Khufu says...

to be fair, if it was the Dukes, they would have just cut to a different car landing softly;)

They are likely the reason there are no chargers left, those inconsiderate bastards.

Payback said:

I see the Dukes aren't doing any better now that you can't buy a '69 Charger anywhere on the planet...

Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

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