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Noam Chomsky on The Ultimate Hypocrisy

rougy says...

"Only one in five families outside Baghdad has access to functioning sewage facilities. One-third of wastewater and sewage produced in Baghdad is treated, with much of the rest discharged as raw sewage into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."


Yeah, we really did them a big favor by spreading democracy.

Good old USA, always watching out for the little guys.

Sean Penn's Acceptance Speech - Oscars 2009

10677 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Baghdad Spicoli completed the superfecta of shame, visiting Saddam in Iraq as well as Iran, Cuba and the jackass in Venezuela.

Sean Penn never met Saddam; If he did, then he'd have to follow Donald Rumsfeld's footsteps and become the next Republican secretary of Defense. Good thing Penn is not that shameful.

Sean Penn's Acceptance Speech - Oscars 2009

quantumushroom says...

Penn is the Swiss Army Knife of useful idiots.


Baghdad Spicoli completed the superfecta of shame, visiting Saddam in Iraq as well as Iran, Cuba and the jackass in Venezuela.

It's unlikely he was given tours of those countries' prisons, filled as they are with political prisoners lucky to still be alive.

Dick Cheney's Very Own Classic Definition of a Quagmire

Dick Cheney's Very Own Classic Definition of a Quagmire

Dick Cheney's Very Own Classic Definition of a Quagmire

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Heavy Metal In Baghdad Trailer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'metal, baghdad, death, destruction, fuck, fuck, metal, rules' to 'metal, baghdad, death, destruction, fuck, fuck, metal, rules, acrassicauda' - edited by kronosposeidon

Giving Bush the Boot

The Reason for the Gaza War

Farhad2000 says...

Fighting a war for peace is like screwing for virginity.

There is countless videos that can show the flipside of the Israel's inhumane treatment of Palestinian people. This video proves nothing. Hell I can go to downtown Baghdad and make the Americans look like barbarians.

Ruins of Babylon damaged by military base

rosekat says...

I recall my utter disbelief when I read and saw pictures of the looting that had taken place after 'the fall of Baghdad.' Troops and tanks had been stationed around major oil fields, but the archaeological museums were left unprotected, to be destroyed and ransacked. A few soldiers likely could have staved off the majority of these unarmed opportunistic mobs. Shit like this can't be fixed or replaced; you go into another country in the name of its future, but fail to protect its past. Disgusting.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

marinara (Member Profile)

Poetry by RUMI - Those who don't Feel This Love

13475 says...

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me,
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me,
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me,
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.

Husayn Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj-known as al-Hallaj-( the wool-carder), he was put to death in Baghdad for having uttered ana 'l haqq (I am the Truth)

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

My first was video was gamed perfectly for the pimp festival that is the sift, aptly titled Amazing 777 Landings sprinkled with the tag words cool and extreme, I was pushing videos right from the start. Siftbot says it was posted 2 years, 1 month and 3 weeks ago. Which shows just how much fucking time I have been with this website.

Back then the sift was much tougher, you had to get P in the bloodbath that was the P queue, and then graduate to actual sifting. I just made it with 25 (cumulative I think it was barely 10 then) votes and 3 down votes. First upvotes from joedirt, boneyD some nameless people and oligopol.

Then I really kicked up a shit storm by posting the armored advance of tanks up into Baghdad.

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