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LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum

MrFisk says...

Oh oh oh
oh i don't know, i don't know, oh, where to begin
we are north americans
and for those of you who still think we're from england
we're not, no.
we build our planes and our trains till we think we might die,
far from North America,
where the buildings are old and you might have lots of mimes.
aha, oh, oh.
i hate the feelin' when you're looking at me that way
cause we're north americans
but if we act all shy, it’ll make it ok
makes it go away.

oh I don't know, I don't know, oh, where to begin
when we're north american
but in the end we make the same mistakes all over again
come on north americans

we are north american scum
we’re from north america

and all the kids all the kids that want to make the scene
here in north america
when our young kids get to read it in your magazines
we don't have those
so where's the love where's the love where's the love where's the love where's the love tonight?
but there's no love man there's no love and the kids are uptight
so throw a party till the cops come in and bust it up
let's go north americans
oh you were planning it i didn't mean to interrupt
i did it once and my parents got pretty upset
freaked out in north america
but then i said the more i do it the better it gets

let's rock north america

we are north american scum
we're from north america
we are north american scum
we are north american

new york's the greatest if you get someone to pay the rent
wahoo north america
and it's the furthest you can live from the government un huh huh
some proud american christians might disagree
here in north america
but new york's the only place we're keepin them off the street
boo boo now we can't have parties like in spain where they go all night
shut down in north america
or like berlin where they go another night, alright, un huh un huh

you see i love this place that i have grown to know
alright, north america.
and yeah, I know you wouldn’t touch us with a ten-foot pole
‘cause we’re north americans.

we are north american scum
we are north americans
we are north american scum
we love north america

take me back to the states man
north american scum
where we can be ????
north american
where the dj ????
here in north american scum
don't blame the canadians
let go north america

Parents Plead Not Guilty In Faith-Healing Death

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^ponceleon:
Fringe faiths?
What faiths AREN'T based in belief of something "magical?" Sure your average BS american christian will probably go to the hospital if they get sick, but many will still believe that jesus was this magical guy who raised the dead, cured the sick, walked on water, yada yada.
If anything you have to hand it to people who go all-out-wacko over religion. At least they have the balls to have "real faith." If you believe in magical bs, put your money where you mouth is and let faith solve your problems.

You mistake balls with crazy, and magic with unfathomable power. I also don't understand what you mean by "real faith" when their basic faith model is that of having to prove God is real over and over again to themselves by only allowing room for direct intervention. Believing in causes that happen outside the universe isn't magic.

And lastly, what makes you think that not going to a doctor has anything more or less to do with faith in Gods healing? Most miracles in the bible took place through a person. No more or less reason to suggest that someone believing that God can use a doctor to heal someone is any less a derivative of faith than anything else. In fact, it is the thinking that you are suggesting that leads people astray from the real idea that God is working in everything and everyone and everywhere.

Back on topic though, it is pretty obvious from what happened that their faith is weaker and needs God to show himself in a very non-transparent way for them to have any connection with Him. It is this shallow needy faith that causes a lot of problems for people, not only in the church, but people on the outside looking in. These folks ended up killing a baby because of this insecurity which is a real tragedy.

Parents Plead Not Guilty In Faith-Healing Death

ponceleon says...

Fringe faiths?

What faiths AREN'T based in belief of something "magical?" Sure your average BS american christian will probably go to the hospital if they get sick, but many will still believe that jesus was this magical guy who raised the dead, cured the sick, walked on water, yada yada.

If anything you have to hand it to people who go all-out-wacko over religion. At least they have the balls to have "real faith." If you believe in magical bs, put your money where you mouth is and let faith solve your problems.

Holy Mormon Underwear, Batman!

Imagoamin says...

Not much difference from Hasidic Jews who wear their Tallit Katan underneath their clothing.. wheres a video explaining their beliefs to make fun of?

Now, I'm an Atheist, but if we're gonna make fun of religion.. go for it as a whole, because the hypocrisy of the way every denomination of Christians attack each other because their beliefs differ and about all of America and these other denominations gang up on Mormons when they don't actually know anything about them is crazier then any of the various beliefs.

And in all honesty.. it is a weird belief. But no stranger then what people believe in Judaism, Islam, and every form of Christianity. I guess I feel akin to Mormons as an Atheist because American Christians tend have this strong distrust of them for completely unfounded ideas and rumors - the same way they do Atheists.

HR.888: Rewriting America's History

fizziks says...

For anyone having difficulty with the links to the texts of the resolutions, try these:

H. Res. 847 was the "Christmas Bill" which was ALREADY passed in December 2007. It resolves "that the House of Representatives--

(1) recognizes the Christian faith as one of the great religions of the world;

(2) expresses continued support for Christians in the United States and worldwide;

(3) acknowledges the international religious and historical importance of Christmas and the Christian faith;

(4) acknowledges and supports the role played by Christians and Christianity in the founding of the United States and in the formation of the western civilization;

(5) rejects bigotry and persecution directed against Christians, both in the United States and worldwide; and

(6) expresses its deepest respect to American Christians and Christians throughout the world."

Remember, this is not about the Religious vs. the Non-Relgious, this about the violation of the American Constitution and the core American principles therein. It affects everyone who does not prescribe to the specific brand of Christianity being peddled here. Even if you think you're Christian, the folks pushing this agenda could very well find you "not Christian Enough."

And if you're Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc... or for heaven's sake Atheist... well, let's just say you're not invited to the "I still have my freedoms" party.

These Fundamentalist-Christian-Bill-Pushers are organized. It's time the rest of us get that way too!

NadaGeek (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I just wanted to commend you on your most excellent point: hate crime = terrorism. Brilliantly put. I couldn't agree more.

In reply to this comment by NadaGeek:
Ok, every one forgot the first rule of teh intarweb,, DON'T FEED TROLLS .
and if i may point out that the definition of hate crimes is the same as that of terrorism. guess we dont like to think that they are us too . and as for intolerance of christians , puh-leeze perceived american christianity has both parties begging to service them . was there ever a time that this could honestly be said about the lbgt community ? ever ? ever-ever ?

Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

NadaGeek says...

Ok, every one forgot the first rule of teh intarweb,, DON'T FEED TROLLS .
and if i may point out that the definition of hate crimes is the same as that of terrorism. guess we dont like to think that they are us too . and as for intolerance of christians , puh-leeze perceived american christianity has both parties begging to service them . was there ever a time that this could honestly be said about the lbgt community ? ever ? ever-ever ?

Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq

Arsenault185 says...

Well, Raven, your comment is what brought me to this video. Based on the title I was expecting something completely different. Im not sure where to start.
Radical Christian Missionaries - well, i thought Westboro baptist church was branching out. Seems to me they are just doing what Christians have been doing for thousands of year. When the video started, it appeared to be a newsroom, and the anchor was talking like Christians and the military were working hand in hand. And when it does state that they went with the military support, they offer no backup to their claims. Looks like some one is pissed at America and American Christians, ad this is the result.

As far as the General in church - That kinda pissed me off. We have very strict policy about using your position to further your personal beliefs, so to walk into a congregation as large as that one wearing your stars? Uncalled for.

But you are right about one thing Raven, these ministries aren't going to help the overall situation at all. This should be especially known to Christians. Right in our bible it tells us that the entire region is damned, so as far as them trying to make it better? Not so sure thats what they are trying to do. But like we have in all kinds of countries all over the world, they are setting up minisitries.

Raven, you said it never surprises you to see 'peaceful' and 'fun-loving' Christians stirring up religious violence. I don't see how trying to spread the beliefs of of their church (of Christianity) with care packages and colorful bibles is stirring up trouble. Now, as was pointed out in the video, a Muslim may find themselves into some trouble for converting, i.e. getting killed, so whose radical? seems to me like there a problem there. (I am NOT saying all Muslims are the same, hence the term radical) Well if these Muslims converting know its a possible retribution, thats on them. I don't see how the missionaries are causing the trouble.

Ron Paul Denies Theory of Evolution

rgroom1 says...

1. Since everyone is being so specific:
The psychological definition of MORON is one with a mental age between 8 and 12 years old.
Even if Dr. K. is a theology doctorate, i think that he knows more than a 12 year old child(at least about God, God's, and Jebus(5 point for whomever gets the quote)), therefore he is not a moron.
2. Are chinese christians (living in a non-religious state) as compelled as american christians by their surroundings? First, there are no missionaries, second, religion is discouraged and punishable, and third, the only outside influence would be parents, as public gatherings are non-existant and private gatherings are few and far-between.
I believe that this is not as black/white as people make it to be, and resentment between facets is immature and close-minded.

The I-35 Highway is .. God's Highway?

Doc_M says...

I think it's a major stretch to claim that is the "highway" spoken of in Isaiah. Huge stretch. The verse is grossly taken out of the context of the surrounding verses which in reference to a time we have certainly not reached yet. Anyway, American Christians are obsessed with fitting America into the End-times prophecies. I don't see any real important place for America in it all. Maybe some indirect this or that. It's especially the mega-churches that are heading it up. They get a little too caught up in group-think pretty often.

I don't think this is the best approach, these "sieges" as they call them. But they did succeed helping a few people. Of course the anti-theists in this crowd will say the opposite. heh.

On Choggie's verses, these were targeted at people who act righteous and all high-and-mighty and such for the sole purpose of being seen and thought better of for it. It refers to people who pray loudly in the temple so others will revere them for their ardent righteousness. That also goes for people who give to charities only to be seen giving and to therefore be praised for it. That becomes just ego and pride.
The verses don't apply to evangelism and certainly not to [some at least] of these folks who are plainly not going to get "glory" from those who see them. If anything they'll get the same flack their receiving in the comments here. They'll get called loons and idiots. Not exactly a pride booster.

And Ryjkyj, do you think the man was lying?

Other than an obvious mis-interpretation of prophecy, I don't see them as "ignorant" as you claim in the tags. Passionate for sure, and certainly not in agreement with your philosophy, but to what are they ignorant exactly?

I know I might be asking for flames here being 1 of the 3 talking Christians on the sift, but I thought I'd comment anyway.

Aztlan-hole invasion force

gwaan says...

"this ain't racism-but hell perhaps he is"

I think everyone who has encountered quantumushroom on the Sift knows that he/she/it is an ill-informed bigot who hates anyone who isn't a white American Christian.

I have nothing against people expressing informed concerns about the current level of immigration or the erosion of national identity - even if I disagree. But I do have a problem with the abusive and racist rhetoric which quantumushroom constantly uses. And when that rhetoric accompanies a post I think that it contravenes the posting guidelines.

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