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The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency

newtboy says...

Oh no, sir. I KNOW he lied repeatedly, he wrote a book about how to get ahead by lying.
On the other side, as you put it (and you missed me screaming for months that there aren't only two horrendous choices) was a normal, underhanded, misdirecting politician.

Email cover-up? Really? What crime was she covering, now that we have seen them all....none. Was she transparent about it, no, but as evidence that Trump is at least as bad on that front if not returns is all I need say.
Pay for play, after Devos blatantly bought a cabinet position you would actually blindly make that claim with no evidence? Let me guess, you're afraid of the fish people Alex Jones told you about too. Is she corrupt, yes, is she corrupt compared to a man that's screwed over every business partner he's ever had and the taxpayer by intentionally bankrupting his companies repeatedly by hiring and massively overpaying other Trump companies, using that method to steal all funds and assets and build up massive debt, then declaring bankruptcy, stiffing his partners and creditors, and walking away (or in a few cases doing it over before being forced to leave), no. By comparison she's above reproach. Clinton may fit the definition of corrupt, but the word barely covers the insane backstabbing, admitted and repeated bribery (remember he claimed to have bought numerous politicians by bribing them, he thinks it's how government works), and theft from his partners that Trump is proud of.

So yes, tissue paper thin glass snow globe......

worm said:

So you are really basing this all off of the notion you THINK Trump lied to get elected. Lets just assume for a second he did, not that I do or don't think so, but lets just ASSUME he did...

What was on the other side of the ballot? Pure-as-the-driven-snow candidate HRC? Madam email cover-up? The Queen of Pay-for-Play? The DEFINITION of currupt politicians?

So yes, Glass Houses...

Why I Left the Left

Double Jeopardy

00Scud00 says...

As a matter of procedure I hear if Double Jeopardy is in invoked you have the right to be represented by a pair of Alex Trebek clones.

Was it Tom Hanks or Bill Murray in THAT Picture? ...

poolcleaner says...

Oh, I know another good one -- old Gene Hackman sometimes looks like old Alex Trebek when they both don't have mustaches! Maybe not 2016 Hackman, but somewhere between when he stopped doing movies and now and then after Trebek shaved his awesome mustache.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

I'm anxious to see the Faux Left coming out of the woods again during the reign of the Orange One. All the shit they opposed when the Bush administration did it only to shut up when the Obama administration continued, or even expanded it, are they going to oppose it again? Can we at least get opposition against the targetted killing of US citizens without due process (al-Awlaki)?

What of all the Dem sycophants in the liberal wing of the media (Matt Yglesias, Ezra Klein, Operative K, Rachel Maddow, etc) who went on a pro-HRC binge over the last months in particular, will they return to reality?

And what is Alex Jones going to? Having raged against government in general only to have his guy now be in charge of the government... is he going to sell beauty products now?

Edit: Thomas Frank, again, to the rescue:

Put this question in slightly more general terms and you are confronting the single great mystery of 2016. The American white-collar class just spent the year rallying around a super-competent professional (who really wasn’t all that competent) and either insulting or silencing everyone who didn’t accept their assessment. And then they lost. Maybe it’s time to consider whether there’s something about shrill self-righteousness, shouted from a position of high social status, that turns people away.

John Oliver - Republican Reactions to the Lewd Remarks

Drachen_Jager says...

Alex Jones

That's his evidence.

The man who can't tell a jar from a can and thinks the government is breeding fish-people. As reliable as any source you'll find in Bob's Rolodex.

Clearly he's either A) Not right in the head, or B) Trolling us.

Either way he deserves our pity, but not our time or one iota of conscious thought.

ChaosEngine said:

Ok, that's a serious allegation.
I assume you have actual evidence of this?

lurgee (Member Profile)

Alex Jones Devolves Into A Literal Baby Over US Election

Alex Jones Devolves Into A Literal Baby Over US Election

Thanks Obama

Thanks Obama

Thanks Obama

Alex Jones Uncovers Pickle-Gate

Drachen_Jager says...

So, what have we learned today, boys and girls?

1) Alex Jones apparently doesn't know the difference between a 'can' and a 'jar'. Which is odd, since he seems to believe he's an expert on everything (so much of an expert in fact that he scoffs at the positions of genuine experts).

2) Alex Jones is a wimp.

3) Small hands and rampant, insane conservativism are apparently connected. Watch for men with small hands, Ladies. Steer clear (if you know what I mean).

Alex Jones Uncovers Pickle-Gate

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