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Kitty Has A Serious Case Of The Afternoon Sleepies

kulpims (Member Profile)

Bitches think they know Iowa.

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Lann:

Uh, yeah there are still family farms/ranches. I should know, grew up on one.
All farms/ranches are corporations. Family owned or not, it's a business.
>> ^longde:
He bragging about farmers, but aren't all those big farms run by corporations. There are no Ma & Pa Kent operations anymore.

I just this very afternoon came to the realization that farms or whatnot usually have names because they are in fact a business. Lazy Bob Ranch,Battle star Farms etc. It had stemmed from my wondering why all these places I go to have names, who the hell names their house.

Hardcore Parkour for Jesus

marinara says...

man watching this it's hard to tell if it's an intentional parody or not.

these kids seem to have the exact skill level you'd expect if a couple of sheltered kids decided to learn parkour late one day on Wednesday afternoon.

and a parody would be shorter.
and a parody would be more flamboyant. I don't detect anything like that, that isn't um, explainable.

Everything I Learned In Film School In Under 3 Minutes

Open Reprimand Request: shinyblurry (Religion Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

I think Shiny could have said something WAY worse than the link he posted. Not that I'm excusing it. It just seems a little harsh to compare it to the WBC. Although, it's almost more insulting than calling Hitchens a fag, considering that it's not just something said to make people angry, but a reflection of what Shiny actually believes. Hitchens would probably have just brushed it off as sophomoric and one more example of religion having to make fun of dead people rather than doing something Jesus might have done.

The more I debate religion, the more I come around to the conclusion that we all have just had different experiences with it. I was sort of "counter-religion" for years. As a person who was raised Lutheran, my experience with it was pretty positive, except for all the boring afternoons I had to sit in church. I'm a little more tolerant now than I used to be but it did take me almost a decade of religion bashing before I started to feel comfortable with it again. I imagine the recovery is worse for many others. And some people don't really have any experience at all except for what they see and hear from other people.

Now, I'm married to a girl who is still a practicing Lutheran, and we're both OK with each others ideas. We've had some arguments as far as raising our son, but if she wants to take him to church, so be it. No other Lutherans ever told me I was going to hell when I was growing up. They mostly just sang hymns, gave thanks and then sat around drinking coffee and eating cookies.

People are always going to believe crazy shit, religious or not. I think I've learned over the course of my short life that most people are wrong about most things. Every day that passes we learn a little more and every little bit we learn makes us more wrong about many other things. Worrying all the time about who's wrong or right shouldn't be the issue anymore. Just taking ideas and people one at a time, and exploring the value they might contain. Even too much of the best thing is bad (except for god of course, in Shiny's opinion), so we have to be careful about getting hung up of what the worst things are. Because even the worst things usually have a "silver lining" somewhere.

So I say tolerance is the best course of action here. Shiny can't hurt your feelings unless you let him. And he most certainly can't do anything worse.

Rick Perry's bigoted campaign message

Crosswords says...

Did I miss something? How are kids being banned from celebrating Christmas? And last I knew praying in school was just fine it just couldn't be a school mandated. But hey that's probably the problem, kids have to choose to participate rather than having to choose not to. Here's a thought, maybe you shouldn't try to run religion like some credit check scam website. WELCOME TO PUBLIC SCHOOL: Prayer services are held in the morning and afternoon, if you wish to opt out you must obtain a consent form and meet administrative approval where you can then be banished to the heathen zone for the duration of prayer services.

Fox Business Blasts The Muppets for Brainwashing Kids

bareboards2 says...

from stranger blog....

"How dare these liberal movies attack the oil industry, and promote sharing? This afternoon, the Twitter hashtag #GOPMuppethearings has blown up, with Twitter users imagining what a Republican-run congressional committee would ask of the Muppets. "

1. ", 'C' is actually for 'communist,' sir. And I assure you that's not good enough for this committee."

2. "Mr. Gonzo, please produce your birth certificate."

3. "Mr. Bert what *is* your relationship with Mr. Ernie?"

4. "Well, the Rainbow Connection certainly sounds like a part of the radical homosexual agenda to me."

5. “Is it your contention, Mr Elmo, that your Communist Red fur is purely coincidental?"

How can you not be romantic about baseball? (Sports Talk Post)

critical_d says...

Former baseball commissioner Bart Giamatti (father of actor Paul Giamatti) wrote this about the game.

"The Green Fields of the Mind "

"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops. Today, October 2, a Sunday of rain and broken branches and leaf-clogged drains and slick streets, it stopped, and summer was gone."

From - From A Great and Glorious Game: Baseball Writings of A. Bartlett Giamatti

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

@kymbos I'm sure we'll be able to hold off on the major eating until you arrive... hell, this was all your idea in the first place, can't have you miss the main event

And yeah, that's great news in regards to the weather, should be a great afternoon/evening.

The People vs. Goldman Sachs

Trancecoach says...

Hedges was arrested along with 15 other protesters following the “people’s trial” when they staged a sit-in outside the headquarters of Goldman Sachs.

The Gothamist reports:

Over a dozen Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested today outside Goldman Sachs, where they had marched with 300 others after holding a mock trial of CEO Lloyd Blankfein. Among those arrested were performance artist gadfly Reverend Billy and author and columnist Chris Hedges, who is a senior fellow at The Nation Institute. Hedges and the Rev joined several others in a direct action protest outside the firm, sitting down on the sidewalk, linking arms, and refusing to leave. It seems clear the activists intended to be arrested; earlier today Reverend Billy tweeted, “I’ll spend the afternoon in a police van with Chris Hedges and come out ten times more READY for the miracle! Revolujah!”

How not to scam someone for insurance money

Chimeling says...

I find your username funny now =).

>> ^Payback:
>> ^Yogi

Some guy backed into, (more like "touched") my classic Mustang in a parking lot. It wasn't in all that great of shape (pre-restoration) at the time, but I spent the rest of the afternoon going through videotape from different stores. Figured out who it was, got a sweet shot of him hitting it in one camera, getting out and looking, then driving off. Another camera got his plate number. Spent months making sure he got screwed over by insurance and police..
Accidents happen. Act honourably, and I'll likely forgive you out of laziness if anything. Act dishonourably and I'll fuck up your whole life.

How not to scam someone for insurance money

Payback says...

>> ^Yogi:

Someone accidentally bumped our flower bucket at the end of our drive. Left a handwritten note on our door with their phone number and an offer of restitution. We didn't bother with it since it's just a cheap bucket but it was a very sweet thing. I almost like it better a little bit crushed.

Some guy backed into, (more like "touched") my classic Mustang in a parking lot. It wasn't in all that great of shape (pre-restoration) at the time, but I spent the rest of the afternoon going through videotape from different stores. Figured out who it was, got a sweet shot of him hitting it in one camera, getting out and looking, then driving off. Another camera got his plate number. Spent months making sure he got screwed over by insurance and police.

Last year someone scraped the tailgate on my truck (much better shape than the Mustang, btw). Way more damage, monetarily. They left their contact info and a fairly heartfelt apology. I was about to have the whole truck painted (colour change) so I just tossed the note.

Accidents happen. Act honourably, and I'll likely forgive you out of laziness if anything. Act dishonourably and I'll fuck up your whole life.

Video Of The Moment Gaddafi Was Caught

gwiz665 says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^gorillaman:
You have to remember that these are soulless savages. One group of savages oppresses another and periodically the tables turn. At least one of them is dead now. Maybe some day we can make real progress on eliminating the four or five billion more who are exactly as evil as Gaddafi.

The 9 month bloodshed in Libya is a pleasant afternoon in the park compared to what was done to Iraq over a decade for money by the richest and fattest men ever to live. I assume you're including the western ultra mass-murderers in this analysis?
Also, big difference, this is a WIN.
Fuck anyone who abuses power to hurt children. If I met him on the battlefield I'd have killed the secret police running, manipulative propagandist torturing murdering fuck myself.

Video Of The Moment Gaddafi Was Caught

bcglorf says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^gorillaman:
You have to remember that these are soulless savages. One group of savages oppresses another and periodically the tables turn. At least one of them is dead now. Maybe some day we can make real progress on eliminating the four or five billion more who are exactly as evil as Gaddafi.

The 9 month bloodshed in Libya is a pleasant afternoon in the park compared to what was done to Iraq over a decade for money by the richest and fattest men ever to live. I assume you're including the western ultra mass-murderers in this analysis?
Also, big difference, this is a WIN.
Fuck anyone who abuses power to hurt children. If I met him on the battlefield I'd have killed the secret police running, manipulative propagandist torturing murdering fuck myself.

Life under Gaddafi in Libya was equally posh and cozy compared to life under Saddam. The right tyrant was put down first. You can't judge post-Saddam Iraq without understanding the horrific state it had been put into by Saddam's years of depravity, mass murder and absolute repression. Gaddafi was a very soft by comparison.

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