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Congressman Weiner Being Hilarious

Congressman Weiner Being Hilarious

The Cyclotrope

"Fox doesn't work for the GOP, the GOP works for Fox"

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'fox news, weiner, troll, megyn kelly, aces' to 'fox news, anthony weiner, troll, megyn kelly, aces' - edited by xxovercastxx

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for reminding me. I need to go pay my traditional Siftiversary respects to @graterbot.

You are very welcome gwiz, at least as welcome as a giant crowned cock can be.
>> ^gwiz665:

I say we let Graterbot out of his gilded cage to take up some of siftbot's responsibilities. He's a political prisoner, just like mandela!
Thanks doe being here for 5 years, I've spent many, many hours here and the community is really ace.

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

I say we let Graterbot out of his gilded cage to take up some of siftbot's responsibilities. He's a political prisoner, just like mandela!

Thanks for being here for 5 years, I've spent many, many hours here and the community is really ace.

Zonbie (Member Profile)

volumptuous (Member Profile)

The Walking Dead (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

Yeah, I thought it was pretty ace. Good pacing, excellent casting so far... and when it came to the violence, I'm glad they kept it graphic yet didn't use it everywhere. A very well done first episode I thought.

Will be interesting to see how it involves as I think Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption director) has only directed this first/pilot episode.

I just bought a HTC Legend - any tips? (Geek Talk Post)

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

TickTock says...

I agree - Dune is ace! One of the Sci-Fi classics from my childhood.

When we were younger my brother and I would always hold the other one down and say the "A little spittle..." line as we goobed in the others face. Thank you David Lynch!

I wonder what it's made to this point. Sure it cost 45mil but only made like 20mil in the box office, but since then? VHS, rentals, DVD, Blu-ray, digital, TV? That shit has to add up after a few decades.

I love Asus

AeroMechanical says...

I originally pronounced it like Isis (as in Isis and Osiris), but then it seemed everyone else was pronouncing it like "aces," so I started doing that.

Now that everyone is going to be pronouncing it like the sneeze, I will pronounce it asses. I like to be different.

The problem with this commercial, clever though it may be, is that if it gets viral enough, I think that "asses" is going to stick, and that will be their name.

Clever Microsoft ad

braindonut says...

After seeing all the info pouring out of the launch event, I think Microsoft is actually making a pretty good case for their phone. But we'll see next month whether or not it can walk the walk.

Whether or not it could dethrone the iPhone - I doubt it. But it does seem well positioned to make Android the wal-mart of smartphones, as a friend of mine put it. And, personally, I like the UI. It has great motion graphics and it's creative, unlike the giant wall of icons we have on other smart phones. I can't wait to try it out.

Plus, having one of the most easy development environments (Silverlight) and widespread game development toolkits (XNA) on the market is going to be a nice ace in the pocket when it comes to app development.

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