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Most Deadliest Legs in the History of Man

Piers Morgan Finally Fucks Off With A Great Parting Shot

SDGundamX says...

Apples and oranges.

It's a lot more difficult to kill people with a knife. It's nearly impossible to kill someone from a distance with one unless you've had lots of knife-throwing training--and even then it's pretty iffy.

Plus, knives require the attacker to get close to the victims, meaning the victims have a lot better chance of seeing the attacker coming and running away or even disarming the attacker as he approaches.

So, good luck killing 20 people in under ten minutes (like Sandy Hook) with a knife unless they all happen to be unconscious on the floor.

My_design said:

After the guns it's the knives, just ask the Chinese.
If this idiot had his way we'd all be wanded by a TSA agent when we go out our front door.

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Willing to guess..that the so-called heckler there who asked Obama aloud his inane shit and reset the wannabe president's unscripted ass, was followed home by assholes, or is inna box being questioned somewhere as we speak so....fuck all you Obama dick-riders out there, you suck sweaty, unwashed and hope-ridden ballzack

Oh wait! You can vote for someone else in one of the 2 parties that makes you feeeeel goood because of what you heard while trying to decide what frappa-latte-jizmo yer gonna have for the fast-breaking, non-nutritive brain-lozenge before unconsciousness grips you and then beddy-bye.

There's yer choice peeps. 1 of 2 shit-heals, whoever they may be.

Election 2016-As flat 'n refreshing as an un-fizzy soda pop found in a bus terminal with some hideous shade of lipstick on the cap and you drink it anyway...cause yer whore-mongering ways are so, so cozy....

....gonna write-in 'cocksucker' when floating by the polls next go-round, maybe watch some Finnish porn after-

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

bareboards2 says...

I kept thinking that if women who spend so much time on their appearance had more time, they'd probably just watch TV or mess with Facebook.

As for the wage disparity -- I think that might be other reasons why women who spend so much time on their appearance make less money. I suspect that they are just not that smart, rely on their looks to get by, and/or probably have pretty low self esteem which interferes with their ability to work to their highest potential. I suspect that confident, busy women don't obsess on their bodies like that.

I also don't understand why videos like this have to turn into a competition in the comment stream. Women have things they have to do to break free of their unconscious choices. That's just a human fact. Why bring up men's unconscious choices, @Trancecoach? I know you are joking (you checked the box!). However every time a vid like this shows up, SOMEBODY brings up how tough the world is on men.

Yes. The world is tough on men. Make a video about it. Educate your fellows so they can break the chains of societal expectations.

Why insist that women talk about your challenges when they are talking about their own challenges. I don't understand why that comes up very single time. It flummoxes me.

Although maybe you truly were joking? Maybe you don't think the world is tough on men? I sure do. Your shortened life span compared to women is proof of that, I should think. The pressures that you list, even jokingly.... dang. I can't imagine what it is like to face that on a daily basis. It seems horrendous to me.


chingalera says...

An American watching this psa there kiwi, one that actually drives his car and pays fucking attention to the road and the creatures on it who could give a fuck about the moment, is that both of these dimwits had they been in the U.S., would have been on their motherfucking cellphones with masturbatory thumbs ushering them into the next world.

Nearly involved in a 4-car-collison today, mid-afternoon here in Texas (Houston has some of the most distracted and retarded drivers on any road) because some dumbshit was on a phone, along with 2 other drivers who barley escaped jacking-off similarly behind the wheel.

This rural situation is a cake-walk here, but dumbasses still manage on unpolluted roads to fly unconscious in a helicopter to hospital.

Legalize GTA-style citizen watches and watch the shit change overnight....

GOP Rep: Republicans Act Like Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

chingalera says...

Well here's something to think about, since the uselessness of answering these questions which seem so important to yourself, these issues which would simply tend to correct themselves should dumb assess who light-upon them who can't seem to figure it out actually DO something with all their frustration.

There are other more pressing fundamental issues to consider when you think about how real "CHANGE" could come overnight if both fanatics dems and repubs could get their heads out of their own assess.

Most of these issues you are so passionate about and continually abuse the meaningless, "one-team-against-the-other" argument for, are simply diversions to keep you inebriated with (by design) while the rapists and abusers of culture, politics and special interests, military and police, and corporate oligarchies fuck you from behind without lube.

For instance: THIS video offering after 30 hours in the queue has garnered 6 votes. It speaks to one of the many fundamental ass-fucks being perpetrated on the American People and one insidious presidential cunt republican and one equally as sinister mountebank currently in office has created the framework for this egregious violation of rights and culture, but nobody seems to give a fuck.

INSTEAD, people that continually paste these kind of trite news-bobble sound bites of worthless information pitting one party against another seem to be absolutely clueless as to the mechanics of the insidious mechanism keeping them in a state of unconscious somnambulatry hypnotic drunkenness while the entire time, not utilizing the power they have to alter the course of the destiny of the planet-Instead that wasted energy is used to jack off at the mouth.

Simple fix for the so-called drug problem as it relates to criminal cartels (like the FBI, LIKE the CIA, like the "cabal who control government."???

Legalized marijuana, heroin, cocaine, while at the same time criminalizing the machine set-in-place to quote/unquote, "fight the war on drugs"..Fight the war on terrorism", etc. There is no goddamn war except the one for your mind,and from reading this horseshit on this particular post, it seems that more than a few people here have had their minds hi-jacked already.

It's up to you to wake-the-fuck-up. Republicans are no better or worse than democrats, because both are complicit in the hijacking of your lives, your livelihoods, and the work and sweat and blood of your lives as you toil incessantly to continue to promulgate their diseased programs of slavery of both your bodies and minds.

Any and all retort to similar diatribes of my own are predictably met with derision and defensiveness, and a SHITLOAD of passive-aggression in the form of convoluted and meaningless banter.

I fucking detest this charade of pitting conservatives against liberals, one "party" against another.

The only party that exists is the one behind closed doors as they laugh at people like yourselves.

VoodooV said:

@chingalera ahh the "both parties are equally bad" fallacy.

tell me? What's the Democrat equivalent of the denial of same sex marriage?
What's the Democrat equivalent of telling women they must keep their rape babies? What's the Democrat equivalent of trying establish a state religion even though we are a country of many (or no) religions. What's the Democrat equivalent of Republican's persistent denial of this pesky thing called science. What's the Democrat equivalent of the Republican body count due to starting unnecessary wars?

Don't get me wrong. Democrats fuck up all the time. They believed the 2004 election would be a slam dunk. They can often be naive and miscalculate political realities. I'm not convinced they won't fuck up the 2016 election somehow despite the Republicans' current problems. I really don't think Hillary should run. To quote Doctor Who: "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Both parties should be abolished to get away from this political nonsense, but to suggest these are somehow equal to Republican misdeeds is absolute lunacy unless you dare to back your claims up.

Hell, arguing the opposite of my claims is still more rational than this "OMG they're equal" nonsense. If you capable of making a value judgement, one party matches your values better than the other. It's impossible for them to be equal in that regard.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

Yeah well, a handful of cunts on this site fucked me into a corner because of their petty bullshit and dysfunction-Glad to know they're in their holes as well and would love to be able to engage them or embrace them, whichever they chose.
Pretty sure it was my tenacity and commitment to righteous action in the face of intolerant assholes who have done very little work on themselves and haven't the slightest clue who they really are that PROMPTED the creation of the invocations described.

Trolls hide under bridges, the righteous trot right the fuck across that bitch.

Also quite certain that for all their work to see me burn in hell, all it netted them was stigmatization and self-immolation once the smoke cleared.
Some folks brains start to burn when have to face the bullshit they've packed it with through years of disciplined unconsciousness.

The petty cop thugs who laughed and giggled (literally) as they served me a felony 3...Karma will take care of them, I pray for their enlightenment.

Duncan said:

Now that's commitment.

dr richard wolff-how class works

chingalera says...

Seems a logical next-step to fastidiously render the 'really tiny minority in our society' into dog food. The 'elite' are a cancer: Irradiate them, excise them, and place their offspring in the prisons they've built for us.

To these unseen perpetrators of the destruction of the planet and the souls and spirits of us regular folks should be delivered a message for future generations in the form of say, a monument. Yes, a monument similar to the wall of names of the fallen in wars (lest we forget)-

Here includes the names of all the wealthiest families the fascist human refuse that they are, their offspring, their legacy of anti-creation, anti-humanity, anti-life-

These people need to be annihilated, and the memory of their existence forever burned into the collective unconscious.

Destroy the fruits of their crimes and most importantly, end their bloodlines. Bury them, burn them, kill them all.

Otherwise, the planets' fucked.

Big Budget Hollywood Movie About Noah's Ark with Russel Crow

Chairman_woo says...

You sir clearly do not fully understand the nature of entropy (and nor does about 95% of the human race so you can be forgiven there).

You have however stumbled into making a genuinely worthwhile point here (though I must state I think for completely the wrong reasons).

The idea that the universe inevitably moves towards a complete "heat death" is I think incorrect, it fails to account for the effect of ever increasing complexity within the closed systems the universe produces (i.e. evolution which applies as much cosmically as it does to organic life on earth).

If the universe remained with no more complexity than it currently has then yes everything would eventually "burn out" and spread the energy of the universe so thinly that everything would cease to work (if only on a space-time level).

But the nature of the universe does not remain static, it creates ever more complex and actuated systems dialectically. Energies>Particles>Compounds>Nebulae>Stars>Planets>Organisms>Unconsciousness>Consciousness>???>God! (not intended to be an exhaustive list it's purely for illustration)

Evolution does trump entropy IMHO but this is largely because the actual laws of entropy are crazy complicated to understand and most people (including to some extent myself) don;t fully understand the subtleties of how it really works.

If nothing else; to say that the whole universe eventually enters a state of complete entropy assumes that every complex closed system that does or ever will exist will eventually break down. This is far from a forgone conclusion, we alone as evolving conscious creatures are capable of developing means to circumvent or even prevent this. Let alone what other wonders we have yet to observe or the universe has yet to manifest!

In conclusion: The Universe evolves until it reaches God (or dies trying ). God does not then create the universe but rather commits suicide (what else is God to do? Eternity is a very long time for someone that already knows and has done everything...). Process repeats ad infinitum.

Makes a lot more sense that way around don't you think? (and no ancient books of dubious origin need ever be consulted to derive it either)

Saying God created the universe only leaves you with more questions which by their very nature cannot be answered. We would have to be God itself to ever answer them, so we are left with a judgement call. No logical certainty, only faith.

This way around we can by pure rationalism and empiricism arrive at an explanation of how the universe might evolve God via ever increasing complexity of consciousness and actualisation (true post-humans alone would be like demi-gods, it's not a huge leap to keep taking this idea further)

Further to that Ontological mathematics (that is to say "really real mathematics") can assess a framework to understand how the universe itself came to be (we can arguably go pre-big bang with this but that's always going to be a controversial idea here).

^ Now I might be wrong about some or even all of that but it is at least a reductive argument. Using God as an explanation for anything without first explaining God is always going to be a circular argument. If your going to use circular logic you can prove basically anything you feel like!

"God is dead!"

martineister said:

How people can claim evolution and believe in entropy at the same time is mental deceit.

Nobody is getting into these shorts

entr0py says...

Good point, when she mentioned studies on "resistance" I was skeptical they could really be equated with difficult clothing. And, while I think this would probably do more good than harm, there are some worrying scenarios. For example they say it could protect unconscious women from having their shorts cut away. But a prolonged knife attack on super tight fitting shorts sounds like it would result in lots of cutting.

harlequinn said:

The ones who fight back get raped and beaten the least:


Take note that modern studies take into account the sequencing of violence and resistance, while earlier studies did not - and it shows clearly that resistance works.

Interesting, the video talks about resistance but some studies show that unless it is active resistance then it is unlikely to work. One set of data I saw showed passive resistance increasing the likelihood of a bad result. So you may be right if it simply frustrates an attacker.

Van Jones: Let's Stop Trying to Please Republicans

deedub81 says...

Van Jones is kinda kooky in my opinion. I digress.

To imply that Obamacare is a Republican plan is ludicrous. Why can politicians not take responsibility for their own legislation? Republicans and Democrats are all the same. I see little difference between the two parties. They are all reactive, knee-jerk legislators that believe there needs to be a law for every situation known to mankind.

Leave the American People alone. Me and my neighbors can take care of ourselves.

Van Jones should read Dr. Covey's book:

“Proactive is a word you won’t find in most dictionaries. It means more than merely taking initiative. It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We can subordinate feelings to values. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.

Look at the word responsibility- “response-ability”- the ability to respond. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.

Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us.

In making such a choice, we become reactive. Reactive people are often affected by their physical environment. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn’t, it affects their attitude and their performance. Proactive people can carry their own weather with them. Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to them. They are value driven; and if their value is to produce good quality work, it isn’t a function of whether the weather is conducive to it or not.

Reactive people are also affected by the social environment, by the “social weather.” When people treat them well, they feel well, when people don’t, they become defensive or protective. Reactive people build their emotional lives around the behavior of others, empowering the weaknesses of other people to control them.

The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person. Reactive people are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their environment. Proactive people are driven by values-carefully thought about, selected and internalized values.

Proactive people are still influenced by external stimuli, whether physical, social, or psychological. But their response to the stimuli, conscious or unconscious, is a value-based choice or response.

As Eleanor Roosevelt observed, “No one can hurt you without your consent.” In the word of Gandhi , “They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them” It is our willing permission, our consent to what happens to us, that hurts us far more than what happens to us in the first place.

I admit this is very hard to accept emotionally, especially if we have had years and years of explaining our misery in the name of circumstance or someone else’s behavior. But until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.”

-Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

EMT Attempts to Apprehend "High-as-a-Kite" Woman

scheherazade says...

To be fair, no one knows for a fact that she was high.
She could have had a stroke...

Remember the car last winter that was recorded flying down the snowy median on the highway, with the person recording saying something like "LoL this dude is crazy!" ... and it turned out the driver was unconscious with his foot pressing the gas.


IRS Official Says She Never Consorted With The Devil

chingalera says...


the connection exists in the collective unconscious something smells a certain way in Denmark
certain people claim supernatural influence
some of us, simply scream asshole

Skater punched by kid's mom

harlequinn says...

Unconsciousness is the best indicator of head injury severity (for non-external bleeding wounds). He didn't go unconscious which means he didn't get hurt that badly. I'm guessing he didn't even receive a contusion.

At the 0:05 second mark he hits the ground and it looks to me like his head does not hit the ground until he relaxes it back and then he rolls sideways. But, given the bad angle, low resolution, and distance from the child, none of us can tell one way or another exactly how hard his head hit the ground. We're all just speculating that part.

I've treated lots of people with serious head wounds - mushed skull, subdural bleeding, etc. Not bleeding (either internal or external) is exactly what you do want.

Ryjkyj said:

And I know you're probably not a doctor, but a head injury that doesn't bleed is exactly the kind you don't want.

How would you be different if you were born a woman?

poolcleaner says...

I only unconsciously check out attractive women, but when I'm aware of my roaming eyes, I keep them off the lookers and glue em to the ones with character. This is an excellent way to get constantly laid, btw. Sorry, was that shallow? Aha!

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