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UFC 107: Kenny Florian vs Clay Guida

xxovercastxx says...

I was just looking at the salaries for UFC 106 and the lowest payout was $6,000 to Jacob Volkmann and that was for losing! At the other end of the spectrum is Forrest Griffin and Tito Ortiz who each got $250,000.

>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^gwiz665:
I'll never understand what gets people to participate in stuff like this, but it can be very entertaining to watch. Bloody mess by the end.

Kenny Florian probably took home in between 150,000 USD - 300,000 USD for this victory.
That's based on the numbers for his last comparable fight, which were 40k for base-pay and 40k for win bonus (source), and sponsorship deals are probably another couple 100k.

UFC 107: Kenny Florian vs Clay Guida

chilaxe says...

>> ^gwiz665:
I'll never understand what gets people to participate in stuff like this, but it can be very entertaining to watch. Bloody mess by the end.

Kenny Florian probably took home in between 150,000 USD - 300,000 USD for this victory.

That's based on the numbers for his last comparable fight, which were 40k for base-pay and 40k for win bonus (source), and sponsorship deals are probably another couple 100k.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

rougy says...

>> ^A10anis:
But, rather than using colourful language and rhetoric (rape. asshole) why don't you give us your solution?

Tax the shit out of anyone making more than 30 million USD a year.

99% on every dollar over that mark.

El problemo solved.


And, bank-wise,
I have no problem
letting banks loan money
that they do not have,
just as long as they do not
demand money
from people who do not have it.

Noone Should Lose Everything Because They're Denied Coverage

rougy says...

I saw this.

Strikes a chord.

"Free Market" "Supply Side" economics OBVIOUSLY has not helped us regarding health care.

If it had, we wouldn't be here bitching about it.

Whining. Paid them five hundred a month (USD). And that's low.

$500 a month but you have to cover $5,000 first.

A five thousand "deductible" - which means you pay fat cat insurance people $500 USD per fucking month and only after you shell out five fucking grand USD then (get this) maybe they'll support you.


This could happen to any of us.

Paying your fine with 8,800 pennies

blankfist says...

>> ^kurtdh:
Private businesses are not required to accept pennies. Straight from the Department of the Treasury:
"There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash unless there is a State law which says otherwise."

Correct, private businesses are not required by law to accept pennies. If I opened a company and said I'd only accept paperclips as payment, I'd have the right to do that. But, if I opened a company and negotiated a payment plan in paperclips with a client, then when the client wanted to pay I told him he now had to pay me in gold bullion, he wouldn't be obligated to do that because we already agreed that I'd trade him a good or service for paperclips not gold. See the difference?

In the case of the boys paying for their impounded car in pennies, the tow company has posted that it will accept a set amount in US Dollars (in this case, $88 US Dollars). Therefore the US Dollar currency is the agreed upon tender for the transaction, and pennies are part of that currency. Whatever combination of USD he uses to pay is irrelevant. If he gave them two twenties, three ones, six fives, forty quarters, sixty nickels and 200 pennies, and as long as it was in US Dollar currency, then they'd have to accept the money or give over his car without payment.

Paying your fine with 8,800 pennies

blankfist says...

>> ^IronDwarf:
Did you read through the article you posted?

Yes. They don't have to accept it as payment if they want to negotiate something else, but they cannot post $88 fee then change their policy arbitrarily which is what this lady did by not accepting the payment:

From Snopes: "So, for example, if an automobile dealer signs a contract agreeing to sell you a car for $8,000, but when you begin making monthly payments he rejects them and insists he wants to be paid in gold instead, you can go to court and have your debt discharged on the grounds that valid payment was offered and refused."

Like I explained above. They asked for 88 US Dollars for payment, not 88 top hats or 88 pencils or 88 bottles of beer on the wall. Still, they're towing cars under the law, so they have to accept USD. It would be unfair for them to tow your car and demand you pay them the entire planet of Jupiter. I think it's implied they must accept USD if they're to deal with towing people's property.

Maddow: Healthcare Bill Intmidation Taking Dangerous Turn

chilaxe says...

QM, while I am an advocate of individualism and self-reliance, the healthcare debate for me boils down to one fact: Canada spends a smaller portion of its GDP on healthcare than the US does (10.1% vs. 16%).1

That seems like an even better deal when you take into account that the average per capita GDP in Canada (38.3k USD) is 81% of that in the US (47.2k USD).2 (According to an averaging of the World Bank, IMF, and CIA factbook estimates of GDP per capita.)

Llama Shearing

Apple Fanboy Since 1983 (Blog Entry by dag)

schmawy says...

My dad brought home the incredible Macintosh 128k one day and I LOVED it. (apparently the list price was something like $2500 USD in 1984, thanks, Dad!) I spent hours and hours on it. It supported creativity like no other data appliance of the time. I have always appreciated what apple does. I must even recant some of my heretical talk about the iphone.

You said you're getting an iphone this month, Dag. When you go to the apple store, don't be afraid when they put those electrodes on your scalp and you go to that glowing white temple and meet The Mighty Jobs. It's pretty neat.

Building a New PC (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

Really, EDD? Where are you from? And is that in your currency or USD? You could always have someone stateside buy the stuff and ship it to you, but I guess there are customs costs as well too...

Haha. You must have a bad need for speed, Ornthoron. It's definitely a tiny bit faster than the 64 mhz my old RAM was running at.

Detroit Struggles as Economy Tanks

volumptuous says...

This is pure sensationalism.

Detroit is my hometown, and the neighborhoods and downtown districts they show in this piece have been abandoned since I was a wee child.

In fact, there is a growing art community, and gay community in Downtown. You can literally buy a house for $1 USD, as long as you sign a contract with the city stating you will do yearly repairs to the house and property. This has spun a lot of new growth downtown.

That old train station tho.. Lots of memories for me. We raved in the place during the late 80's and early 90's when Detroit Techno began. Wild, wild times!

Videosift estimated worth: $1,957,617 (Commercial Talk Post)

What the future will be like -- as imagined in 1969

zimbabwe's economy in collapse - gold for bread

omnistegan says...

Notice: The Zimbabwe government redenominated the ZWD again on February 2, 2009 at a rate of 1,000,000,000,000 old ZWD to 1 new ZWD.
1.00 USD=143.420 ZWD

Yeah, I would call that hyper-inflation. 143,420,000,000,000 ZWD to every one US dollar.
That means the bill that guy was using to sift his gold was worth about 0.00000003486 cents.
That's sad...

VideoSift Fundraiser (Sift Talk Post)

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