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Charming Music For Typewriter, Toy Piano and Melodica

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'charming, music, typewriter, toy piano, toy, piano, melodica, french' to 'charming, music, typewriter, toy piano, toy, piano, melodica, french, yann tiersen' - edited by kronosposeidon

LOST -- What Will Happen Next? Episode 1

choggie says...

What will happen next is, the 8 episodes they have in the can will play out, the writers will have all developed new addictions, arrangements, etc., they'll give this silly-ass hack stream-of-consciousness story to a new group of monkeys with typewriters, and the die-hard fans of this awful program will stop believing....

and the adverts for dishsoap, flavoured crisps, and new cars, will still be the best thing on the idiot box.....

Jerry Lewis demonstrates his typewriting skills!

Vintage is looking more "Vintage" (Vintage Talk Post)

Dvorak keyboard touchtyping

Someone at Google has a sense of humor

Neatorama rama rama (Sift Talk Post)

Lost writers

LadyBug (Member Profile)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

benjee says...

No problem SwampGirl (I volunteer to be 'someone') - here's a few HTML codes to copy & paste for links etc:

Anchors (hyperlinks)
<A HREF="">Hyperlink</A>
Produces: Hyperlink (but won't work as I made up the address!)


Quoted text here

Basic Formatting (you probably know these already)
<B>Bold text</B> Produces: Bold text
<I>Italic text</I> Produces: Italic text
<U>Underline text</U> Produces: Underline text
<TT>Typewriter text</TT> Produces: Typewriter text
<S>Strikethrough text</S> Produces: Strikethrough text
<SMALL>Small text</SMALL> Produces: Smaller text
<SUP>Superscripted text</SUP> Produces: Superscripted text
<SUB>Subscripted text</SUB> Produces: Subscripted text
<BR/> Produces: a line break (return) in Sift Talk submissions etc.

In reply to your comment:
(someone needs to teach me how to make those nice, short, one word links )

Sesame Street - Grover's Health Minute - Kermit with Teeth!

Aljazeera promotional video

choggie says..., cool, this looks like one of the many ways for the Middle East to revitalize their image.....spin spin spin the bottle of network news....

...if we could, can we take the children from the fundamentalist religion of peace known as Islam, away from the Dark Ager Adults in the tribe, reprogramme the next generation,-teach them the fundamentals of self-critical thought and the process of deriving meaning from available information, we might see an end to this clusterfuck...otherwise....The Middle East will remain trapped in a world it never met!

I see semi-socially evolved, semi-modernized, pseudo-spiritual domesticated primates, with typewriters....and production studios.....

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