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SDGundamX (Member Profile)

Fantomas (Member Profile)

Fire Tornado in Slow Motion

have you found yourself longing for the apocalypse?

shagen454 says...

Needs more warnings at the end - May cause poisonous burns, itching, rashes, scars, insects / bites, decapitation, potent hallucinogenic plant experience ego death (this is a good thing), wild fire, sneezing, rashes, pulled muscles, sweating, potential flash flood, tornado, blunt force death (hail storm), suffocation (ie quicksand), dehydration, drowning (helicopter drops retardant on you or otherwise), hypothermia, freezing, lethal stings, booby traps, rednecks, cannibals, serial killers, getting lost and starving...

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

By the way, a Tornado doesn't have the range to reach Russia, especially not with a B61-12 as payload. So it doesn't really come as a surprise that our Eastern European neighbours are not particularly pleased either, given how it would be either them or us who this shit would be dropped upon when zealots in uniforms get up on the wrong side of the bed.

Nuclear proliferation, the cornerstone of future Fallout LARPs.

radx said:

German media reports that the USAF's budget plan for Q3/15 includes funds for the integration of the B61-12 nuclear bomb into German Tornado fighter-bombers.

How Germany can lobby for an abolition of nuclear weapons while our government allows the US to modernise its nuclear arsenal on German soil is beyond me, to be quite honest. Especially since an overwhelming majority of our parliament voted in favour of a resolution to pressure the US to remove its nukes from Germany territory five years ago.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

German media reports that the USAF's budget plan for Q3/15 includes funds for the integration of the B61-12 nuclear bomb into German Tornado fighter-bombers.

How Germany can lobby for an abolition of nuclear weapons while our government allows the US to modernise its nuclear arsenal on German soil is beyond me, to be quite honest. Especially since an overwhelming majority of our parliament voted in favour of a resolution to pressure the US to remove its nukes from Germany territory five years ago.

Time to wake up or ... evacuate?

newtboy (Member Profile)

7 years, 7 mass shootings, 7 distraught speeches

Payback says...

The "backdrop of day-to-day violence" needs FAR more attention spent on it than these shocking aberrations. It's horrific. It's a tragedy. It is so "black and white" as to be able to be ignored as anything other than a true terrorist act.

It is also as completely unpreventable as a tornado or a hurricane.

More people died today in North America in horrific, tragic -racist or otherwise- but completely preventable ways. THAT is what needs changing. Talking about trying to prevent single assailant mass murder is stupid and wasteful.

Sportsmanship beyond measure...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'High school, basketball, sportsmanship' to 'High school, basketball, sportsmanship, gainesville, tornados, vanguard' - edited by lucky760

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

It's officially known as a report on the "Measurement of the Duration of a Trendless Subsample in a Global Climate Time Series." In lay-speak, it's a study of just how long the current pause in global warming has lasted. And the results are profound:

According to Canadian Ross McKitrick, a professor of environmental economics who wrote the paper for the Open Journal of Statistics, "I make the duration out to be 19 years at the surface and 16 to 26 years in the lower troposphere depending on the data set used."

In still plainer English, McKitrick has crunched the numbers from all the major weather organizations in the world and has found that there has been no overall warming at the Earth's surface since 1995 - that's 19 years in all.

During the past two decades, there have been hotter years and colder years, but on the whole the world's temperatures have not been rising. Despite a 13 per cent rise in carbon dioxide levels over the period, the average global temperature is the same today as it was almost 20 years ago.

In the lower atmosphere, there has been no warming for somewhere between 16 and 26 years, depending on which weather organization's records are used.

Not a single one of the world's major meteorological organizations - including the ones the United Nations relies on for its hysterical, the-skies-are-on-fire predictions of environmental apocalypse - shows atmospheric warming for at least the last 16 years. And some show no warming for the past quarter century.

This might be less significant if some of the major temperature records showed warming and some did not. But they all show no warming.

Even the records maintained by devoted eco-alarmists, such as the United Kingdom's Hadley Centre, show no appreciable warming since the mid-1990s.

Despite continued cymbal-crashing propaganda from environmentalists and politicians who insist humankind is approaching a critical climate-change tipping point, there is no real evidence this is true.

There are no more hurricanes than usual, no more typhoons or tornadoes, floods or droughts. What there is, is more media coverage more often.

Forty years ago when a tropical storm wiped out villages on a South Pacific Island there might have been pictures in the newspaper days or weeks later, then nothing more. Now there is live television coverage hours after the fact and for weeks afterwards.

That creates the impression storms are worse than they used to be, even though statistically they are not.

While the UN's official climate-scare mouthpiece, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has acknowledged the lack of warming over the past two decades, it has done so very quietly. What's more, it has not permitted the facts to get in the way of its continued insistence that the world is going to hell in a hand basket soon unless modern economies are crippled and more decision-making power is turned over to the UN and to national bureaucrats and environmental activists.

Later this month in New York, the UN will hold a climate summit including many of the world's leaders. So frantic are UN bureaucrats to keep the climate scare alive they have begun a worldwide search for what they themselves call a climate-change "Malala."

That's a reference to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot in the head by the Taliban after demanding an education. Her wounding sparked a renewed, worldwide concern for women's rights.

The new climate spokeswoman must be a female under 30, come from a poor country and have been the victim of a natural disaster.

If the facts surrounding climate-disaster predictions weren't falling apart, the UN wouldn't such need a sympathetic new face of fear.

RedSky said:


bobikmasters (Member Profile)

Camera in the car recorded tornado

Tornado - Close up

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