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Building sturdiness test #083 - Tornado

cloudballoon says...

I see it's less of a "building construction " fail, rather a "construction regulation" fail caused by the construction industry lobbyist.... if the construction is built within regulation.

Always amazes me that, year-after-year, that we see these around the "Tornado Alley" areas.

Reefie (Member Profile)

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Reefie (Member Profile)

Building sturdiness test #083 - Tornado

BSR says...

Building sturdiness test.

I didn't know that a tornado could be created just to test a building's structure!

At least it looked like the cars survived.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

Fire Tornado Spawns on Driveway

BSR (Member Profile)

Tornado Damage in Coastal Town

Tornado Damage in Coastal Town

newtboy says...

I also think it doesn’t look real. I think it’s a composite video…1) a building in a storm 2) a tornado 3) lightning (that actually looks like it’s stolen from war of the worlds at slow speed). That’s why it’s “coastal town” not somewhere you could look up.
Groovy, but I assume fake.

Tornado Damage in Coastal Town

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

One private school followed the public school law in Texas and banned the Bible for glorifying explicit sexual and violent content…and the right has lost their hypocritical shit!
Enjoy reaping what you sow.

Edit: bonus- Trump was just deposed in the Eugene Carrol rape case, and as a civil case he could invoke the 5th but the jury can assume guilt because he pleads the 5th, so he actually testified for 7 hours. Now that deposition, which included questions the answers to which Bragg wanted on the record before prosecuting Trump for bank and tax fraud for fraudulently over/under valuations properties for loans/taxes.
Suddenly not filing this case last year when the investigators brought it to him is genius, because otherwise the civil deposition wouldn’t have happened for years if ever and he would have less evidence.

Added bonus- WI republicans hijacked the emergency alert system during a blizzard/tornado outbreak to fake an emergency alert that was in fact a political ad against the Democratic Supreme Court candidate. More evidence that respect for laws, morals, and ethics aren’t part of the Republican Party.
Happily thanks to this and other blatant Republican disregard and distain for the law, the Democratic candidate won by double digits in conservative Wisconsin.

Drone captures tornado ripping through a Kansas town

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