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The limits of how far humanity can ever travel - Kurzgesagt

SDGundamX says...

If I'm doing the math correctly, the universe is expanding at around 46 miles per second, which is around 165,000 mph. Is there some reason why humans could not overcome this speed limit? It doesn't seem that exceptionally fast (no where near as fast as the speed of light), and if you accelerate slowly to it, like over several days or weeks, the g-forces involved wouldn't be that extreme, would they? The video didn't really explain why we could never go fast enough to overcome the expansion rate.

Also, I thought most theortical physicists like Stephen Hawking believe that in the future technology could advance enough to allow us bend space-time and hence travel "faster than the speed of light" without actually travelling faster than the speed of light, basically like folding a piece of paper and sticking a pin through both sides. When you lay the paper down flat, the two holes will seem quite far away from each other, but when you fold the paper, the holes are right next to each other. Our current understanding of physics doesn't rule out the possibility (at least from a mathematical perspective) although generating the energy necessary to perform such a feat would of course be problematic.

Assassin's Creed Trailer

jmd says...

I have a pretty good grasp on the assassin's creed storyline, ignoring some of the story bending needed to obtain said artifacts and create gameplay elements that are quickly dismissed in the sequel.

From the looks of it, they did a good job finding an interesting time period (1478+) while allowing the movie arc to start early enough to make plenty of sequels. The game is quickly running out of the past already.

The animus interface looks stupid though.

Bionic limbs are becoming more...human...(surprise reveal!)

rebuilder says...

Huh. How does this work? I mean, this is a pretty elementary question, but it seems it's a pimped-up peg leg - the only actuator is at the ankle, right? So no muscle or motor to bend or extend the knee joint? Which would explain the slightly odd gait - he'd have to throw his foot ahead a bit to get his leg to straighten out.

edit: I'm an idiot. It's a below-the-knee amputation.

Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer

artician says...

The space-bending urban environment isn't a look you stumble on coincidentally, so which came first? Did Inception riff this from the Marvel comic? Or are this films creators that lazy?

Incredible Near miss - Carlisle river Victoria

bobknight33 says...

Sounded like the woman just came around the bend and ran over the tree herself and met the this truck driver then the real scary stuff showed up.

I assume she got hit but I do not know.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

transmorpher says...

That's where arts like japanese jiu jitsu, aikido, hapkido and so on come in very handy.

When someone grabs you (AKA offers their hand to you lol), you just bend their hand in a way it's not supposed to bend and they'll be letting go very quickly

The best thing there is that you can apply the right amount of force that is necessary, and gradually increasing if required. If it's someone like this you would apply just enough to begin causing pain and allow them make up their mind. If they don't stop then you keep applying force until either they let go or they end up on the floor with a broken wrist/elbow/shoulder.

The other cool thing about that is, it works on people twice as big as you, because your body weight > the amount of strength anyone's joint has.

newtboy said:

What does that mean. Why, exactly, can't he physically defend himself?

Of course you can hit a woman in the face....they have faces, don't they?

Cleaning Historic White Marble with a 1000W Laser

Where are the cops when you need one?

dannym3141 says...

Would you like to have a 2% chance of being mugged at knife-point/punched or a 1.5% chance of mugged at gunpoint? I'll go with the knife/fist as i'm in pretty good shape to run away. Thank god we have a chance of surviving our violent crimes.

A very carefully cherry-picked statistic from the journalistic equivalent of the u-bend in your toilet, the Daily Fail. If you're going to post something to support your argument, don't go for the right wing gutter press - go for something more neutral that use facts over hysteria, such as a statistics office or charity group.

Mordhaus said:

Yep, you sure do end up with a lot of violent armed crimes in a country filled with guns.

Science to the rescue; this is how you rehab a broken back

newtboy says...

Good thoughts, but all that gear makes it much harder to bend and flex without resistance and compression which is the whole point.
Also, the cold causes uncontrollable muscle contraction, making it all more difficult in another way.
I just need to move to Hawaii where shorts are fine in winter. ;-)

ChaosEngine said:

Looking at the water temps for N Cali, it's about 10 degress C (or ~50f) in winter?

That's cold, but not unmanageable. Get yourself a good semi-dry wetsuit (including booties, gloves and hood), pair it with some merino thermals and you'd be sweet as.

What's causing that Stitch in your side?

Dumdeedum says...

The folk remedy I was told when doing hill runs at primary school was to pick up a rock, spit under it and put it back. It works quite well, though you can skip the spitting part and just bend over and it works the same.

Blacksmith Debunks 9-11 Myth

newtboy says...

I was disappointed that he didn't use his forge to prove how a blast furnace takes a fuel that burns at one temperature and with forced air added, raises that temperature significantly. He easily could have rigged his furnace to work on jet fuel, then just put a thermometer in it and showed them it goes to 2500deg.
That said, he still should have kept the temperature to 1500, since that's the temperature he was debunking, then done a second explanation to 'prove' that it doesn't matter that they're wrong about 1500 being too cool (even though it still bends at that temp), because the 1500 deg limit is a pure fantasy and fallacy from people who don't understand fire.

Chairman_woo said:

Yeh I anticipated the same stupid counter argument when he said it was 300 degrees over!

Best I've seen on the comments to that vid was someone suggesting that the molten metal seen dripping in some 9/11 vids could not have been aluminium because "Molten Aluminium is silver".


Blacksmith Debunks 9-11 Myth

ChaosEngine says...

I really wish he hadn't heated it to 1800 degrees.

I can just picture the truther morons saying "aha! so the government added something to the jet fuel to make it burn hotter!"

Why not just heat it to 1500 and show what happens then (i.e. not quite as malleable, but still more than enough to bend under... oh, I dunno, about 45000 tonnes of tower sitting on top of it)?

The All-Seeing NostraDonald

iaui says...

"a number of people" is not the "thousands and thousands" that Donald stated.

There's someone here who is interested in misrepresenting the facts, and it's not Colbert.

I think what really happened is that in his memory he mixed up the footage of the celebrations in the Middle East with some rumours he heard about New Jersey. Easy mix up. That he (and you) are doubling down on it just shows the bend toward willful ignorance.

bobknight33 said:

Was the Washington Post in an article on September 18, 2001 when it wrote the following?

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Colbert's Leftist Comedy Puts CBS in Ratings Rut now in 3rd place. Guess not what real Americans want.

Start Getting Used To Saying President Trump

Syntaxed says...

My my, it never ends with you people, does it?

You literally bend everything you see or hear to fit whatever convoluted, torturous, labyrinthine, alien viewpoint you've devised through ignoring any semblance of reason or clear thought.

I am a Liberal( for God Sakes, and I can't believe what I am hearing from you...

Forget it, I bloody quit trying, you win, Tralala, enjoy whatever new hell you people can think up for yourselves. Maybe once the people you elect take every ounce of freedom you enjoy, and completely ignore any of your say in the matter, you will see.

ChaosEngine said:

To address your points:

>> Bush: Disaster. Remember, remember the Patriot Act?
GW is not up for re-election and to the best of my knowledge Jeb had nothing to do with writing the Patriot Act. He supports it, but almost all the candidates do. I'm not a huge fan of Jeb, but he actually seems like the smart one in his family. Would still prefer him not to be president.

>> Clinton: Lying, manipulative, currently under Federal investigation by America's FBI department. Really?
@newtboy already addressed the so-called "email-gate" or whatever. As for "lying, manipulative"? You're kidding, right? She's a politician. They're all lying and manipulative. Ultimately, I think Hillary will probably get the democratic nomination and while I'm not a huge fan, she's an order of magnitude better than any of the republicans.

>> Bernie Sanders: Self-purported Socialist. Lovely.
So what? "Socialist" is not a bad word. Many of the highest ranked countries for citizen health and happiness are socialist. America needs to grow the fuck up and get over it's childish clinging to McCarthyism. A bit of socialism would do it the world of good.

>> Ben Carson: I have no particular qualms, by all means intelligent, however, doesn't say anything beyond the bloated party line.
Ben Carson, "intelligent"? Are you fucking kidding me? The guy's borderline insane. How he ever got to be a surgeon baffles me.
This is a guy who thinks that "Joseph built the pyramids to store grain", that doesn't understand fucking magnets, er, gravity and believes evolution was ‘encouraged by’ Satan. He's a fucking moron.

>> That brings us full circle back to Trump... He has a real, tangible plan...
to fuck everything up? Seriously, Trump is an idiot and would be the worst thing to happen to the USA (and by extension the world) in decades. His ignorance is matched only by his ineptitude.

>> As for Obama, and I include him because many seem to think he is great for some reason..
a) I don't think he's great, he's been a huge disappointment and
b) he's irrelevant to this debate
but anyway...

>> His healthcare plan failed(look it up)
I did and it hasn't.

>> America is now over $18 Trillion in debt.
I wonder if the previous president starting two wars has anything to do with that?

>> And he insists on throwing pebbles at ISIS while the EU does all the fighting
Way too big a topic to address here. Post on another video if you want to discuss it further.

>> I am not necessarily saying that Trump is a good person, or would make a good President, but he would me loads better than the other shrimps for candidates...
He's not, he wouldn't and better than an invertebrate with a brain only barely recognisable as such is not a sufficient bar for the presidency.

dear americans-please don't move to canada

Shakka says...

I'm pretty liberal minded but things have been going too far in this country recently. Our social benefits and tolerance of other cultures are being abused. Perhaps muslim women should consider respecting the traditions and customs of the country they moved to instead of expecting everyone else to acquiesce to their demands. Our citizenship ceremonies might seem pointless to them but they matter to us a great deal.

Have a little perspective, would muslim culture be tolerant of non-compliance? No, you would be put to death for it. Meanwhile in Canada you can freely debate, engage and have a wide variety of cultural freedoms. All Canadians were asking is to move a piece of cloth for 30 seconds during a very important tradition of ours, one where you join our country and become a citizen of our country.

Stephen Harper was wrong to politicize this issue but muslim women who won't even offer the country they're moving to a modicum of respect and understanding are wrong too. If people are going to become so abrasive over such a non-issue in a country that already bends over backwards for other cultures, where will they be on issues that actually matter?

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