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Rupert Murdoch Pie to the Face

8000 lanterns launched into the sky!

oohlalasassoon says...

A chemistry teacher I once had supposedly used to do this with Sterno canned heat and dry cleaning bags. I guess they're quite the spectacle and have led to UFO reports before; the transparent bags glow purple and can make it to the stratosphere if they don't fall on a house and burn it down first.

It's illegal according to FAA:

§ 101.7 Hazardous operations.

(a) No person may operate any moored balloon, kite, amateur rocket, or unmanned free balloon in a manner that creates a hazard to other persons, or their property.

(b) No person operating any moored balloon, kite, amateur rocket, or unmanned free balloon may allow an object to be dropped therefrom, if such action creates a hazard to other persons or their property.

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

shinyblurry says...

Having lived with people who have bi-polar in the past, it's clearly obvious what is going on here. Charlie Sheen is having a full blown manic episode. I am really shocked that no one out there is advising him right on this. Anyone who has seen this before knows what exactly it is. He is living in a world made of delusion and everything he is thinking and saying is related to whatever fantasy world his brain has contrived and stuck him in. This is why he is thinking he is superhuman and beyond everyone else. The world he is seeing and perceiving has very little to do with our reality as we know it. Someone better get him on some meds, because this just keeps getting worse and worse until treated. He is going to crash HARD when he comes down off his high (high as in bi-polar high). When you have this, you go up, into the stratosphere..and what goes up must come down..when he falls back down to Earth it is going to be ugly.

Is he just surrounded by syncophants or what? If he dies from this the people around him will be the ones to blame. Charlie sheen is not with us mentally and needs someone to intervene ASAP.

New York has a space program

Jinx says...

>> ^EmptyFriend:

looks like 2 adults did it all, and let their kids watch.
i am pretty sure i remember some guy doing this maybe like 6 months ago, like the exact same thing....

Yah, a guy from the UK did it fairly recently. There was some video of a guy sending a chair into the stratosphere too, not sure if that was fake or not.

Pretty cool that joe public can do this sort of thing though.

New York has a space program

Bill Maher Becomes A Teabagger To Speak Their Language

Crosswords says...

But if you cut defense spending how will our airforce get awesome stealth jets that can fly at mach 3 and fire a $500k guided missile from 50k KMs up in the stratosphere with enough precision to hit the milking goat tied up to a post outside a suspected terrorist's stone and dung hut? Answer that one Mr. Maher!

Fox News' Fair and Balanced Coverage of Obama's Nuclear Deal

Kevlar says...

>> ^Kevlar:

Hold on, now, let's earnestly consider Fox News' point before calling them out. We may only be able to blow up the entire goddamned earth 3 times over instead of 5 by the time this deal is done.

Oh, just to make sure I'm not exaggerating: let's take a look at our old friend, nuclear winter. Turns out you only need 50 bombs to destroy the earth.

"A minor nuclear war with each country using 50 Hiroshima-sized atom bombs as airbursts on urban areas, could produce climate change unprecedented in recorded human history. A nuclear war between the United States and Russia today could produce nuclear winter, with temperatures plunging below freezing in the summer in major agricultural regions, threatening the food supply for most of the planet. The climatic effects of the smoke from burning cities and industrial areas would last for several years, much longer than previously thought. New climate model simulations, that are said to have the capability of including the entire atmosphere and oceans, show that the smoke would be lofted by solar heating to the upper stratosphere, where it would remain for years.

Compared to climate change for the past millennium, even the smallest exchange modeled would plunge the planet into temperatures colder than the Little Ice Age (approximately 1600-1850). This would take effect instantly, and agriculture would be severely threatened. Larger amounts of smoke would produce larger climate changes, and for the 150 Tg case produce a true nuclear winter, making agriculture impossible for years. In both cases, new climate model simulations show that the effects would last for more than a decade."

Modern Warefare 2: Space EMP

Crake says...

hmm... would the shockwave really be that strong, that high up in the atmosphere? i've often wondered what exactly is supposed to be so dangerous about "nukes in space"... "nukes in the stratosphere" on the other hand...

Freak of Physics Loses and Catches Hat on Free Fall Ride

Freak of Physics Loses and Catches Hat on Free Fall Ride

Spelling Bee - Num...what?

choggie says...

you ferriners have televised dysfunction in yer neck of the broadcast stratosphere, nothing to get all, school-yard about....Shall we throw out a country, and take all comers for their brand of WTF on the telly???

Aww...fuck it!! Let's start with England!

What's that awful human carnival y'all got, where you bring folks in with their mums and dads, so the parents can have sex in front of em??..
Dale Winton??
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson???

Dominik Diamond for crisssakes!!???

“Future generations will look back on TV as the equivalent of the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Ancient Romans mad.”-Kurt Vonnegut

Supercell Thunderstorm Seen At 30000ft (Above Cloud Level!)

Zonbie says...

This is so cool I wanted to see what Thunderstorms from above cloud level would look like Awesome stuff! Btw, if you're interested, the clouds flattern out at the top, because the cloud hits the stratosphere (roughly 45000 - 125000 feet) causing the "Anvil" effect It's actually snow up there!


CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again (Wtf Talk Post)

qruel says...

i cannot vouch for these books, but I would say there IS information out there pertaining to chemtrails.


Chemtrails Confirmed
by W Thomas
Book Description
Chemtrails are reported all around the planet and this is the first research record to verify what Airline Pilots, Police Officers, U.S. Marines, Air Traffic Controllers and Tanker Crews are reporting. This book will reveal the scientist who are working n the project, Congressman who oversaw "America's exotic weapons" project and the details so you can understand the Chemtrail project

About the Author
William Thomas is an independent journalist. His previous works include Scorched Earth: The Military's War Against the Enviroment and Bringing the War Home, a book which shows the suppression of the inoculations of troops in the first Gulf war and the diseased troops brining home the diseases to their family and friends.


Contrails, Chemtrails & Artificial Clouds
by Dave Dahl

The author, a Navy veteran and former university teacher, carefully explains how these toxic stratospheric clouds absorb and re-emit solar energy, warming the stratosphere; and greenhouse gases introduced by jets into the upper atmosphere cause additional heat to be trapped, preventing its escape into space and ultimately warming the Earth, altering our climate. His presentation is objective, informative and makes excellent use of aerial photography, charts and graphs. This science in chewable bite size paragraphs and bullet points is an outstanding introduction for anyone interested in advocating on behalf of cleaner air and slowing global warming (and that should be all of us). It gives readers an excellent overview, glossary of terms and an extensive listing of web sites that are additional recourses.


“H. R. 2977 of the 107th Congress (1st Session)” introduced by Dennis Kucinich on October 2, 2001 titled, "Space Preservation Act of 2001." In section, "B" of this bill you will find the term, "chemtrails" listed under exotic weapons systems.

"The term `exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space." (Bill H.R. 2997 of the 107th Congress - Space Preservation Act of 2001)

Additionally, The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques clearly states that, "each state party undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques."

"As used in Article I, the term "environmental modification techniques" refers to any technique for changing -- through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes -- the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space." (Article 2 of The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques)


Kuiper Airborne Observatory--a window on the universe (9:59)

firefly says...

The Earth's lower atmosphere absorbs most infrared rays (IR) coming from above so that few reach the surface. However, an airplane flying in the stratosphere at 40,000 feet or higher has most of the atmosphere below it and can see the sky in the infrared. While satellites have also made infrared measurements, an aircraft can carry a crew and much more equipment and can be modified and reused. The Kuiper aircraft has been flying over 20 years.

The Kuiper aircraft is a Lockheed C-141 transport modified to carry an infrared telescope. The telescope is mounted in the aircraft so that it can move independently. An automatic system keeps the telescope pointed at the selected astronomical object even when the aircraft moves in turbulence. Liquid nitrogen and other cryogenic liquids cool the mirrors of the telescope so they don't create infrared radiation themselves. The telescope mirrors gather infrared from a large area, a circle about one yard in diameter, and concentrate it on a detector. Various detectors may be attached and these are also cooled.

Playing a 'Hammered Dulcimer' - Goes mental about 1:46

messenger says...

It's an incredibly impressive physical feat, but I would never want to hear the song again. Sometimes one right note can speak for 100. If the song had built to a climax, it could have been literally awesome, but it just suddenly jumps into the stratosphere and stays there. Going that fast, there's not much room for soul. It's just a demonstration of speed.

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