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Rubik Cube Solved in Stop Motion

thinker247 (Member Profile)

Rubik Cube Solved in Stop Motion

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

These ones can be removed from your Dead playlist:

I'll work through the rest later. Thanks for your work.

Weezer - Pork and Beans (Count the Memes)

jmd says...

Charlie (candy mountain) and Evolution of dance are both in my list.

EDD,I saw the cubes but since nothing was actually being done with them, its hard to attribute it to any meme. In my mind, the most coolest thing ive seen done with rubiks cubes in the past years, are the amature made cube solvers made with webcams and basic robotics. As for the light sabers, the 2 nerd duelist are ryan vs dorkman. They made 2 videos consisting of light saber duals, reproducing some high level special effects like terrain impacts and sparks. Its possible to attribute the light saber effect on lot of other things in the videos due to the gauntlet of HOW TO videos on making your own light saber effects in movies.

Eric, nice catch. Never seen the video till now, but the mouse placement and the overexposure glow from the window as well as overall color is dead on.

uhohzombies, nice catch, although I didn't notice nearly as many memes in there. Its possible they are from different circles. Weezers is pretty much a years worth of 4chans /flash board condensed into a video. And of course both BNL and weezers song itself sucks.. so yea.. their trying tp ride hype trains that are not their own.

Weezer - Pork and Beans (Count the Memes)

EDD says...

Great job, jmd.
Those 3 CG models - you can see the middle one is Donald Duck, although my first guess was that it should have been Crazy Frog.
As for those 3 dancing dudes, I'm quite sure they're doing that complete and utter shyte that some have actually labeled as music - Soulja Boy's Crank That.

There's also The Sneezing Panda in the background of the same scene.

And Rubik's cubes.

Oh, and you missed two biggies - epic amateur-made lightsabers and Judson Laipply's Evolution of Dance. And there's also some pretty-colored ponies in the wallpaper, although I'm unfamiliar with those, so that's questionable, I guess.

Heh, I really got into this "research" - I freeze-framed the T-shirt sequences, because I noticed some shirts had pics/slogans on them. There's one that says "Download the free mp3s" - clearly, an homage to spam, so could be considered as a meme. There's some that have bears on them, but I'm unsure what to make of those. There's also one that says "Dancefloor star" in Russian (which is weird, because the most popular hit is an MTV Russia programme along the likes of "So you think you can dance"). And in the second sequence there's one with MTh (???) and that's it.

So I guess for now, that brings the total count to what..? 29?

The Neo Cube - 216 Individual High-Energy Sphere Magnets

The new 7×7 Rubikʼs Cube

Family Guy - Uncensored (Interviews)

Incredible Coin Experiment

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Aaron McDonald (VideoSift spammer) solves Rubics Cube

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

rembar (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Well, mycroft's answer didn't entirely satisfy me, but as I told him, I don't have the technical knowledge to challenge any further. So I shut up then - usually.

The story with the mcdonald clown is that I banned him for self-linking, he created new accounts to harass me, then another to try self-linking again, I banned him again, and that really set him off. Through the use of proxy server and scripting, he began leaving literally thousands of obnoxious comments on my profile - about 6000 or so in the span of a few hours. At that point, it became an issue of abusing the entire site, and the community responded. should give you some idea of the level of his maturity and intellect.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
I'm a bit late responding, but no, I don't know anything about it beyond Google-fu. Luckily, it seems like Mycroft covered things pretty well. the way, what went down with this Aaron McDonald fella?

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Do you know anything about this?

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

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