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Watchmen Trailer #2

Deano says...

Oh dear. Alot of these actors look miscast. Veidt and Manhattan lack gravitas in their voices and Rorschach has developed a bad case of Bat-voice.

And sorry to say but I just don't think Sally Jupiter looks like the character depicted in the graphic novel.

Watchmen video journal -- lighting a guy on fire

Chaoscapes - Hypnotic animated fractal structures

Don_Juan says...

Awesome! Some of the visual events, if greatly slowed down or stopped, could possibly be the new "Rorschach" psychological projection assessment instrument.

Psychiatrist: "The results of your Rorschach indicate you may be suffering from a sexual disorder."

Patient: "Me? You're the one showing me all those pornographic pictures!"

Biden: paying higher taxes is a patriotic act

NetRunner says...

I loved seeing that QM sifted this the way he did. To QM this was damaging, but I was going to post a vid myself of Biden saying this in a different setting (and with more context both before and after, but this was the essential message).

I guess it's a bit of a "Rorschach video", like this one. That was posted on YouTube as an Anti-Obama video, but to me it was anything but.

Watchmen Trailer

moonsammy says...

I've read Watchmen several times and agree that it is one of the strongest stories written in the medium - and I'm personally quite excited for the movie after viewing the trailer. I was absolutely dreading it when I first heard about the fact the film was even being made, but this gives me hope that it actually might do the source material some level of justice. Will it live up to the book? Of course not. When does a movie ever (LotR is as close as it gets, from what I've seen)?

If nothing else, I'm curious to see how the characters are played. Rorschach's small bit of dialogue towards the end seems to fit quite well, so I remain cautiously optimistic.

Watchmen Trailer

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with Sarzy on the look, I always thought The Watchmens colorful 80esque pallete was a dig on the Golden Age of comics. But for a film I would go with something more gritter.

If they fuck up Rorschach's charcter I will be pissed.

Marxism 101

NetRunner says...

My, this really is a rorschach test of a video, isn't it?

>> ^bluecliff:
And what exactly are the so called benefits of capitalism?
Luxury for the top 5% of the population?
A historical HIGH in poverty and starvation, worse than anything seen before. I mean, the crusades, the jihads and all the historical calamities are horse-shit compared to the ugly mess thats going on today.
Capitalism doesn't even allow men to be slaves (which they de facto are) A slave had value in himself, but a worker has none, its only his labor that has value, and this, unlike a slaves, can be bought and then discarded, creating a vicious cycle. A slave WAS property, but a worker is even less - only his disembodied TIME has any worth.
And even in developed countries - what has capitalism provided for the average man?
Clinical depression, loss of meaning, a sedentary lifestyle filled with neurosis, stress and fear.

This seems like an overreaction, especially when suggesting that a return to slavery would somehow be better than our current iteration of nihilistic wage-slavery.

As for the average man in developed countries, capitalism has provided: cellphones, television, cheap computers, the internet, cheap fast food, cheap sweets, and investment banking to let you buy a home or start a business.

>> ^hatsix:
Now, don't get me wrong, I think that there will be a time where Capitalism no longer provides any benefit to society, but IMHO, that's 2-300 years from now. Maybe the world will switch over then, but if we do, it'll be because of all of the advancements that only Capitalism could have provided.

Yes, advancements only capitalism could've provided, like bottled water, service contracts, marketing, cigarettes with extra nicotine, energy monopolies, operating system monopolies, and healthcare and education costs that increase every year.

So, capitalism does good, and the same time.

My read is that capitalism can do wonderous things, but it can also do hideous self-destructive things. The trick is to try to channel the good, competitive, profit-driven innovation into things that actually do good for the society, while limiting it's ability to be parasitic to the society, selling harmful or worthless products to people who find them attractive for one reason or another (think cigarettes and bottled water).

I think too many people in the U.S. worship capitalism like a religion; they feel it must be adhered to absolutely, or "bad things" will happen. It's like saying selective breeding is obviously ineffective and morally wrong, because Evolution Must Decide which cows reproduce, and which ones do not.

I get that there's a "voting with your dollars" effect in play with capitalism, but consider this: when you buy clothes at Wal-Mart, do you care about the condition of the workers in the factory who made it, or do you just care about that low-low price?

Animated Illusion

8296 says...

Yeah I just did this in illustrator and photoshop real quick - quickly laid out a bar grid in illustrator. Took a star in illustrator duplicated it many times (some "movement" at interval opacity - ie object 1 - 100% - object 2 - 95% obj 3 -90, obj 4 - 95 obj 5 - back to 100). Pasted the bar bones star - then the gradated moving image. Duplicated the moving image about 5 times adjusting it's movement in photoshop. Then lastly pasted in the bar, moved the bar down the row knocking out each animation in it's succession. And wham - there it is. Well, this may not work for animating intricate animations but if you're like me and you like creating animated rorschachs then it works, hehe. One interesting thing I'm messing around with, is after knocking the bar out is to paint in something else at 80% opacity when the white had been knocked out -the image then morphs into what you painted in. Also, inverting the image is pretty neat.

First Watchmen video journal

rasch187 says...

can't wait to see how Rorschach is going to look and, more importantly, sound...and why do I have this funny feeling that this movie is going to be awful (compared to the comic anyway)?

New Channel Announcement (Dark Talk Post)

Gnarls Barkley: Crazy (Official)

WTC remains molten iron beams cut in an angle

choggie says...

Appreciate par. Choggie thrives on the predictable. One can always expect, from the pool of domesticated primates, representatives of the finite number of responses to information, stimulation, or instigation.

9/11 evokes these-

Denial/rebuttal-There will always be a preponderance of evidence in both camps, both sharing the same fervor for their position-as more knowledge becomes available on a subject, both camps, adopt it for their own, to support their conclusions, which, they have already established prior to any real evidence at all on the subject in question. Kinda like seminarians, who can all agree on one verse in scripture, but who all have their own, predisposed ideas on another.
... occasionally I hear someone say you're one of those "conspiracy theories" nuts... that term was created by a government think tank back in the 60's to berate and ridicule anything not broadcasted by the official news media on the evening news ... there was a famous man that once said ... "never attribute to a conspiracy that which can amply be attributed to the actions of a bunch of greedy stupid self serving men in power" ... I would add to this ... " and the majority of people who are fooled into believing these men are honest and have the interests of the populous at heart" ... Prof. James McCanney M. S.

Then you got yer flat-out denial types-"It should not, therefore, could-nots"....these folks are the real idiots of the pack, who would faint at the sight of their own blood from a splinter, or write a fucking cereal company a long letter, about how their quality control sucks at the factory, cause they dinna' get their toy, at the bottom of the box. Choggie calls these folks out, tries to comfort them, by beating them to death with their delusions.

If these types continue in their abject refusal to see any other scenario except the "everything is fine, no problem here, move along scenario", we call these types, "To stupid to live."

You have your agnostics, who leave room for all possibilities, and take no side one or the other, until the facts are in, scrutinized, etc. (choggieland, though he is obviously, predisposed, to calling foul, anything stamped official, and anything involving, money, power, politics in the U.S., furries, off-pitch singing, female drivers or beets.)

then...., you got yer assholes. Forget a description for this type, if you are a dynamic individual, you have been this person before, as well as the others. There is a time for everything, and when it comes to this subject, choggie is the biggest, boldest, and most cavernous of sphincters.

One must bend as tree, or a Trade Center Tower in the wind, to allow for growth, development, change, and evolution of self.

Par-it appears to this sifter, that further discussion on this topic with you, is like arguing which mayo is better, when the real question is, What's yer favorite of these, when you've only had three just haven't tasted the available varieties out there yet, cause it is either unknown, or inaccessible- ....this amount to drawing a conclusion, from incomplete information.

"Why is there a pathological obsession in this country with putting the words "theory and "theorist after "conspiracy? There are, at least, two possibilities that come to mind. The first is that the word "conspiracy is like a Rorschach test. It inherently comes with a variety of psychological responses upon hearing the very word - the primary reaction (so far) being closed-mindedness. The second possibility would, indeed, suggest a conspiracy. This severe skepticism (or pathos) by most against anything that challenges traditional lore is in place by design and derived from years of indoctrination through a carefully conceived program within mainstream education, politics and media for the purpose of social, financial, political and intellectual control of the masses. Most recently, this ideology was supported (and even demanded) by George W. Bush who, after 9-11, stated publicly, "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories..."-Brian William Hall

"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories???" Fuck you , George, your fucking Reptillian father, your cunt whore drunks for daughters, and your hag-ridden, man-lookin', pearl necklace wearing mother.......(choggie has a pearl necklace for you, but first we must remove those nasty teeth, with this pipe wrench)how's that for some ad-hominim....just a sec, someone in a black suit, is knocking on the door......

"Honor Killing"

jwray says...

--what i object to here is the taking things out of context and attempting to demonise a whole religion, and all its followers.

Nobody here or on CNN is demonizing a whole religion or denying that there are many different variations of Islam.

--I am pretty sure that "christian" society is still down on women (check how much they earn compared to men, and count the number of prime ministers)

This is true on average and irrelevant.

--Last time I checked, people from ALL religions beat and murdered other people.

There are probably some religions small enough that literally that is not the case, but in spirit you're right.

------ Mink wrote:
And I have to say it, an old book that maybe condones violence against women is a million miles away from a modern illegal deadly invasion of Iraq in the name of the "christian" god as defined by a leader who "talks to god" and doesn't realise it's the same god in Islam too.

Bush is a hallucinating fool, and the war was awfuly managed, but that's irrelevant to this video and that doesn't prove that it was a bad idea to take out one of the worst dictators in the world by force.

Bush is not so stupid to be unaware that both Islam and Christianity are based on the god of the Old Testament, the god of Judaism. It doesn't really matter whether two fabricated revelations describe the same imaginary being; what really matters is how various people believe that and act upon it. Whether the militant interpretation of this particular verse is right or not is irrelevant because you can't prove it, at least you can't prove it to them. The Koran certainly can be interpreted in a misogynistic way because it came from a patriarchal culture, just like the Bible. I believe both of these books contain a lot of foolishness.

-------- MINK wrote:
So, ya know, i love the anti snuff rule, but i am all for freedom of speech, so let this post be here as an example of the irrationality of the poster, and an opportunity for people like gwaan to offer more context and debate around a commonly held myth about Islam.

Gwaan posted the same exact comment to another video of mine, and we had a lengthy debate about it.

-------- Mink Wrote:
FFS, has anyone who calls Islam "evil" actually read the old testament? It's nasty!

I agree with you.

-------- MINK wrote:
Thumbs down for all literalists and fundamentalists and extremists of ALL persuasions.

I bet you are an extremist against Hitler. I bet you are an extremist against slavery. I bet you are an extremist against murder. Extremism itself is not the problem. Knowing what to feel strongly about and knowing what is worth fighting for is the hard part.

Regarding literalism, it is very useful to be able to carefully construct words to make a precise and unambiguous message. It is also useful to be able to invert that process. The trouble with most religious scriptures is that they're often either ambiguous, morally repugnant, or false (Sometimes there are bits of wisdom like in the sermon on the mount). Religious apologists metaphoricize any part of it they don't like as a psychological defense mechanism. Some passages could 'mean' almost anything with a loose enough metaphorical interpretation; it's sometimes a glorified Rorschach test. I prefer writings that actually mean something.

Why are we friends with Saudi Arabia?

jwray says...

--what i object to here is the taking things out of context and attempting to demonise a whole religion, and all its followers.

Nobody here or on CNN is demonizing a whole religion or denying that there are many different variations of Islam. There's no need to get so defensive about footage of current events.

--I am pretty sure that "christian" society is still down on women (check how much they earn compared to men, and count the number of prime ministers)

This is true on average and irrelevant.

--Last time I checked, people from ALL religions beat and murdered other people.

There are probably some religions small enough that literally that is not the case, but in spirit you're right.

------ Mink wrote:
And I have to say it, an old book that maybe condones violence against women is a million miles away from a modern illegal deadly invasion of Iraq in the name of the "christian" god as defined by a leader who "talks to god" and doesn't realise it's the same god in Islam too.

Bush is a hallucinating fool, and the war was awfuly managed, but that's irrelevant to this video and that doesn't prove that it was a bad idea to take out one of the worst dictators in the world by force.

Bush is not so stupid to be unaware that both Islam and Christianity are based on the god of the Old Testament, the god of Judaism. It doesn't really matter whether two fabricated revelations describe the same imaginary being; what really matters is how various people believe that and act upon it. Whether the militant interpretation of this particular verse is right or not is irrelevant because you can't prove it, at least you can't prove it to them. The Koran certainly can be interpreted in a misogynistic way because it came from a patriarchal culture, just like the Bible. I believe both of these books contain a lot of foolishness.

-------- MINK wrote:
So, ya know, i love the anti snuff rule, but i am all for freedom of speech, so let this post be here as an example of the irrationality of the poster, and an opportunity for people like gwaan to offer more context and debate around a commonly held myth about Islam.

Gwaan posted the same exact comment to another video of mine, and we had a lengthy debate about it.

-------- Mink Wrote:
FFS, has anyone who calls Islam "evil" actually read the old testament? It's nasty!

I agree with you.

-------- MINK wrote:
Thumbs down for all literalists and fundamentalists and extremists of ALL persuasions.

I bet you are an extremist against Hitler. I bet you are an extremist against slavery. I bet you are an extremist against murder. Extremism itself is not the problem. Knowing what to feel strongly about and knowing what is worth fighting for is the hard part.

Regarding literalism, it is very useful to be able to carefully construct words to make a precise and unambiguous message. It is also useful to be able to invert that process. The trouble with most religious scriptures is that they're often either ambiguous, morally repugnant, or false (Sometimes there are bits of wisdom like in the sermon on the mount). Religious apologists metaphoricize any part of it they don't like as a psychological defense mechanism. Some passages could 'mean' almost anything with a loose enough metaphorical interpretation; it's sometimes a glorified Rorschach test. I prefer writings that actually mean something.

Triboro Sound - Last Train Ride

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