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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Biden is going to use the insurrection act against high crime red states to take over from their ineffectual far righty law enforcement with the military…hopefully raising their/your taxes to pay for it, possibly “suspending” a few amendments. 😂 Enjoy.

More classic….Hunter agrees to sit for deposition if it’s public, Republicans say no way…
…they’ll only accept a secret behind closed doors unrecorded deposition, because they need to selectively edit, misconstrue, destroy, hide, and then selectively leak “evidence”, and to then weaponize the selectively edited misconstrued leaked evidence, and a public deposition would make that impossible.
Again, MAGA is afraid to do anything in public because everything they do is illegal, unethical, and 100% fraudulent. EVERYTHING.
The Hunter investigations fell apart over and over and over with falsified evidence, witnesses who admitted they knew of no crime Hunter or Joe was even tangentially involved with, and their best “witness” is a missing Russian spy who is known for supplying false information to intentionally hurt America, and who hasn’t been seen in years and whose ridiculous false report was debunked by the DOJ under Trump when Giuliani first produced it.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another case of PROVEN brazen and systematic voter fraud on the part of a self-proclaimed Christian Republican. This time, Kim Taylor, the wife of elected Republican Jeremy Taylor, was just FOUND GUILTY on 52 separate counts related to a scheme to stuff ballot boxes in her husband's race for Congress.
She collected ballots from Vietnamese people who didn’t speak English, filled them out for her husband herself no matter who they wanted to vote for, and stuffed them in ballot boxes. She also illegally filled out voter registration for their children with her address and outright stole their ballots and voted using them, which ended up keeping those children from getting to vote when they tried!
He still came in third.

Not alleged cheating, She’s been CONVICTED of 52 counts, her husband is a non indicted co conspirator. She harvested ballots from non English speaking Vietnamese people (she’s Vietnamese) and filled them out for her husband no matter who they wanted, and she stole voter registration cards for their children, filled them out with her address, stole their ballots and voted for her husband (and other Republicans), and she then submitted all these fraudulent ballots, which ended up keeping the children from voting when they tried in person.

Despite the 2020 cheating scandal AND still losing that election, he was later elected as a county Supervisor in Iowa…because the right doesn’t care about election integrity or the law one whit.

Republicans can’t win even when they blatantly cheat.

bobknight33 said:

Bridgeport Election Overturned After City Official Pleads 5th To Ballot Harvesting.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city's Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city's vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

Those cheating Democrats.
Democrats can't win with out cheating.

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Republicans Start Telling The Truth, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 432 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)

Republicans Start Telling The Truth

Republicans Start Telling The Truth

newtboy says...

After Republican Representative Chip Roy begged for just one thing he could tell his constituents Republicans had done and getting silence from his entire party, Republicans declared business done and called an early Thanksgiving break and have gone home.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Trump, Barr, and likely Giuliani are now under subpoena in Hunter’s selectively prosecuted criminal case.
What do you want to bet they don’t show up and won’t produce documents?

😂 The ethics report on Santos is out. It reveals significant evidence that he not only lied about $750k in loans never paid to his campaign (but was reimbursed using political donations), but created shell companies and lied to fellow congressmen that they supplied political consulting to Trump (never saying he was sole owner and employee) then took their secret donations to Trump for his credit card bills and only-fans gay porn….and much much much more.
Quoted from the ethics committee report-
“The ISC’s investigation revealed a complex web of unlawful activity involving Representative Santos’ campaign, personal, and business finances. Representative Santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit.”
Republicans knew all this and much more when they recently voted to not remove or censure him.
He will be another albatross around your neck next election season….him, and the horrific Republican response to his criminality. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now we have multiple top administration officials and lawyers like Meadows, Scovino, and Ellis admitting under oath that in December Trump was saying he didn’t care that he lost, and didn’t care what the courts said, he was not going to leave the White House under any circumstances, he was just going to stay in power….as if we didn’t already know.
Because I’m sure you don’t understand, that is criminal intent, direct evidence of election fraud and multiple attempted coups, and 100% undermines any attempt to pretend he thought he won or was doing what he believed was right for him to do as president….in fact now only he can make that claim himself by testifying under oath in open court…and please oh please let his lawyers be that stupid. Er mer gerd, please be that stupid.

Enjoy being firmly on the traitors team. Don’t be surprised to wake up to find a big “T” branded on your forehead some day, Americans don’t like traitors.

Bonus-Lol…today fraud and coward Senator Mullin “accepted” the challenge to physically fight a union leader in the senate chambers knowing that the capitol police were there to protect him and not allow a fight, once again displaying MAGA’s complete lack of respect for America and your total cowardice.
If he wanted to actually accept the challenge, he would have done so either in a place where a fight could happen, or publicly and arrange a sanctioned ring fight, but he instead hid behind his security and only when safe pretended to accept.
If he actually wanted to fight then and there Bernie Sanders would not have immediately stopped him using just words.
Even better, after the union leader accepted the challenge then and there and the senator sat back down at Sanders’s order, he tried to pretend the union leader had gone silent and hid from the fight, a pure fabrication of events that just happened in public view and that we have recorded.
He never intended, nor does he intend to accept the invitation to a fist fight, this was pure false bravado staged for a photo op in congress…that tank of a union leader would have flattened him out thin enough for even you to see through him. 😂
If he’s really a tough guy, let him accept a sanctioned cage match like the guy suggested. MAGgot coward wouldn’t show up because he’s a kindergarten child, not a man.
such infants you crybabies are.

Second bonus- Speaker Johnson is already on the ropes, incapable of putting together a budget plan even his party will vote for (definitely not one that will pass the senate), is angering the same extremist MAGgots that tossed McCarthy and got him the position, and has SERIOUS financial disclosure issues like hiding his wife’s income and assets for his entire 7 year tenure, and pretending that he’s a man of minor means, so poor on only $205k (+ his wife’s income, and her unreported undisclosed LLC’s income, and the millions in freebies he doesn’t report) a year that he doesn’t have any bank accounts, and failed to disclose multiple gifts from multiple sources of at least $20k despite being required to report anything valued over $400. He’s not going to survive the year in office.
Meanwhile Greene and Gaetz are holding sham meetings of (in their own words) “shadow congress” to spout covid and vaccine misinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright lies on taxpayer dollars instead of doing the work of congress.
His criminal failures mean another Republican shutdown just in time to ruin Thanksgiving and Xmas, expected to be the busiest travel season ever while not paying tsa or traffic controllers will be an unmitigated disaster…you think people won’t remember who did that again?

Third bonus- Kevin McCarthy is now accused of battery of another Republican congressman while he was being interviewed in the Senate hallway, confirmed by the reporter. When Burchett chased him down he hid behind security and denied it, then ran away like a MAGA coward.
Gaetz has filed a formal ethics complaint.
MAGA and the Republican Party are falling apart at the seams, so flustered at constantly losing and looking moronic and anti patriotic that they are physically fighting each other and civilians in congress…and it’s delicious. 😂 Kindergartners have better self control, and it’s on full display constantly.

Enjoy political oblivion. White racist bigots are many and loud, but there’s not enough of you to elect anyone, and everyone else in your party has left.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again, let me remind you this was a primary, and nothing was proven, but it’s the right thing to rerun it in this instance since there’s plenty of time to do so. If you read the article you linked (and understood English) you would have known you had everything wrong.
No conviction, and no candidate involved. The Democratic Party wanted a rerun too. Not the case when Republicans have been caught…there, candidates were involved and the RNC tried to fight for the fraudsters, against fair elections.

For you -

Another Republican representative arrested for kiddie porn, hours before the election.
Brad Benson, who was running for Place #4 on the Granbury City Council in Texas, was arrested on Nov. 6. He stayed on the ballot.

It’s not a true one or the other choice, but if I had to choose I would much prefer a candidate with one possibly criminal employee he disavows strongly over an actual child porn purveyor.

And don’t forget the armed drug dealing poop schmear…

I’ve only scratched the surface bob. On top of daily new scandals, I’ve now shown you 300 convictions for severe moral turpitude with thousands more to expose for you, but I do realize no number will convince you because you abandoned facts and reason a decade or more ago because of your racist hatred of Obama and now just make up nonsense in your head to excuse everything your people do, including child rape. 🤦‍♂️

276 Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state senate in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.

277 Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)

278 Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters

279 GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t

280 Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.

281 Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse

282 Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women

283 Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million

284 Iowa state Sen. Merlin A Bartz - sexual harassment

285 Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment

286 Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment

287 Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments

288 Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct

289 GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation

290 ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape, lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.

291 Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told a woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women.

292 ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence

293 NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16-year-old student.

294 ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy - violating a protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty

295 GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.

296 John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.

297 OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.

298 State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment

299 US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate

300 Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.

bobknight33 said:

Bridgeport Election Overturned After City Official Pleads 5th To Ballot Harvesting.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city's Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city's vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

Those cheating Democrats.
Democrats can't win with out cheating.

When a Lawyer Insured His Cigars Against Fire

cloudballoon says...

While your statement can be taken as fact, this story however is based on this legend:

The Snopes article itself is from 2000.

Rarely are lawyers THAT stupid (those that are, gets appointed as judges by the likes of Trump to do the Republican's biddings), nor are insurers that passive in NOT fighting it out in court. They don't want these precedents to stand.

kir_mokum said:

just goes to show you, money is fake and lawyers and insurers are the worst.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m not the Lord….but thanks for saying I am, even if unintentionally.

So, it’s more projection then….and more evidence english is your second language at best, and you failed the class, and that you’ve never passed remedial math.

Disgraced traitor and failed dictator tumescent Trump has had the worst week in court history, after testifying that “sure, he did the crimes” he’s set to lose hundreds of millions and all his businesses before going to prison at best, and is set to be in court for treason all through the election, and you just CAN’T admit it. Fortunately the court system doesn’t care if you believe, and neither do independents.

If only there was some undeniable metric to tell how the economy is doing, like GDP (up beyond belief from NEGATIVE 2.3% for Trump to 4.9%), or unemployment (holding at record lows of 3.8 down from 9% Trump left), or wage growth (at 5.3% well above inflation, up from 2.6% under Trump thanks solely to low wage earners losing far more jobs or it would be zero), or inflation numbers (down enough at 3.7% that the fed stopped raising rates) we could look at to see the trends.
So sad there’s nothing we can look at to see and so I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it. 🤦‍♂️

Can you tell us what measurements you use to determine that Bidenomics have failed, or by what measure Trumpenomics were successful? All I know for sure is they are not the normal ones used to evaluate economics because they all point toward Trump’s policies being disastrous and Biden’s being amazing, well above all predictions consistently, so I’m curious what they are.

Ugh…more of the failed lawyer posting from mommy’s basement. How many times will you let this guy make you look stupid before you stop posting his rantings?

The same polling he references said we were getting another red tsunami yesterday…but we didn’t, did we? Republicans lost almost every single contest, even many that seemed to be a lock. Don’t you find it odd that you think Trumpism is so much more popular but every Trump backed candidate consistently loses? Keep clinging to false hope, it’s done so well for you in the last 5 elections. 😂

Now, aren’t you going to explain the mathematics of inflation to me and explain why 75% inflation translates to 140% price increases? I want to learn, and I know you can teach me since you have a firm grasp of math.

bobknight33 said:

Lord you just love clinging to nothingness.

Here Just look at you failed POTUS and ponder that. That whats matter,

Biden is a failed POTUS.
Clear as day.
Bidenomics has failed. You just can admit it.

Cost of living 2001 vs today

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus you’re a moron.

You’re also 100% wrong….as usual.

Maybe don’t get your news from Tyler Durden (He’s the anarchist terrorist nutjob from Fight Club you idiot)…and maybe learn to read.
None of what you claim is in the article you linked.
Every detail you got wrong.

No election was overturned.
The primary is being rerun because of possible interference, no ballot harvesting was proven. The ACCUSATION was ballot stuffing, not harvesting…and it also wasn’t proven.

The person accused of ballot stuffing didn’t win the primary…so you’re wrong on that point too. WTF you brain dead slug?!?
That said, those caught appearing to submit multiple ballots to ballot boxes (something a family member, a police officer, an ELECTION OFFICIAL or a caretaker may do, so may be no crime at all) need to be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent to determine IF there was a crime, and if so given the max sentence…right after all the Republicans caught cheating in 2020 and 22 are.

Cheating democrats lose every time…look at Clinton…democrats don’t like cheaters. Only cheating republicans win, not honorable candidates, cheating by ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, voter roll purging, gerrymandering, double voting (like Trump famously and publicly instructed Republicans to do in 2020), threats of physical violence, actual physical violence, etc, and they are protected by your party of criminals like you just protected MAGA fraud Santos from expulsion for being a total 100% fraud in every way possible AND a fugitive AND an illegal alien (there’s no way he legally immigrated while he was a legal fugitive from Brazil)…repugnacans (repugnant republicans) like yourself think only morons follow rules and the law or tell the truth if it doesn’t benefit them, even when under oath.

In your state it was proven that the Republican filled out thousands of registration cards with his office as the address, and voted using those ballots. He also had staff collect thousands of ballots from nursing homes and fill out any race not voted on for republicans. He’s just one of dozens of republican candidates that were caught cheating elections.

Also….it’s without…not with out.

bobknight33 said:

Bridgeport Election Overturned After City Official Pleads 5th To Ballot Harvesting.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city's Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city's vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

Those cheating Democrats.
Democrats can't win with out cheating.

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