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Oregon Polar Bear Awakes to Snow. BLISS!

bareboards2 says...

@coolhund @JustSaying

Not just CO2 production. Also use of fresh water resources. Polluted water from feces collection (and yes, conventional agriculture is polluting water with chemical runoff.) In places, the cutting down of rain forest to create areas for beef production. The huge overhang of methane over New Zealand from all the farting sheep (that would be part of the CO2 mentioned. But I can't pass up the opportunity to actually type "farting sheep.")

"Beautiful creatures" are in danger. Not just these.

And I do eat meat. And drive my car. And am a hypocrite.

Open a Padlock With Two Wrenches?

RIP Carrie Fisher- 1956-2016

RIP Carrie Fisher- 1956-2016

Carrie Fisher in The Blues Brothers

Carrie Fisher in The Blues Brothers

rougy (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Wherever you are, my friend, the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years to you.

I hope one day we catch up.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again, for the first time.

Till that day.

jonathan pie-all news is fake

JustSaying says...

The problem isn't just Twitter. It's sheepish mankind. We are becoming a society that thinks private corporations, that want our clicks and personal information, are trustworthy news sources. We tend to ignore that these companies are enablers of well-being, well-thinking, by serving us what we want to see and hear. Why? So we click their links and tell them about ourselves. So they can sell ads and data for mining in regards to customer behaviour.
We might as well ask umbrella maker for the weather forecast and your racist uncle for advice on immigration policy. But then...
we have the Facebooks and Twitters of the world at our disposal.

And now everyone is upset that we've been told it might rain and mexicans want to steal our jobs. We're upset because things we read online aren't always true. Maybe Santa Clause and that nigerian Prince who e-mailed me aren't for real either.

What passes as news today is quite often nothing more than a 14 year old girl professing her believe that Becky is a total slut. It's gossip. And that why pedophiles working for Hillary Clinton hang out in Pizzashops. Let's go investigate.

That's how you get ants Trump!

I know exactly why I'm a misanthrope.

The fog catcher who brings water to the poor - BBC News

newtboy says...

I remember seeing a documentary about someone experimenting with fog collecting with netting in that area years and years ago. They have little rain, no lakes, but fog almost daily, so it seemed a perfect solution. I'm glad to see that it's being implemented, even if only on such a small scale.
It shouldn't take much to filter that water enough to drink it, then they would have (near) free water on tap instead of waiting for a water system that isn't coming.
*quality *engineering

The Sinister Reason Weed is Illegal

shagen454 says...

I hear that, I know that I've had to drive home stoned, real stoned. Didn't want to but had to. I know for a fact that I was super dangerous. Even after I ate my Wendy's hamburger & friends on someone's driveway (because I was so paranoid). I remember it started to rain - drove right through a flooded creek on the road at 50mph and definitely felt like I was swerving (even if I may not have been). Nevertheless, I know I can't handle driving while stoned and never have ever again (don't smoke pot much, anyway).

I also feel that pot changed some of my perceptions permanently for the better. This idea scares the living shit out of normie corporate people because any change to their mind is looked upon as bad, but they have no idea to begin with, they're ignorant to the facts or the experiences (look at me being judgmental haha). Many medicinal "drug" plants can really do people a lot of good in the short & long-term (I'm looking at you psilocybe & ayahuasca).

entr0py said:

One thing they didn't mention that I'm really not convinced about is how impairing weed is, for how long, and how much it contributes to auto accidents. In recent years there's been a big spike in the proportion of drivers involved in fatal accidents who tested positive for marijuana :

Of course that doesn't mean it caused the accidents, if people are just smoking twice as much nowadays, even a random sample would show a big increase. But it seems like the research on this is lacking. Does anyone know of any government that has science based guidelines for a sensible blood-pot content limit?

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer

Driving home through the storm

kceaton1 says...

I drove right under the core of this thing going home. I could actually see a tornado being made and I checked all the weather and News outlets and there was nothing, except that NOAA decided to throw a Severe Thunderstorm Warning 10 minutes up AFTER IT PASSED...

It was so crazy to see a tornadic supercell in West Valley City (Salty Lake City, for most Sifters). It was following 2700 West for a bit and then I-215 (nearing the airport) was moving super fast to the NNE, straight to Washington Terrace and Riverdale. The winds were wild and the cloud formations were awesome, they were moving fast enough that I thought a partial nub might be visible where I was at, but I never did see it.

All that I saw was the main vortex with the amazing sight of all the cold air being sucked into the vortex at the SSW corner of the leading edge. Which was twisting more than fast enough to be a "horizontal twister". It was rotating so fast it was amazing; since you could see that sight you knew all it needed was a bit of air to push against it from underneath and stand up some of those vortices around the central core and then, walla, you'd get the tornado (I actually did believe that Ogden or Bountiful would get one since that was where it was heading).

All it needed was to get a little closer to the mountains and you'd have the right ingredients.

Thus, this is what you see happen right here in this video. North of my house, out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake, sits Antelope Island. It got hit by the raining part of this tornadic system but look at this wonderful storm video from it:

It even had some golf ball hail in it.

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

RFlagg says...

Just remember... while there is a Congress that *might* temper some of his proposals... there's no Congress between him and the button (and the fact that he has said he would not rule out a first strike nuclear attack against somebody in the Middle East and Europe... and he also might not protect our European allies if attacked if they haven't paid). There's no Congress between him and him launching an initial retaliatory strike for making jestures... No matter how bad Hillary is, she isn't ready to destroy the world and start a nuclear holicast the way Trump is more than willing to do. Also, the lone wolf attacks we've seen the last year or so will only greatly increase under Trump as he and his ideals, implemented or not, incite futher self radicalization, by people who won't need contacts, they'll just be upset that the US is targeting Islam as a whole specifically, not just the jehadist... and remember, it looks like he'll win as he is winning in states like Florida and Ohio... When those nuclear missles rain into the United States, remember, those voiting for him, you specifically knew that would happen and you chose to destroy the world by voting for an egomaniac that has no clue how to be diplomatic, who has no clue how the real world works... who thinks the world opperates just like a boardroom... or one of his appartments where he kept black people out...

1 Scientifically Proven Thing Actually Makes People Happier

oritteropo says...

I really enjoy my commute, it's my un-stressed book reading or game playing or quiet contemplation and staring out the window time. Unless it's raining, it usually includes some walking. I suspect Hank's point mostly applies to commuting by car.

The Ferocious Battle Cry of a Desert Rain frog

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