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Satellite Captures 2017 Hurricane season

Aerosols: Airborne particles in Earth's atmosphere

Rethinking Nuclear Power

spawnflagger says...

I don't see nuclear having a renaissance anytime soon...
Solar and Wind are already cheaper, don't emit CO2, and don't produce nuclear waste that has to be transported and stored in exotic containers for thousands of generations.

Thorium salt reactors also produce waste.

Nuclear does make a useful energy source for NASA space probes though.

Crashing Into Saturn - Cassini's Epic Mission

Crashing Into Saturn - Cassini's Epic Mission

Crashing Into Saturn - Cassini's Epic Mission

Crashing Into Saturn - Cassini's Epic Mission

Ten Tiny Mistakes That Caused Disasters

Bill Nye's Open Letter to President Donald Trump

Every vehicle in the President's motorcade, explained

fuzzyundies says...

When I was working at NASA/Ames on Moffett Field in California, Clinton came to give a speech in Mountain View. Being the closest military airfield, Air Force One landed there. We expected a motorcade to close the base down but he ended up taking a helicopter. Just like in the video, two Blackhawks (which were a common sight on Moffett, but not usually green) lifted off and flew really fast and low away towards Mountain View.

AF1 stayed overnight, and had floodlights positioned all around it so that nobody could sneak up unnoticed. We were on the other side of a chain link fence near the blimp hanger, but we got within a few hundred meters of the plane. Really neat.

Can Trump read?

newtboy says...

How can this be? His daddy could have bought those 'degrees' and positions for him, simple.

It would seem he can read, but likely at best at a 3rd grade level. His tweets bear that out, replete with misspelled words, horrendous grammar, and never words or concepts above 3rd grade comprehension levels.

Please site your reference for this data, as it seems unlikely to be least I hope it's not. The NASA stat in particular is almost certainly false....I've known many (my uncle ran the moon rock program for a while) and I've never met one with reading issues of any kind. Dyslexia is a disqualifying disability in aerospace...mix up one value and things go bad fast and hard.

bobknight33 said:

If this is true -- which seems fair to say by looking at this ---- WOW FUCK

But then I ask how can this bee if he got an economics degree from Wharton. No small feat.

Plus as a kid he was on the NY military academy During his senior year attained the rank of captain.

That all said It wold seem that he could read... not necessarily guarantee it

Reading Statistics

Total percent of U.S. population that has specific reading disorders 15%

Total percentage of U.S. adults who are unable to read an 8th grade level book 50%

Total amount of words read annually by a person who reads 15 minutes a day 1 million

Total percent of U.S. high school graduates who will never read a book after high school 33%

Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate 42%

Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year 80%

Total percentage of books started that aren’t read to completion 57%

Total percent of U.S. students that are dyslexic 15%
Total percentage of NASA employees that are dyslexic 50%
Total number of U.S. inmates that are literate 15%

Can Trump read?

bobknight33 says...

If this is true -- which seems fair to say by looking at this ---- WOW FUCK

But then I ask how can this bee if he got an economics degree from Wharton. No small feat.

Plus as a kid he was on the NY military academy During his senior year attained the rank of captain.

That all said It wold seem that he could read... not necessarily guarantee it

Reading Statistics

Total percent of U.S. population that has specific reading disorders 15%

Total percentage of U.S. adults who are unable to read an 8th grade level book 50%

Total amount of words read annually by a person who reads 15 minutes a day 1 million

Total percent of U.S. high school graduates who will never read a book after high school 33%

Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate 42%

Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year 80%

Total percentage of books started that aren’t read to completion 57%

Total percent of U.S. students that are dyslexic 15%
Total percentage of NASA employees that are dyslexic 50%
Total number of U.S. inmates that are literate 15%

SpaceX Iridium-1: First stage separation to landing

bareboards2 says...

Okay, folks. History is converging here through six degrees of separation.

Long story. I think it is worth your time.

I grew up with a father who said terribly racist things, the n- word, disparaging remarks about all races. There was much screaming and bitter words from me for a lot of my childhood and well into my 20s.

After he died, I got into a short email exchange with someone I didn't know at all. A former co-worker of my father.

My dad's job, as I have said here before, was Range Safety Officer. His job was to blow up missiles that went off course. (No person has blown up more missiles, and no one will ever catch up to him, since they know how to do it now.)

In my email exchanges with "Teddy", I find out slowly that Teddy is a woman. The first woman in the Range Safety Flight arena. She tells me that she was treated horribly in those early days. Except for three of her co-workers, who mentored and helped her.

One of those men was my father.


And then she reveals that she is Hispanic.


So my dad talked nasty at home, and acted MORE THAN honorably at work. I wish I had known that when he was alive.

Then she tells me that her daughter became an engineer also, and is currently working in Range Safety.


Fast forward to last week. I watch Hidden Figures, the movie about black women helping in the first manned space launches. They were in Langley VA, while my dad was stationed in Cape Canaveral, not NASA but the Air Force, working on unmanned missions. But still. It all came flooding back to me -- how my dad was one of the good guys. (It was also cool to see all the actual news footage of people on the beach and parades and what-all -- I was there with my family, doing those things.)

This reminded me of Teddy. I sent her an email, telling her that I was reminded of her story and how touched anew I was.

Then the Falcon 9 launch happened. This launch on this video.

The next day, I got a response from her. Here is her email to me, lightly edited:

Thank you so much for thinking of me. The 60's were a time quite different than today. This morning It came to me just how far we women have come since then.

I stood on the balcony of my house and watched the launch of a Falcon Rocket take off in all its glory from Vandenberg knowing my daughter was the Lead Flight Safety Analyst on that mission. For the last couple of months I have listened to her tell me about all the problems she has had to deal with in preparing all the destruct lines, impact limit lines and all the other things that go into getting the mission package ready for launch and knowing what she was talking about. Boy, was I jealous. I really miss being in the middle of all that. I was/am very PROUD of my little girl being part of the missions leaving out of Vandenberg and knowing I played a small part in making all that happen just like those ladies in Hidden Figures. I have not seen the movie yet but my friends and I are looking forward to it coming to Lompoc so I can see it

Your Dad would be surprised to learn that most of the new Flight Safety Analysts are now all women.

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

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