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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwwww…are you upset that the maga obstruction failed and Ukraine is getting rearmed against your mother Russia, who is struggling in the war and enjoying massively successful attacks deep into its territory daily now? 😂

The Putin party has disintegrated into infighting and stunts that are turning off even maga.

The false narrative that the economy is failing has failed.

Trump is stuck in court sitting in his full diaper proving he can’t even stay awake at his own trial without drugs or follow simple rules, sleepy Don dozed off in court again today….and he’s your pick to run the free world. 😂 (uh-oh. David Pecker is witness #1…he ran the catch and kill program to buy and hide any news that was bad for the Trump campaign mostly to hide sexual misconduct from the public, you know, like you complain was election interference with the (now thoroughly debunked) Hunter laptop story. He knows about all the bodies and where they’re buried, he buried them, and Trump stiffed him on paying off Karen McDougal, then he was caught and cooperated with the DA.)
PS- Where’s Melania?

Enjoy November!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

Joe Biden's lies are legendary.

newtboy says...

Gotta go back over 36 years…for THAT? (88-24 is 36 not 33 bob…you can’t even do basic math) You tried this same nonsense 4 years ago…nothing has changed except the economy is no longer in freefall, it’s growing fast thanks to adult leadership.

Grasping at straws again, friendo…old rotten straws. Give me today’s footage of Trump after court, guaranteed it’s chock full of nonsensical lies, intentional lies, consequential self serving lies, destructive and damaging lies. His administration was the most dishonest in history by a factor of 100 which damaged America beyond belief, every single time he speaks dumb Donald lies. Any time Trump goes off the prepared teleprompter he sounds like a manic schizophrenic….incapable of staying on topic for a single sentence and taking credit for things he not only didn’t do but opposed when Obama (or others) did them. (Like the Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 that Trump repeatedly took credit for, infrastructure investments, a functioning economy, and dozens more)

Compared to the alternative Joe is the truth incarnate and has never said a questionable word in his life.
Also, he’s not a rapist, traitor, tax fraud, sad golf cheater, traitor, election fraudster, bank fraud perpetrator, traitor, racist, Epstein partner in crime, pill popper, sleepy angry old man, narcissist, or traitor, and doesn’t owe his freedom to sex trafficking Russian oligarchs who help keep him out of prison.
What was disgraced Dumb Donald doing back then? Racist redlining in New York (refusing to rent to black people), raping underage girls with Epstein, defrauding his partners, going bankrupt repeatedly, and calling for the lynching death of the innocent Central Park 5.

Biden Closes Gun Show/Internet Background Check Loophole

newtboy says...

More idiotic blather based on your complete lack of knowledge.
The FBI estimates that only 10% of guns used for crimes are legally obtained, so stopping the illegal unregulated gun trade should stop arming 90% of viloent criminals. Stopping the flow of 90% of guns used for crime is nothing? Derp.

Sure, keeping criminals in prison longer might help some after the fact, but 1) they have to commit at least one violent gun crime first and 2) our prisons are already so bursting full of them… so much that many states cannot put non violent criminals in prison without first releasing violent criminals, so longer sentences are impossible.
BTW- speaking of harsher sentences, a Vietnamese businesswoman was just sentenced to death for a fraud scheme extremely similar to Trumps real estate/bank/tax fraud scheme.
Is that what you suggest, harsher sentencing all around, or only for crimes you wrongly believe are committed mostly by minorities?

This won’t stop every illegal gun sale, but it closes 3 major methods of easily “legally” selling unregistered guns to people who are barred from owning guns. That is a good thing to anyone who isn’t a criminal looking to buy a gun for crimes….and braying morons.

If it does nothing, why has the right been fighting tooth and nail to keep the loopholes open for so long? A: because so many are felons (just like their leadership) and they still want to buy more guns.

bobknight33 said:

This will do nothing.
If you want to stop gun violence.
Keep those who commit these crimes in jail.

Another feels good do nothing law that Democrat party will use to circle jerk each other.

Government creates inflation

newtboy says...

To my “the fool”-
Again you lie. Point to when I ever said that you fucktard. I have ALWAYS said deficit matters, so does intelligent spending, so does overall debt, so does our national credit rating. All went to shit faster than ever before or since under your dementia riddled crime boss.

Your brain is mush. You just make up nonsense constantly, then contradict yourself.
It was you who said for 4 years that deficits don’t matter while your idiot ran up the deficit and debt faster than ever before and I shouted daily that he was bankrupting the nation and not getting anything for it, at least Biden invested his spending in America, didn’t waste it on useless trade wars, tax breaks for the ultra rich (that didn’t trickle down or stimulate the economy) and PPP handout loans to business “owners” (that didn’t have to be repaid and were ripe with fraud because there were no standards, no vetting, because it was in fact designed to be easy to defraud and was the most fraudulent assistance program in history) and other ego driven stupidity that gained nothing, all this at America’s expense with no benifits.

I have never once said anything nearly so stupid. You have often. Let me ask (for you to ignore the question because you hate the answer)…who had the last balanced budget…who last paid down the debt? Hint- it rhymes with Minton. Which party presided over the last 3 major recessions? Hint- they all wear red ties.

You denied spending mattered when it was out of control under maga leadership, you have absolutely not been saying this all along you liar. When I said starting in early 2020 that Trump’s out of control spending spree and crashed economy in 2020 would result in high inflation… you denied it was related, then blamed Biden when the predicted inflation spike hit.

Government needs to spend wisely, not for ego and spite like Trump spent. Biden spent a lot, but it revived the economy much faster than any other Western nation after Covid and improved GDP significantly….after Trump’s Covid response was the worst in any Western nation by far making killing Americans at 5 times the percapita average worldwide and turning our GDP to a negative for the first time in history in peace time.

The Republicans have blocked a balanced budget for decades, but we do have a budget, moron. Their obstruction, trying to shut down the government out of spite has lowered our credit rating costing billions or trillions for absolutely no gains.

Maga would prefer no government at all and is actively working against the government functioning, but these idiots can’t see past their “freedom” (freedom to be horrifically evil, racist, uncivil, and inhumane) to understand that we would become Russia or China in a week, and their little home protection guns and fake “militia” clubs won’t kill a single soldier in the invasion.

Still waiting you ballless wonder. Such a whining little cowardly infant…DJ really turned you into a petty, uneducated, idiotic pansy boy. Must be all that fantasizing about sucking the mushroom tip. It’s hilarious your insecurity forces you to keep displaying your insecurity publicly, incapable of admitting you’ve ever been w-w-w-wrong (despite your never actually being right, especially when it comes to speaking English) because you’re so insecure you are certain that if you admitted you made a mistake no one will love you. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Your the fool that keeps saying deficit does not matter.
Now you want to claim otherwise. Funny.

I've been saying this all along.

Government need a budget not CRs.

This non budget has been going on for nearly 20 years.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. You’re hilarious. How many times are you going to try the “even CNN agrees” nonsense, how long will you pretend you don’t know they went right wing years ago? No fact can penetrate the rectal shield to reach your eyes and ears, can they?

Trump has hardly ever told the truth about anything, nice try. He recently made a huge deal while campaigning about his very recent (that day, so no excuse for misremembering) conversations with the family of the woman killed by an undocumented immigrant and their support for him but the family says bullshit, he’s totally lying, he never contacted them and they do not support him or his policies. Little DJ said he won the election, he still says it, and he tried multiple coups based on that lie, people died. His lies are consequential and constant, not grandpa’s stories fudged to make a moral point.

Biden never stole from veterans, never defrauded students, never cheated multiple contractors so badly they went bankrupt and committed suicide, never cheated on his wife, and never raped anyone, never lied about an election, and never tried to take the country by force. He’s also not facing 91 felony counts mostly for crimes against America and democracy.
Diaper Don was also historically beaten by Biden easily even though Biden barely campaigned and so many maga vote fraud schemes occurred, even Clinton got millions more votes than Disgraced Don.

BTW- Still waiting coward. You will never grow a pair and be a man. Your tiny little sack is empty.

Conan O'Brien Needs a Doctor While Eating Spicy Wings

Kamikazi Drone Hits Kamikazi Drone Factory 1200 km In Russia

jimnms says...

Most small, single-engine aircraft do not have retractable landing gear.

Reefie said:

I'm still amused that they rigged it for remote control and left the landing gear down the whole way!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….don is going to have to explain why he’s illegally threatening the president with death, a violation of his bail in every trial he’s facing and a slap in the face to his own security detail, and why he’s continuing to threaten the judges daughter despite the updated gag order on Monday specifically precluding him from attacking family members.
It better be a good explanation or it could be prison time or at a minimum a total gag order, no statements at all, no “truths”, and none by his staff.

BTW - despite maga “lawyers” claiming it is, gag orders are NOT violations of first amendment rights, they are a voluntary but binding agreement a defendant makes as a condition of pre trial release, something they have no right to.

Bonus - with abortion rights on the ballot in Florida and 70% in favor of abortion rights, it becomes a swing state likely to turn blue. All democrats have to do is remind the public how many rights the right is stripping from them and who is fighting to preserve them. 😂
And Arizona just put Abortion rights on the ballot too, handing most of Arizona to Democrats.

Second bonus- Another maga racist white nationalist and anti semite, Gregg Blevins, is being recalled in Oklahoma.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So…BOOM back DOWN to a negative GDP, historically high unemployment, closing businesses at unheard of rates, thousands dead per day, closed schools, exploding inflation, crashed stock market, empty shelves, complete supply chain gridlock, civil unrest, a failed violent coup, etc.?

What are you talking about? You MAGA morons always forget about 2020, or think Biden was president then. Hate to tell you, most economic indicators and trends are actually better than before the pandemic that Diaper Don Poorleon utterly failed on, causing irreparable damage to America and the economy in every way.

You are incapable of accepting reality.
You are also incapable of speaking English without making idiotic mistakes a second grader would be embarrassed of…but claim to have earned a degree! 😂

bobknight33 said:

The only "BOOM" is to bring it back to where Trump left off.

Biden is a joke.
You are incapable to find truth due to your bias.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unlike Trump, I do not claim to be Jesus. 🤨

He’s got to sell something or his campaign won’t have money to pay his legal bills.
Joe Burden is going to crush him…again. He won’t even need to disinformate or misinformate, just let Don talk. 😂

Edit: The most insane part, and this is real, they put out a statement telling the buyers to not worry that the pages are sticking together. Anyone who buys a book from Trump and finds the pages sticking together should absolutely worry, wash your hands with bleach and ammonia (yes, I know) and get their fingers tested for pregnancy and syphilis. He’s a sick little monkey and probably did jiz on those bibles.

Holy (pun intended) crap! Turns out these are old, unsold/ unsellable “Merica” bibles produced in 2021 that weren’t selling for $49.95 and had terrible reviews about quality, months to ship after payment, and zero customer service. I don’t expect improvement for the extra $10. I bet they’re made in China.

BSR said:

Jesus Christ! Now he's selling Bibles?!


Reefie says...

If the best (and only) line featured in the teaser is "The juice is loose" then I fear you may be right... Talking of which, the new Ghostbusters movie released in the UK today, I wonder if I'm going to be disappointed by my cinema outing this weekend? At least they've got most of the original gang back, hopefully trigger some nostalgia highs!

newtboy said:

Um…long awaited sequel? Who was actually waiting for this?
There’s potential here, but I fear it’s another memberberry cash grab, washing every last cent possible out of everything that was good from my childhood leaving empty husks that once were fond memories. Fingers crossed I’m wrong.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don is losing it, knowing his entire net worth isn’t as much as he owes. Even using all his assets as collateral he can’t get a loan, maybe stiffing and cheating all those banks for decades wasn’t the best idea. Maybe inflating his net worth by 100-1000 times wasn’t the best idea. Maybe refusing to admit the frauds and settle despite the summary judgement wasn’t the best idea. Maybe hiring the worst lawyers in American history wasn’t the best idea. He has 4 days.

It begs the question…who actually owns his properties? We don’t know, but it’s not him. Who, exactly, is he beholding to, and what sway did they have while he was president? We know the Saudis own properties with and do business with him, and Russians. Almost certainly the Chinese too. Who else? Does who’s paying a politician and for what only matter for Biden but not Don?
Hilariously, when asked the total softball question “Is Don was looking to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia or China for help paying his judgement” instead of just saying “no, obviously not, he’s running for president and couldn’t do that owing a foreign country 1/2 billion dollars.” she instead declined to answer. HORRIFIC for the campaign.

Edit: Huzzah! The brand new this hour expanded powers of the financial monitor cover this eventuality, she must be informed 30 days before the execution of any transfers, purchases, sales, loan applications, bonds, basically any movement of money by the trumps (all of them)…for 3 years. This means he can’t get a foreign power or billionaire to pay his debt without disclosing it publicly. Any attempt by any Trump to circumvent the order is a violation and means prison.

Note, if he was correct that his properties were really worth 100 to 1000 times what he claims for tax purposes he would have no problem at all selling just one for way more cash than he needs, but he can’t. Why can’t he? Because 1) they are not worth more than the tax evaluations and 2) all his properties are already mortgaged to the hilt…he doesn’t own them the banks/business partners/foreign governments do. Most famously Trump tower that he only owns his apartment, a few offices, and the public lobby bathrooms, not the entire building by far….and that’s not an outlier it’s the norm.
So satisfying to watch a vitriolic con man get caught and taken down…don’t you think?

The failed sham impeachment hearings are a total unmitigated disaster and everyone can see it. 😂

It’s hilarious that they trapped themselves with this. They’ve done absolutely nothing else this term but accuse Biden, so they can’t abandon the fraud now…but it’s so embarrassing that the sham itself is turning their own voters away because it’s painfully obvious there will be no impeachment, there never was going to be one and now it’s not only proven to be a sham based on Russian misinformation but it’s also become numerically impossible, it’s all 100% for show and always was, and even conservatives want the government to do more than put on divisive political plays based on Russian propaganda at taxpayer expense. 😂

Q: are you still buying the bullshit lie that Don is saying Obama instead of Biden because Obama is pulling the strings even after he said “Biden beat Obama…beat Obabba”? Please, explain that bit of dementia for me. Is he now calling HIMSELF Obama/Obabba? 😂 (don’t worry, nobody expects you to be capable of explaining or even attempting to.)


cloudballoon says...

Not getting a "Young Theron as Furiosa" vibe in Taylor-Joy. But I like most of her projects. And she can act, so looking forward to this. One of my handful of anticipated films in 2024. The other is Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

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