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Bomba Estéreo Presents: El Duende (The Elf)

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Fake news….your evidence? Retracted tweets!?!

Posted at your request, dumbshit. Do you think you just pulled a fast one or something? Did you really just ask me to post a video just so you could parrot “fake news” because you read something different on twitter? Yes … yes you did.

My evidence….His Facebook, twitter, and truth social accounts, blogs, likely others. His voice heard by 911 operators, police, emts, etc. Also the weapon and zip ties he brought to the home invasion. Did you not listen to the video? Was it not OAN so no fact could penetrate your anal shield to your ears?

Funny, it’s the police saying all these things. Not reporters, police spokesmen. Are you saying they make up stories about innocent people so regularly that they would do it in this public of a case? Evidence? Of course not. Just more baseless denial of reality.

Glass breaks in and out when you break it. It also breaks out during struggles inside, or when you rip a glass door open violently. Are you seriously suggesting this is staged, some false flag attack, and Pelosi’s husband is so committed to this lie he smashed his own skull in?
It’s clear from photos and videos that the vast majority of broken glass, and the wood/vinyl cross member are inside the house.

Um….now onto baseless silly gay slurs and accusations because you have no information, no way to contradict the FACT that he’s a MAGgot moron that believes every conspiracy theory you do and worships the same ochre ogre.

I never knew you were into eating men’s asses, but if you say so, you must be.
I never knew that’s what MEGA meant, no wonder you sissies changed it but wouldn’t explain!
Be careful, lots of diseases you can get from eating shit, but it’s clear that’s what you’re into, you’ve been doing it here for over a decade, you probably know all the pitfalls well by now. Then again, your mantra is

Edit: thinking about it, this is your last question until you can answer just one. You never can, you just ignore them every time.
Since I know you’re incapable of answering questions, that means you’re done asking me any. Until then, the answer to any question you pose is “Ashley Babbitt”….it should be “what charges came down for Clinton”, another claim you refused to back up. I haven’t forgotten many questions you dodged.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

bobknight33 says...

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No bob, like crt, this is a figment of a deranged delusional mind that knows they can sell it for massive profit, not a real thing anywhere but right wing propagandists notebooks.
Just another of the myriad of fantasy boogie men you’ve been sold to keep you outraged and unthinking. It works all too well on your ilk, you NEVER verify anything that gets you upset, because you absolutely love to be upset and mad at a target, whatever target. It’s made those selling the outrage mountains of cash too. Sadly, it’s made you a laughing stock that sounds like you wear a tin foil hat most of the time…..

The idea is just as serious as my title…the kid does NOT identify as a dog toy…just like kids are not identifying as cats. It’s just an insult, derision of the trans community as silly, not even a serious claim….but you buy it.

… you REALLY believe kids are “identifying as cats” at schools, and schools are accommodating them with litter boxes and letting them roam naked?! REALLY!?! YOU’RE DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT!?! Er mer gerd!

You are so unbelievably gullible. You will buy any insanity that insults your many, ever growing number of enemies. Remember, you believe people dead for over 10 years helped defraud the election against Trump….zombie dictators, or time traveling dictators, you choose….but they used Italian space lasers to change votes in the machines. You bought that, bob.

It is your side that invented this nonsense, bob, as derision of real issues you are intolerant of because you’re incapable of serious discussion of serious issues, your entire “side” is (and your side is the anti reality side, bob.)

Now-Ashley Babbitt

bobknight33 said:

The radical left came up with this shit and forced it on America.

Dont blame my side.

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

No, anti democracy,anti American MAGOTS are not nice….and fuck your feelings snowflake, remember? Grow a pair and put your big girl panties on.

Red states always top in crime, gun deaths, poverty, worst on infrastructure, safety nets, economy, inflation. Worst on civil rights. Clearly the right doesn’t give a shit about crime since they are all criminal traitors who follow a criminal traitor who tried to overthrow the government violently and stole nuclear secrets and you say “nothing burger”…killed 1 million Americans through neglect, nothing burger.

This insanity that somehow refugees replace citizens is just nonsense insanity, bob. You drank the flavor aid and held the gun on the children who wouldn’t.

Lol. 1 million dead- Republican neglect and making public health a political tool they used disastrously.
Jan 6, and the continued destruction of the election systems, Republican.
Trump- porn stars while wife pregnant, friends wives while married, Epstein island, his own daughter…child trafficking, making it legal to marry and have sex with prepubescent girls, exposing themselves to children, ending social security and Medicare people already paid for, all Republicans friendo.
Republicans are well ahead on death, destruction, and debauchery…miles ahead after loser Trump.

Bailouts for poor citizens not wealthy corporations, civil rights for women and non white men, jobs, gdp, healthcare, social security, infrastructure that’s the Democratic platform. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

MAGOTS now. That's not nice. This is your improvements-

Utter failures on all fronts,

Democrats are clearly anti America- Shit hole cites, Crime, Anti family values, Ok with murdering ---

Clearly Democrats dont give a shit about black on black crime. Illegals are just the replacement team of the dead blacks.

Death Destruction, Debauchery is the Democrat party platform

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

1) Because as patriots, most Democrats think America never stopped being great, and is improving on most fronts. MAGOTS definitely think the civil rights movement was a mistake and clearly intend to erase any rights it created….and more.

2) Because the “Great America” MAGOTS want is one where women, blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, and Asians aren’t welcome, don’t have rights, and are all subservient to white men, and Democrats believe in equality under the law. (What they forget is the Uber rich paid up to 90% in taxes then)

3). Because the leader of that racist, fascist death cult is an anti American, anti democratic, insanely divisive traitor to our country and con man that killed people with a failed coup after a disastrous 4 year stint that destroyed our economy, left record unemployment, packed the courts with unqualified activist “judges” poised to remove civil rights, led the biggest (failed) election fraud in US history, and left 1 million Americans dead of a preventable epidemic, and now is caught with hundreds of top secret documents including nuclear secrets with no reasonable explanation besides he planned to sell them to the highest bidder or blackmail the nation when he’s indicted.

Explanation enough? 🤦‍♂️

TangledThorns said:

MAGA means Make America Great Again. Why do Democrats hate that so much?

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

A Republican candidate running for a seat in Oklahoma's state House once said it is "totally just" to kill gay people in comments that have resurfaced amid his campaign. Bad Republican, right? Bohbert and Greene agree….most Trumpists do. Also bad Republicans, right? This was based on their extremist religion, but they don’t want to stone people who eat shellfish, wear blended fabrics, or work (or have work done) on the sabbath (whichever sabbath they decide is the right one) which it also prescribes.

Comey Barrett belongs to a cult whose #1 teaching is “women must be subservient to men and defer to them at all times”. A fact she actively hid. Hardly qualifications for a top judge, essentially making her a thoughtless second vote for the male “conservatives” with no ability to judge on her own? That’s bad, right?

Courts determined Barr obstructed justice to shield Trump from 10 legitimate obstruction charges….so both are bad Republicans, right? Shouldn’t hold office, right? No? Then I guess you were lying again when you said “ When you post a bad Republican , I agree”.

I would also point out, every time you try to point to “my side” being wrong, you get your information from propaganda outlets that constantly lie to you or less trustworthy internet trolls, making you a fool when you repeat their lies….but instead of being mad at them you get bent at those telling you facts.
FYI, I ignore most opinion and stick to fact…verifiable fact. You only listen to opinion…the right wing media (it’s not news) feeds you nothing else….and it’s invariably feigned opinion based on misrepresentation of the facts. I can never accept claims you present that “my side is so wrong” because every time I investigate your accusations I find them based in lies and biased opinion and absolutely nothing more….like the election fraud fraud, pure fantasy…like BLM being responsible for Jan 6, pure fantasy. Like the Republicans being the “law and order” party, pure fantasy. (Turned on law enforcement 100% when they started being arrested for the failed coup, now wanting to completely defund all Federal law enforcement and erase espionage laws just to protect Donny from the crimes you know he committed.)

It’s possible this is about to become a non issue, thanks to Dominion. Most right wing propaganda networks slandered and libeled Dominion, and can’t afford $1.6 billion. Even Fox is going to change its tune, becoming much more careful about their baseless claims, while OAN and Newsmax, already relegated to the internet for the most part, will disappear. 😂

Pretty ridiculous for YOU to complain, especially to ME, about what facts are. You wouldn’t know a fact if it indicted you. I work hard to ignore opinion and find the underlying facts. You could set up a poll on who’s more trustworthy if you don’t want to take my word for it….but no voting with your sock puppets.

PS- I’m STILL WAITING to hear exactly what the charges against Clinton coming this week (4 years ago) are going to be. Whenever you make outrageously idiotic claims and are pressed, you ghost. I asked you that question for weeks, over and over and over, you had no response, only attempts to change the subject and ignore your own claim. That’s typical of you, far from an isolated incident it’s your MO.

bobknight33 said:

When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

He’s always had the best words…

Next you’re going to attempt to say Biden isn’t faithful to his wife….or is a failed business con man who intentionally built massive debts only to escape them with planned bankruptcy at least 6 times (think “student debt relief”, but instead of ten thousand it’s tens of millions in debt he shirked, 6 times, and didn’t even get an education or otherwise improve himself for all the money he took from society, unlike students)….or runs a fraudulent school….or is a charity thief totally banned from involvement in any charities……when will you understand that any insult you lob is an admission, every charge lobbed a “mea culpa”, every complaint a self loathing attack on yourself. Any insult that sticks only degrades Trump as the loser to Biden…any fault he has is a nothing burger compared to the same traits in Trump. So silly, so delusional, so infantile…like pointing to Biden falling off his bike and not getting hurt as some indication he’s frail, but Trump could never ride a bike in a million years with training wheels and 4 large men holding him up….morbidly obese 8% muscle mass Trump can’t go DOWN a ramp without assistance, and he’s afraid of stairs. 😂

Keep ‘em coming….I’ve got ten examples for every one you dig up.

BTW- what are your thoughts on the missing $150 million from GOP donors for campaign commercials? They raised over $178 million, by June they had $28 million left and were cutting funding for tons of campaigns that are also struggling to compete with Trump’s constant requests for more donations, donations he’s only spent on hiring his own family so far….at a rate of $30000 per minute!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Leftist gender bending bullshit books like The Diary of Anne Frank and the Bible?!? 😂

I’m surprised…I didn’t know the right had decided Christianity was just for leftists and abandoned it, like they did facts, reason, honesty, sanity, etc…although it’s outrageously idiotic to think Jesus wasn’t a supreme leftist, so in a way I’m shocked it took this long. Also, Christianity talks mad shit about the ochre hoaxer, your messiah, calling near 100% of his behavior “evil”, like adultery, bearing false witness, coveting, stealing, putting money ahead of god..pretty much every deadly sin and commandment if you believe he murdered Epstein to silence him (oh the stories he could have told about tangerine Palpatine).

You’re going to be left with nothing but Pepe the frog fairy tales about alpha male white men you wish you could be, no math, no English, no history, definitely no art, civics, science, philosophy…... 🤦‍♂️


bobknight33 said:

Banning leftest gender bending bullshit book is a good idea

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

luxintenebris says...

pardon if misinterpreting the 98% figure...

but most killings are done by the gun owner - on themselves.

suicides are annually #1 in gun deaths.

the life you may save might be yours - especially when men use guns for suicide far and away more than women. couple that w/a quarter of Americans say they have experienced some form of mental illness in their lifetime. in addition, the percentage of citizens wanting gun control eclipses the former stat: meaning a significate number of crazies see the need also.

which begs the question - how nuts do you have to be to want nuts to have guns?

on the 2nd Amendment, personally interpreted this way... (imagine that).

bobknight33 said:


You can not have a military automatic weapon.

2nd 98% of killings are done by inner city thugs and yet the left only focus on suburban , school, theater killings .

Left wants to make it harder for people to buy legal -- The real problem is the illegal guns that are doing most killing - destroying families . cities. soles

The left has no desire to truly address this issue in their cities.


newtboy says...

For @BSR -

Ossifragant- literally bone breaking “ The fierce, ossifragant force of Humbaba's blows would have hurt any men but Enkidu and Gilgamesh…”

Internecine - destructive to both sides in a conflict “indiscriminate biological warfare is internecine”

discontiguity- the quality of being discontiguous (disconnected or without contact) “after the beheading, he lived temporarily in a state of discontiguity “

What Do You Know About Female Anatomy

luxintenebris jokingly says...

but belies a point...

how does SCOTUS rule on something they understand little about? not so certain the 'catholic girl' is fully informed too. knew more about Aunt Flo (especially monitoring ovulation) than some girlfriends (always know what you're getting into) so it's possible she was one too.*

although, they didn't quiz women on men's systems. bet that'd be just as 'funny'.

*if she's the average catholic girl - she uses conception and would hide a termination.

BSR said:

show off...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Yeat!” Ok, I’m listening. Tell me anything.

I ask you, can you explain why cons want mad men like him to have unfettered access to firearms?

It’s now being reported he was previously detained by police for threatening to murder his entire family and had 60 knives, swords, and daggers removed from his possession, but not his ability to purchase guns.

Cons are uncompromising about opposing red flag laws, which would have prevented this mad man from getting the weapons to commit mass murder…and about closing loopholes that let anyone buy firearms without background checks or registration…allowing those legally barred from ownership to gain possession of any weapons they like.

Can you explain why these remedies to secretly arming nut jobs are off the table for cons? Not being a panacea for all gun crimes is a red herring dodge, not an answer.

bobknight33 said:

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Wouldn’t you like to know, since it’s correct 99.96% of the time. Lol. It would certainly do you well to read the same news I do, but I don’t think you’re capable of rationally determining fact from fiction so wouldn’t solve your problem.

It’s way more funny to me that you don’t know where my info comes from, especially since I tell you (apparently they don’t teach you how to look at listed reference material at the college you say you went to…because I list them often). Where you listen to one OAN idiots take and just believe it, I usually read 3-5 articles with different viewpoints and come to my own conclusions based on how well each relates to known facts. When I post the CNN version of a story for you, it’s because they keep it dumbed down enough for even you to understand, not because they’re the only source. (Also because I know it will trigger you into acting the fool)

Why? Because he’s a lying treasonous traitor that tried to overthrow the American government by force and become a dictator in America. WTF?! Did you really ask “why” there’s an investigation!?
Also because so many cultists like yourself want to pretend 1) it was horrific and all ANTIFA and BLM, 2) it was just a normal day at the capitol with normal tourists and 3) it never actually happened ….so he can try again in 24, and with enough hiding the evidence, voter suppression, roll purging, triple voting, voter ID, removal of mail in voting and drop boxes in democratic areas (like Houston with 665 sq miles, 2.3 million residents, and now ONE drop box), and a complicit partisan court willing to invalidate millions of Democrats’ votes, maybe he could steal a “win”. It’s important to 1) know and 2) remind voters what he did to foment a coup against their country, and how he tried to defraud the nation and the election with his election fraud fraud that he knew from day one was a pure lie.

Why this two sided hearing with MAGA underrepresented? Because republicans didn’t want a non political third party investigation and blocked it, and didn’t want to be part of the bipartisan investigation so boycotted it. The real question is why don’t republicans want to know and don’t want anyone else to know the truth about 1/6? I think that’s obvious, because they are complicit in the failed coup.

Suppression of truth?! You mean by the Trumpists who refuse to testify, refuse to turn over public documents, and threaten witnesses to “be loyal” and keep quiet? I think that’s obvious too, they suppress the truth because the truth is they turned on their country and government to try to install their cult leader as dictator for life.

Anything and everything, by which you mean actually investigating an attack against America that cost lives….how quickly you forget Benghazi that was actually a number of one sided “investigations” (fuckery) trying to prove the predetermined conclusion that Clinton somehow was responsible for a foreign attack on an embassy…tens of millions wasted just trying to keep her from running in 16 (and I wish the totally 100% dishonest smear campaign was successful, because we would never have had Trump if he ran against Sanders). All that and still nothing on Clinton. Didn’t you promise the charges were coming any day….way back in 17 or 18?

This madman was a perfectly normal maggot. Gun crazed, immigrant hating, racist it appears, a violent nut job wrapped in a MAGA flag and Pepe shirt. That’s the MAGA base, not an outlier. I know you’ll hide from that fact and pretend he’s just a crazy nut job, but he’s perfectly normal for a Trumpist, you are all mad men, you all want to murder liberals, he just had the balls (and insanity) to go through with what most of you fantasize about daily.

bobknight33 said:

Where on earth do you get you fake new?

Local rag at the checkout?

More dump on Trump...

The real question is why.

Why and this fuckery? 1 sided hearing , suppression on truth?

Anything and everything just to keep him from running in 2024.

""""""Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.""""""

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

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