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Real Time Facial Re-Enactment

newtboy says... now when producers edit audio to change what's actually been said, they can add video of the person saying the made up phrases. That was one way I determined if what I'm watching is real or edited....when they would splice audio together to create a monologue/dialogue, they had to cut away from the speakers face so you wouldn't notice the 1975 kungfu level they can convincingly fake real time? We're totally fucked. Reality just became obsolete.

I'm going to Mars.

ant (Member Profile)

Doom Resurrected: Designing a First Impression (Part 2)

Doom Resurrected: To Hell and Back (Part 1)

Cat Quack

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Where Be Aliens?

RFlagg says...

My long time issue with the "they would be too intelligent/evolved to have any interest in us" type scenario, such as he puts as number two here, is that we go through great lengths to try and research and understand very primitive life. There are efforts being made to talk to dolphins and apes. We're looking to build ships to crash or land ships onto Titan to see if there is microbial life on a moon orbiting a gas giant, not to mention work to see if Mars once upon had life. So the very fact we're able to get off our little rock (though not much off it), I think would warrant a stop and look, perhaps to help answer what was life like at such an early stage of evolution.

Not said stop and look doesn't imply any sort of communications. Indeed there may be a Prime Directive like thing with them where by they see and observe, but leave no evidence of such a visit (alien abductions being just mental illness coupled with abuse or other issues).

Now distance is a super valid point, but by far the most likely point is the survivability window, which he talks about in point three. We're still a level zero civilization (Kardashev scale) and decades until we reach a level one civilization (unfortunately it seems delayed even further due to some very anti-science moves being made by certain groups). Moving up that scale is only one thing, avoiding killing ourselves via war is another huge one. With CRISPR technology advancing, there is a very real danger of a Division/Stand/Utopia type disease coming to the foreground, especially if driven by a zealot (ala Division and Utopia). I highly doubt a man made black hole or something, but war or a CRISPR engineered disease... Not to mention the natural disasters he mentioned, and others, such as huge gamma ray bursts and others that we've managed to avoid. And we'd have to think that most civilizations go through somewhat similar phases, with a universe that is fairly hostile to life, even if many planets are capable of at least starting life. Generally I figure that most civilizations never make it past the stage we are at now, and those that do probably don't get to stage two and beyond (to be fair, I doubt any civilization can achieve stage two on Kardashev's scale as it goes beyond knowledge needed, but materials and more).

Back to the technology of communications point. I've generally figured if you are space faring, you gave up on radio communications and are using strange properties or something along those lines.

The 15 Yr Old Who May Be The First Person On Mars

Fairbs says...

I'm really impressed with this person, but the whole idea of going to Mars I find really stupid.
We're destroying the planet so the solution is to go to another planet and do what??? fuck that one up too?

Star Trek Beyond - Mars Attacks Scene

Drachen_Jager says...

God, people don't know their film history anymore!

Mars Attacks ripped that off from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, only there the song was a high-pitched wailing "Puuuuberty loooove."

Man, I have to watch that movie again.

Why Should We Go to Mars?

lurgee (Member Profile)

Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

AnomalousDatum says...

Well, to be fair, we don't have any real idea of the living conditions on planets in nearby systems that are roughly earth sized. We haven't been able to detect them until the last few years, and most of those are orbiting too close to the sun (because those are the easiest to detect), and getting any kind of real idea of their atmospheres is currently unavailable. There could be several systems with habitable planets within 30 ly, we just don't know yet. We are improving our capacity to detect these every year, so perhaps by the time we have colonized Mars, we should have a few viable extra-solar earthlike planetary candidates to send probes. Still would be another 50-100+ years after sending probes to receive back enough data to justify sending colonists. Hopefully by then our tech has matured enough to make it possible, and the war with Mars has settled down enough.

Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

iaui says...

-Massive Waves
-Global earthquakes
-Frequent Volcanic Eruptions

How is Mars worse than this? And it sounds like a lot of the tech used for Mars could help if this ever happened to Earth. How is that a bad thing?

BicycleRepairMan said:

My concern is this...

Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

BicycleRepairMan says...

My concern is this : Imagine a global extinction event , lets say a repeat of the event that killed off the dinosaurs : a massive asteroid direct hit , instantly killing everything on roughly the same continent or general planetside , such an impact would punch a hole in the very tectonic plate it lands on and cause massive waves not just in water , but in the ground itself , waves of rock and earth surface taveling around the globe meeting on the far side of the impact and ricocheting back again . We are talking GLOBAL earthquakes off the scales, for YEARS after the impact as the tectonic plates are slowliy settling in, all this is followed by a thick cloud of ash from the impact, refueled by frequent vulcanic eruptions , this will block out most sunlight , so after the initial toasting , the few lucky survives of this pandemonium can look forward to hundreds of years of atomic winter. Sounds pretty fuckin bad.

But guess what : thats still better conditions for life than Mars. And Mars is goddamn paradise compared to the other planets around us. Anything outside our immediate neighbourhood ? Forget it , they are ATLEAST thousands of years travel away, making moving anything of note there unfeasable. We ARE a one planet species. Get used to it , take good care of this one , its all we got.

Was the Space Shuttle Doomed From the Beginning ?

dag says...

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Really great video and post-mortem on the shuttle program. Lots of clips and images that I've never seen before.

My money is on Musk and the Red Dragon to get people to Mars first.


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