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Dot: World's Smallest Stop-motion Animation

cybrbeast says...

>> ^yellowc:

This is a small part of an article about the CellScope:
"through to the maximum 50x magnification, which can show individual white and red blood cells"
I dunno about your digital cameras but none of mine do this. I know this magnification isn't that but a device made with that level of usage probably comes with some advantages.
>> ^cybrbeast:
Awesome animation, but why use the CellScope? The Macro function on any digital camera would function equally well or better for this purpose.

That's exactly it, this video doesn't use anything close to those magnifications, so I don't see the point of using the CellScope. If you've seen any good macro photos you can see that their quality is much better than the stop motion frames used in this video.

Dot: World's Smallest Stop-motion Animation

yellowc says...

This is a small part of an article about the CellScope:

"through to the maximum 50x magnification, which can show individual white and red blood cells"

I dunno about your digital cameras but none of mine do this. I know this magnification isn't that but a device made with that level of usage probably comes with some advantages.
>> ^cybrbeast:

Awesome animation, but why use the CellScope? The Macro function on any digital camera would function equally well or better for this purpose.

Dot: World's Smallest Stop-motion Animation

TED - Peter Molyneux demos Milo, the virtual boy

westy says...

Molyneux is one of the biggest shit talkers in the games industry,

I can almost garentee when u play this you could say annything u want its probably all bassed on tonality of voice , and miloes responses will always be the same , so get ready for you tube videos of people slagging of milo and the game playing out as normal.

all the desissoins the player has to make that will change the outcioem of milo will be compleaty neglagable , i bet there are probably a maximum of 5 outcomes and anny macro veratoins will be totaly benile on add vertualy nothing to the exsperance.

What this game is , is a onrails shooter / minni game , presented within a scripted narative . Thats not a bad thing , but all the shit molinue spews and all the bullshit about how much of a technaligical achivment and how revalutoinary this is ist compelaty retarded.

Peter Molyneux - is effectively a used car salesman for games , He is a good sales man but his products never amount to the talk.

Molyneux realy anoys me , he has made some gr8 games and milo as a game is just fine and quite intresting i just wish Molyneux would stop talking shit

Deaphusit is Still Bush's Fault (Lies Talk Post)

Revoke BP's Corporate Charter

Asmo says...

That's simply because many of the people, even the average joes, idolise the all mighty dollar. The next time you see a manager take credit for one of their staff's work, or a colleague screw over another workmate to get ahead, convert that mentality to huge corporations. If anything, it would be easier as a corporate bigwig because they are insulated against the retribution they should rightly receive for their malfeasance (well, until they kill 11 people and create one of the biggest environmental disasters in history, I guess we'll see what happens).

You can't change the corporate macro culture if many citizens (particularly the ones that actually bother to vote or lobby their representatives) subscribe to the same values and ethics, that being making a buck first, everything else secondary.
>> ^blankfist:

quality idea. But I really think we could do without corporations period. They have proven government regulations and restrictions on business are simply shams to embolden and strengthen the corporations by giving special privileges to the rich and shrinking the small business sector.
But we can start with revoking their charter. But before we do that, I'd like to see those fisherman and other business owners personally affected by this sue for damages. Oh silly me, like they'll ever receive what they're owed. The politicians will make sure of that.
It's also hilarious that she links to this guy. If you remember him, he's the guy who said FUCK NOAM CHOMSKY. Just had to point that out. Ahem. Quietly exiting room now.

Ugandan Minister Making A Huge Fool Of Himself

Balloons and Dyson Air Multiplier fans!

Balloons and Dyson Air Multiplier fans!

The Real News: Why Change Will Make Our Money Fail

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^youdiejoe:

You know it's come full circle when.... I was at Legoland with my son this weekend, and they now have a LEGO branded kids video camera for making stop animation, it has built in Macro function. I think the the retail was 70 bucks.
I would like to see some stuff shot with it.

On looking at reviews of it, the image quality is right up there with all cheap and nasty web cams... pity.

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

choggie says...

Yeah well, farhad has to work on funny, after all, he's ducked in and out here since the rabble took over, stroking himself as he leaves his trail, a legacy dying or dead on the vine-same sort of contempt for the clueless we both share, though we express it in ways that juxtapose beyond your pathetic mortal brains fathomabilities, on a good day, with pussy(or cocks, respectfully, for you gay motherfuckers) in your faces and autism as your motors.

For the cheap seats-It's porn, It's not porn. It's art, It's not art. It sucks, it blows, it's racy, it's tame, it's up to the admins ultimately to decide that they know how to form sentences and convey meaning, 69 percent of the time.

Uhhhh, Luuuuucky....dag??
"May I post video's from pornbumper here, cause, like, you know, girls with black cocks shove up their pink cooters turns me on and it's art....Oh and, gingers fondling their titties in a tasteful way is ok for television in Japan, and I was wondering, can i show my inverted asshole with a macro camera so that It looks like a baby being born as long as no one notices that it's my inflamed hemorrhoids after a round of scotch bonnet marmelase??? Huuh?? Ok???!"

May I have this girl's parent's phone number so I can tell them she's on Videosift embroiled in a bullshit diversive meaningless controversy that makes people think about just what rules mean in a world without them?? Hmmmmmmm??!!

I could give a fiddlers fuck that this is siftworthy or not.Farhad already knows the bee he stashed in the collective bonnet, he's sitting back watching the fun right now....cause his girlfriend freaked out on him and he has access to good drugs now....awwww....that's so sweeeeeet!

Religion is a drug that atheists get a contact high from.
Politics are a way for the developmentally disabled to pretend that they are having conversations that have an impact on the world they inhabit, and bacon....well, bacon should be taught in Muslim schools as Allah's manna he sent to confuse dumb motherfuckers who think that eating it everyday causes problems.

The Road to Recovery

Nithern says...

Rather slick ad. I've seen ads like this, but mostly from conservative groups with an obvious slant and bias. This ad simply is showing what can be found out of the Goverment Account Office (GAO). It seems the liberals have been hard at work, while conservatives were to busy being children. But then, the last democrat in the office of the President, also did alot of good on the domestic front too. The various bills initially were unpopular, but indeed saved things from going REALLY south on the economy. Better a recession then a depression. Right?

Its honestly a shame, to many Americans (ironically among conservatives) do not understand economics on a macro level. We can sit around, and belly ache at how the Republican party landed us in so much debt due to wars and simply foolish handingly of federal assets and expenses. Or we could work with democrats to get the budget and deficit down. Republicans claim 'fiscal conservative', while the President and members of Congress are for 'fiscal responsibility'. Mr. Obama has a good, solid frame work that just needs fleshed out. Its rather disappointing Republicans behave rather immaturely on such an important issue.


choggie says...

>> ^peggedbea:
titty babies are traumatized by vaginas that are not attached to porn stars.
the polling system is built into the site. and don't even get me started on the number of videos that got mass amounts of votes for being sexy. even if the content itself wasnt intended to strictly titillate, the reason these videos made it to the top was the male sift brain sexualizing it. there is even a video clip from an actual soft core porn vid, allowed to stay without the fuss.
and the talk of bannings, RIDICULOUS.

Sorry peggedbea, parody or not, it fits the definition-While not always universally accepted, definitions are not like assholes. Everybody does not have one....unless, perhaps, they have free-associative programs running in the background which convince the semantic mechanics otherwise. No brain, there is no polling system built into the site permitting posts containing nude women masturbating and offering up macro shots of their cooters!!
Sexy is fine, always has been, and given the amount of shut-in, socially dysfunctional WoW generation males on the site, who spell boobs with a "W" and have only ever touched their own cocks much less had any intimacy with a female of the species, I am surprised there are not more posts from these developmentally disabled.

We have issue with the "male sift brain" sexualizing anything....more like the kind of antics of a monkey who, finding his habitat trampled upon by nosy tourists, throws shit at the nearest, then dances around whooping....

no one talked of banning..... I simply hobbled the abuser, as the powers afforded the status according to the stated guidelines offered.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer the most sincere apology imaginable in this current incarnation, if I offended ANYBODY'S divine sensibilities with my actions of yesterday.

I have sat in sackcloth and ashes for most of the day now, and have begun a rigorous regimen of self-induced flagellation to attempt some transubstantial effect worthy of the forgiveness I fear may never come. In order to amend my gross and wholly negligent abuse, I have devised the most grueling of tortures to follow in order to somehow sublimate my egregious ill-will and hatred for all of humanity and gOd herself, especially the vaginas, oh so wet and smelly, pulsating this way and that....

I only hope this will be enough for me to someday be welcome into her massive benevolent vagina rebirth facility, in Detroit's seedy underbelly.

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