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Attenborough - Nature's Great Events: The Great Migration

7 Absurd Uses of DLC that Will Make Your Blood Boil

JustSaying says...

I just wait until they throw in the DLC for free in GotY packages or it becomes really cheap in some sale. Most of the time I don't care about the DLC anyways as it's quite often MP stuff (Call Of Duty for example, never bought a single piece of DLC for those). I don't like 13 year old sexist racists, so I do SP only.
If it's worthwhile stuff (like the Skyrim add-ons or the extra Mortal Kombat characters), DLC is fine but if it's shit like horse armour or an extra pistol nobody needs, I'll ignore it.
I only get mad when the publisher fuck with the customers. The only reason I forgave Square Enix the Missing Link DLC fuckery is because it was really great.

V for Varoufakis

V for Varoufakis

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Something that may interest you, on the subject of plutocracy, is that of our 76 federal senators and probably the 150 MPs, as far as I know we have exactly ONE who comes from a disadvantaged background, Ricky Muir. If you follow that link, then under speeches is a transcript of his recent first speech to the Senate. He does ramble a little bit, but all the Australian papers have summaries, as does the ABC.

Zero Punctuation: Dead Rising 2

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Democracy in Greece, post-crisis, pre-Syriza:

The one MP in opposition during this clip is now President of the Greek Parliament. She's also on record about the Lagarde list of 2062 Greek tax dodgers, 6(!) of whom were checked up on. The list was handed over in 2010, and it has been held under wraps at the bidding of the IMF.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: UK Labour Party

Future Sound of London- "We Have Explosive" - trippy classic

The Unbelievably Sweet Alpacas! - Income Inequality

dannym3141 says...

@RFlagg - i can't even stomach coming up with a fairer way to rule when the entire system of rulership is owned and run by people who benefit from the way it currently works.

We need a way to make these changes to the system... As of right now, at least in my country, i think a total revolution would be needed before the system changed.

They shredded all the documented evidence of expense account abuses by British MP's so that no investigation or punishment could take place. Various organisations contacted them to get hold of the documents, but they were told that expenses data is only held for 3 years then destroyed(despite the fact that medical records and work records are held for something like 50+ years).

That is pretty much exactly what you were talking about - us challenging their wage packet - and they quite happily did whatever the fuck they liked so that they wouldn't get in trouble.

You could do something like scaling it off the national average wage so that when they really do their job better, make the country more successful and prosperous they earn more. But there is absolutely no way that could be enforced. If their pay and future job prospects are not affected by the quality of the job they do, how can we really expect them to do their best?

Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained

ChaosEngine says...

This video skips over two aspects of MMP (at least as it is implemented in NZ).

First, in order to get any list MPs elected, a party must reach a threshold percentage (currently 5%).

Any parties below that are ignored.... UNLESS....

they win an electorate seat. In which case, a party with 3% can have it's other list MPs elected too.

ayn rand and her stories of rapey heroes

dannym3141 says...

I got recommended to read Atlas Shrugged by a friend of mine. That friend turned out to be a beret-wearing high-art-snob ponce, but i didn't know it at the time.

I managed to finish it and whilst there were reasonable ideas in there that i think in some way we have paralleled in reality - whilst i find that most of her characters are sociopathic to some degree, i can very much sympathise with the idea of being led by the least capable in society who abuse the system of power that they shape and build to implement bad ideas badly.

I like the idea that the world would grind to a halt if the morons in charge did not have the ordinary, hard working people to keep things afloat... but that's about all i like about it. And i think we genuinely can see it happening in the world today in a less exaggerated fashion - the recent recession clearly demonstrated that the people in charge of money and property do not understand what they're doing and ignored the warning signs for years. Furthermore, our feckless leaders have done nothing about it, property bubbles continue to grow and bonuses for the upper echelons are still outlandish whilst the lower workers are struggling to get by in the recession. And then the expenses scandal of the MPs in Britain literally stealing money from the public pocket to have their moats cleaned (that actually happened) and such. Yesterday the watchdog looking into the scandal has decided that the investigation will take place in secret from the public and punishments will also be kept secret. Et voila, two clear instances of those in charge having no clue and no moral compass swept under the rug and forgotten about.

In conclusion, Ayn Rand is a very small minded individual who thinks that everyone in the world must think like she does. That is the only reason i can think of for the approximately 30 pages i read about the female lead character's personal sexual obsession with being taken aggressively by a man and made to feel defiled and used, and how all women feel that and all men wish to dominate and use a woman in turn.

But i think she got it spot on about how being led by those least capable morons will bring the world to its knees, and it won't require the hard workers to quit either. It just requires them to let it happen. And there's no little paradise to run off to, there's just Earth.

@artician - that's exactly it. The characters have no human empathy in Atlas Shrugged. I don't understand why it has to be all or nothing for most people - all conservative or all liberal. Why not the best of both? It IS possible to be ethical, productive and innovative at the same time.

Unreal exchange over Canada’s involvement in Iraq

elrondhubbard says...

In the shots of Paul Calandra, on the left of the screen you can see my one-time high school classmate, Jeff Watson MP, clapping along to that horseshit.

Engels said:

Wow, who would have thought that canada, of all places, was taken over by right wing troll nutters.

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