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Oatmeal (Member Profile)

mas8705 says...

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Oatmeal, My name is MAS8705 and I was wondering if your still on the sift or not... I have noticed that you have been MIA for the last few months and wasn't sure if you still wanted to hold the Videogame Channel or not... In case you do want the channel still, please respond so that I can claim another channel, or that if its ok with you, I could check with a Videosift higher up so that I can take over the channel... thank you for your time...

Channel Takeover? (Videogames Talk Post)

blankfist says...

You must upvote all of my videos to manage the video games channel. By the way, "managing" a channel is so easy you can be MIA for three years and still have the same impact you would if you were here everyday. They run themselves.

A possible channel? (Sift Talk Post)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Deano says...

I'm certainly not MIA but I life and work means I can't spend the hours on VS that I used to. I still dip in and leave a comment but I'm unlikely to submit new videos.
I haven't been actively managing Bravo but perhaps I can be disciplined and put an hour per week to cleaning it up etc. At this point in time I don't wish to give up Bravo.

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

(updated July 4 2008)

After some thinking I created this (2b further tweaked) categorization based on joedirt's post. Most channels could fall into one (sub)category yet some were more vague in their description or channel name, which creates categorization problems which need to be attended. Here we go:


80s: dag, active
future: jwray, active
vintage: swampgirl, active


asia: Lucky760, active
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active


philosophy: bluecliff, MIA
science: rembar, active

religion: jimnms, active
--> islam: Gwaan, MIA
cult: therealblankman, active

(natural world)
nature: Arvana, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
military: darksun, MIA
spacy: lunkwill, active

(social world)
history: rickegee, MIA
humanitarian: bl968, MIA
politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active


catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
kids: James Roe, active
sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open
travel: silvercord, ?

Arts and Entertainment

art: plastiquemonkey, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
cinema: pigeon, ?
cooking: djsunkid, active
music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz/blues/soul: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
sports: michie, MIA
videogames: Oatmeal, active

(a&e genres)
actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
grindhouse: dw117, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
scifi: Firefly, active
spacy: lunkwill, active
wild west show: Open


1sttube: Grimm, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
commercial: Looris, MIA
documentaries: Fedquip, active
howto: maudlin, MIA
latenight: eric3579, active
meme: MarineGunrock, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
viral: Open


cute: Open
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
eia (stupid): karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
happy: Issykitty, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
obscure (underground): Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Mentioned twice:
-bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
-drugs: rottenseed, active
-geek: gorgonheap, active
-spacy: lunkwill, active

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

80s: dag, active
asia: Lucky760, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active
kids: James Roe, active
geek: gorgonheap, active

1sttube: Grimm, active
vintage: swampgirl, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
latenight: eric3579, active

commercial: Looris, MIA
viral: Open
--> meme: MarineGunrock, active

comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active

music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active

cinema: pigeon, ?
--> shortfilms: Sarzy, active
--> grindhouse: dw117, active

actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
wild west show: Open
scifi: Firefly, active

documentaries: Fedquip, active

sports: michie, MIA

videogames: Oatmeal, active

art: plastiquemonkey, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
science: rembar, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
nature: Arvana, active
catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
cooking: djsunkid, active
history: rickegee, MIA
military: darksun, MIA
spacey: lunkwill, active
travel: silvercord, ?
howto: maudlin, MIA

politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active

religion: LadyBug, MIA
--> cult: therealblankman, active
--> islam: Gwann, MIA

humanitarian: bl968, MIA
philosophy: bluecliff, MIA

sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open

cute: Open
--> happy: Issykitty, active
obscure: Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
eia: karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

The Animals - Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Wonkiness (Sift Talk Post)

Wonkiness (Sift Talk Post)

Dead videos fixed with the wrong video. (Sift Talk Post)

dmaze (Member Profile)

firefly (Member Profile)

The Cartoon of the Century (?)

gorgonheap says...

This looks really familiar... It was on the sift a while ago but is MIA now. Darn Americans, stealing Olympic gold medals from North Korea because of a vastly larger population to draw from.

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