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Black Metal Theatre

Why Gimli is Awesome

True Grit - 2nd Trailer

Ryjkyj says...

^Thank you TRB.^ That movie was absolutely beautiful, visually and otherwise. Full of fantastic acting, pacing, and genuine suspense. I love that people can't seem to tolerate the ending and think that it ruins the movie as a whole. And then blame it on the Coen's writing. I found it troubling but what grade were we all in when the teacher covered the idea that some stories don't have a typical ending? 2nd? 3rd?

Thanks though Deano for at least giving credit to Raising Arizona, one of Nick Cage's finest performances. But it sounds to me like you're just jumping on the, "It's cool to dislike this because so many people do like it" bandwagon. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. I'm not trying to be a dick.

Couldn't agree more about "The Hudsucker Proxy" DFT. That movie is one of the greatest examples of comedic timing ever. I find when I show it to people, especially actors, that their biggest problem with the whole movie is that their modern, sitcom inundated minds can't pay attention to any sentence longer than ten words and they just zone out. It's really unfortunate. There are so many great performances there.

EDIT: Wow, for once a youtube comment intelligently sums it up:

"But the Coens aren't remaking this film. They're adapting the book. I think there's room for different film versions of books. If there wasn't, we would've never had Peter Jackson's version of the Lord of the Rings as we've be left with Ralph Bakshi's version."

Helms Deep gets deep...Like an Olympic torch deep

Lioness trusts Kevin Richardson with her newborn cubs

Uh Oh!

gwiz665 says...

@Abel_Prisc there's realism and then there's realism.

Lord of the Rings is obviously not realistic - orcs, giant spiders and so on - but it feels real. A good scifi, fantasy or any genre show that takes you out of the real world, still should feel real, or there is no connection with the audience. Some times, you just accept a given thing - "we have warp drives" - even though it isn't realistic, but you accept it as a suspension of disbelief (or leap of faith, if you will). I think Fringe piles on too much in the suspension of disbelief; new things all the time, weirder and weirder... by the end you can't ignore your doubt of the show.

Jack Black's take on Lord of the rings

Jack Black's take on Lord of the rings

Jack Black's take on Lord of the rings

siftbot says...

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Jack Black's take on Lord of the rings

Rage gameplay demo (e3 2010)

L0cky says...

Looks cool...but why can't comment writers stop copying each other with the freakin' self refferential post format? This comment sounds exactly like Jaaces and teebeenz' combined. I'm getting tired of reading through these ironical templates and would rather enjoy a different meme for once in this half of a day.
>> ^campionidelmondo:

Looks cool...but why can't game developers stop copying each other with the freakin' location/storylines? This game sounds exactly like quake and bioshock combined. I'm getting tired of scary dark steampunk post-apocalyptic worlds and would rather play in a different locale for once this decade.
>> ^teebeenz:

Looks cool...but why can't book publishers stop copying each other with the freakin' location/storylines? This book sounds exactly like the middle ages and lord of the rings combined. I'm getting tired of tromping through "worlds filled with trees and grass" and would rather play in a different locale for once this decade.
>> ^Jaace:

Looks cool...but why can't game companies stop copying each other with the freakin' location/storylines? This game sounds exactly like Fallout (1,2 or 3) and Borderlands combined. I'm getting tired of tromping through "post-apocalyptic wastelands" and would rather play in a different locale for once this decade.

Rage gameplay demo (e3 2010)

teebeenz says...

Looks cool...but why can't book publishers stop copying each other with the freakin' location/storylines? This book sounds exactly like the middle ages and lord of the rings combined. I'm getting tired of tromping through "worlds filled with trees and grass" and would rather play in a different locale for once this decade.

Lord of The Rings - The Chat Version

How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended

How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended

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