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TDS - Jon Stewart interview with Betsy McCaughey (part 2)

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Schiff's a freakin loon... Every problem we have is due to government intervention, and every solution is capitalism. You really can't get any more delusional than that.

O'Donnell is definitely being an ass, but that doesn't change the lunacy here.

disagree with schiff but that man is not a loon by a longshot.
at least when it comes to finance.
they called him dr doom because since 2004 he has called it verbatim concerning the financial industry.
i dont always agree with him,but he is worth a listen.

The U.S. Tax Code Simplified (Penn & Teller Bullshit!)

StukaFox says...

Fuck Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" -- their show IS bullshit. It's a bunch of Libertarian crap being fobbed off as a "neutral" opinion. Look up the sources they use on the show and you'll find example after example of corporate shills, Randist loons and far-right front groups. On occasion, they accidentally do a good show (the death penalty show and the one about video games were both balanced), but the rest of the time their show is nothing but a smoke-screen for Penn's wacked-out political views.

MSNBC Host Attacks Peter Schiff on The Ed Show - 8/6/09

Stormsinger says...

Schiff's a freakin loon... Every problem we have is due to government intervention, and every solution is capitalism. You really can't get any more delusional than that.

O'Donnell is definitely being an ass, but that doesn't change the lunacy here.

Unique human behaviors (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

Stormsinger says...

No e-meter here...the scientologists are exactly the sort of moronic loons that one would have to be to take any of Hubbard's stupid crap as truth. Amazingly, he's even better at creating a completely unbelievable religion than he was at creating truly awful science fiction. Frankly, I didn't think that was possible.

My disgust with the state of mental-health professions (and professionals) stems from a far more personal set of encounters, seeing as I helped check my wife into the hospital yet again, Monday. They'll mumble their magic incantations, and toss a few darts at the medication chart to pick out a new drug cocktail, and hope it has some beneficial result (and not -too- many nasty permanent side effects). I'll believe they have something approaching a science when I can have my wife diagnosed by four different doctors and get any two of them to agree. Three out of four would leave me ecstatic. As it is, four doctors will (and have) give us five different diagnoses...

Did you know that electroshock therapy is still a common treatment? Fucking barbarians is what they are.

Maddow Corrects the Record on Pat Buchanan

Psychologic says...

"Pat also said, quote: The US track team, in the Olympics... they're all black folks."

She implies he stated that the entire track team is black, but she does so by quoting one portion of a hypothetical statement to make it look like he stated it as fact.

His actual quote: "If I look at the US track team in the olympics and they're all black folks, I don't automatically assume it's discrimination."

I like Maddow for the most part, but I can't stand when she does things like that. She has a religious loon on her show saying all kinds of stuff that is easy to pick apart and she still cuts up his other quotes to change their meaning. It isn't a huge leap from what he actually said to what she implied he said, but it is a noticeable one.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

HenningKO says...

>> ^burdturgler:
Making fun of people who "believe" in homeopathy feels like disinformation to me. Turn them all into loons so that no one demands alternatives. Most drugs are derivatives of plants, herbs, trees etc. They were all "homeopathic" at one point. If he said "isolate the salicylic acid from the bark of a willow tree" that would sound funny too. Unfortunately now it takes upwards of a billion dollars to get something through the FDA. I don't know what that answer is, we can't have people selling dangerous and ineffective crap, but that doesn't mean that everything "homeopathic" doesn't work.

You're talking about Naturopathy... herbs have effects, yes... it is plausible.

The thing about Homeopathy though, is that if it's truly homeopathic according to the rules set down when it was invented... there really is no way it could work. Any active ingredients are diluted to the point that there is only water left.

Some products are labeled homeopathic, but actually have enough drugs in there to still do something. The only difference, then, between these falsely-labeled homeopathic treatments, herbal remedies, and the drugs you get from your pharmacy is that the homeopathic treatments and herbs are "alternative" and therefore, not regulated for safety by the FDA. Given the choice, I would go with the mainstream drugs which have been tested more thoroughly.

Zicam users recently fell afoul of a dearth of safety testing. Zicam was falsely labeled homeopathic, but it actually had measurable levels of zinc in it. People shot it up their nose and lost their sense of smell.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

burdturgler says...

Making fun of people who "believe" in homeopathy feels like disinformation to me. Turn them all into loons so that no one demands alternatives. Most drugs are derivatives of plants, herbs, trees etc. They were all "homeopathic" at one point. If he said "isolate the salicylic acid from the bark of a willow tree" that would sound funny too. Unfortunately now it takes upwards of a billion dollars to get something through the FDA. I don't know what that answer is, we can't have people selling dangerous and ineffective crap, but that doesn't mean that everything "homeopathic" doesn't work.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

Confucius says...

Whoa Whoa Whoa.....the only person talking about race is you seems like you are desperately trying to throw in the race card like you have some kind of race chip on your shoulder And I'm going to venture a guess....tell me if I'm wrong.

"I guess Israel must have some significant business interests with the Kurds our you wouldn't think twice about them. They're the wrong race for you."

You're a freakin' conspiracy theorist hahahahahah. The Jews are running the world OH NO!!!!! Please, please answer me this, "Who is responsible for 9/11?" I'd give 10/1 odds that you think that our government had something to do with it. HAHAHAHAHAHAH *grips sides in pain from laughing too hard*. Go buy some more baked beans, SPAM and go crawl under your bunker you looney ape you. What a maroon...what a nincompoop.

Sheesh, if ida known I was getting into it with one of your kind (uh oh...I said your kind but before you get excited I'm not talking about "race" but consp. theorists) I would have given up a long time ago. Its like arguing with Chicken Little. The sky is NOT, I repeat, NOT falling. Just try not to get too excited militia-man.

'nuff said. You'll be happy to know this is my last comment so get your jollies in and then watch out for dem der Jews, especially the Hasidic ones.....I hear they're especially conspirational and world-dominating. No point in debating with an irrational loon. BTW stick to conspiracy theories....your poetry curdled the milk in my coffee.

Wolf pup howls (super-cute!)

Wolf pup howls (super-cute!)

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

KamikazeCricket says...

>> ^HollywoodBob:
I can't help but thinking that the only exploitation of David's trip was Bill-O making a stink about it.
It'd be one thing to blame the father of exploitation if he was giving the kid drugs in order to film his reactions. But chronicling an innocent experience and then sharing it with the world because it's funny isn't exploitation. Where was Bill-O's outrage when Bob Saget was hosting a show made entirely of these sorta home videos?
I'm starting to think Keith Olbermann's suggestion of quarantining Fox News isn't such a bad idea. I wonder how much we could get donated to build a FOX news jamming satellite and put it into orbit? What am I saying, it'd be cheaper to just build one capable of vaporising all FOX news-tards. Then when their cast of loons were eliminated we could retask it to blasting Rush Limbaugh off the planet as well. Well maybe not Rush, I don't know if there's enough energy in the sun to blast his fat ass off this rock.

Careful. That kind of language could be interpreted as incitement to violence. Exactly the thing that Olberman wants Fox quarantined for. Besides, if you start that whats stopping the right wing nutz from building their own to take down all the pinko liberals? Then you have satellite wars and it just turns into a big mess. No, its best to eliminate them through not buying their shitty product, which is lies and deceit.

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

HollywoodBob says...

I can't help but thinking that the only exploitation of David's trip was Bill-O making a stink about it.

It'd be one thing to blame the father of exploitation if he was giving the kid drugs in order to film his reactions. But chronicling an innocent experience and then sharing it with the world because it's funny isn't exploitation. Where was Bill-O's outrage when Bob Saget was hosting a show made entirely of these sorta home videos?

I'm starting to think Keith Olbermann's suggestion of quarantining Fox News isn't such a bad idea. I wonder how much we could get donated to build a FOX news jamming satellite and put it into orbit? What am I saying, it'd be cheaper to just build one capable of vaporising all FOX news-tards. Then when their cast of loons were eliminated we could retask it to blasting Rush Limbaugh off the planet as well. Well maybe not Rush, I don't know if there's enough energy in the sun to blast his fat ass off this rock.

Hand-eye coordination cat catches food

NetRunner (Member Profile)

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