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Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

newtboy says...

Oh don't even know what the word "disproving" means, do you?

This twaddle only disproves the notion that you can discern actual information from snidely delivered propaganda.
He is right about one thing, he's not a scientist, he's a comedian who's jokes aren't funny, just like he says. He's not a journalist however, he's likely hoping he can be an internet opinion influencer.
America Uncovered....a spin off of the insane China Uncensored channel, dedicated to China bashing.

This new smattering of random right wing YouTube videos are not "proof" of anything but your bias and willingness to repeat nonsense you enjoy but don't understand.

Put your money where your mouth is, go buy some cheap ocean front property in Miami Dade or the Keys, and don't worry about the fact you can't get flood or hurricane insurance, those are leftie hoaxes and nothing to worry about. You're really going to show us! Odd that those properties are losing value with all those smart rich right wing investors fighting over them, isn't it?

bobknight33 said:

More disproving the man made climate warming hoax.

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

newtboy says...

Sorry, Bob, your dude is either a moron or liar. (The woman screaming at him from off camera isn't much better.)
I had my proof when he lied "best case scenario, 10 ft sea level rise in 40-50 years, worst scenario is 100ft."

That is absolutely not even close to the prediction. Most accepted predictions are in the 2-3 ft sea level rise range by 2100, not 10-100 ft by 2060. Since he is so incredibly wrong about the basics, I have no doubt he's just as wrong or worse in his understanding of the science and not worth my time.....his lack of understanding a temperature change that takes thousands or tens of thousands of years is less destructive than one of equal magnitude taking decades reinforces that assumption.

His proof it's not real....he hasn't noticed it on the prospectus for condominiums or bank loans in Miami...not that he's read many but he's certain not a single fucking one mentions sea level rise....but that's absolutely bullshit, they do. Prices in low lying areas have steadily dropped since 2000 specifically because of increasing chances of flooding, while higher, previously low income areas are becoming gentrified. Hurricane and flood insurance rates have also skyrocketed because insurance companies do factor in climate change, which would be noted in a condo sales prospectus or bank loan. He's quite simply lying.

Don't think it went unnoticed that you didn't address the question a whit.

So let's have those names, your bloodline will not be saved from the disaster you help cause.

Ant Death Spiral

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

I'm sure you prefer this way....

(Sorry, you have to cut and paste the link, Sifty chops off the last word)

I intentionally found you a Fox report, which unsurprisingly downplays the fact this is specifically forbidden by state law, and repeats claims it was done with care because Republicans are the ones breaking the law to allow their own to vote illegally here, and to them the story is Democrats not wanting to count every vote (including invalid votes), not Republicans breaking the law to accept and count votes that are unacceptable and don't count.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Hurricane Michael obliterates Mexico Beach, FL

Anderson Cooper Shuts Down Donald Trump Jr.'s Lie

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Hurricane Slayer back to fight new nemesis

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer

Hurricane Slayer back to fight new nemesis

Storm Surge Like You've Never Experienced it Before

SaNdMaN says...

Yes, but in some cases this kind of sensationalism is warranted. Many people don't take hurricanes seriously. "Scaring" them like this could save lives.

cloudballoon said:

Man... BBC's The Bodyguard clips are tame by comparison. US TV... everything must be SENSATIONAL!!! FEAR FEAR FEAR! ... even the weather. Yes, Florence is dangerous, big and wet, but come on... focus!


oblio70 says...

This is an argument contrary to the plethora of Conspiracies swirling around our societal hurricane, instead proclaiming that this can be fixed with the correct motivations and gatekeepers, which have been kept at bay by the pursuit of profits.

So what about the Illuminati/Bilderberg Group, (4) extra-terrestrial alien interventions, lizard people, FEMA-Camp culling, Trump a complete puppet of Putin? Still seeking evidence. Perhaps our demise has been less coordinated beyond their love of money .

Second Ellicott City 'Thousand Year Storm' in 2 years

Mordhaus says...

also @eric3579

To clarify a Thousand Year Storm isn't only going to happen once in a thousand years. There is always a probability that it can happen. Some of this could easily be 'bad luck'.

The phenomenon that created this situation is known as cell training, and happens all over the place. However, it is worthwhile noting what else they say, "...scientific studies have shown a statistically meaningful uptick in the frequency of extreme rain events over the eastern United States. Statistically, over the long term, these types of extreme floods are probably becoming more common, in areas that are normally rainy as a result of global warming."

What this means, at least the way I understand it, is that statistically in this region we can expect a higher probability of these 'xxx year storms' every time conditions are favorable for cell training style weather.

We can expect more of these types of storms, simply because the climate is in a format that creates more ideal conditions. These ideal conditions are not limited to just this type of weather, either. Gulf hurricanes, tornado alley tornadoes, and other 'regional' weather patterns are also experiencing 'ideal' conditions to allow stronger, more damaging storms to develop.

Anom212325 said:

The comments in this thread is a perfect example of people not doing their own research and just believing everything they read or hear. attach a striking video or image to a comment stating some viewpoint/reason and 3 out of 4 in this case will eat it up as truth without thinking for themselves.

simonm (Member Profile)

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