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Tesla BLOWS AWAY Expectations. (Q2 2022 Recap )

newtboy says...

Clearly better than you, as I don’t just make up numbers or ignore losses of 1/8 the value and pretend they never happened. Also I seem to know what Elon has stated as his plans for the business better than you, I knew he plans to fire 10% across the board while you are convinced he’s going to expand.

Cherry picking?! You said down from its high this year, I went from Jan 3, it’s high this year, to yesterday’s close. Now you call that cherry-picking?
It’s not about a date , dummy, it’s about it’s high for the year, the point YOU picked. WTF is wrong with you?

If chicken was overpriced by 7 times but other meats aren’t, and then chicken dropped by 20%, it’s still a TERRIBLE buy. Same with Tesla, but chicken isn’t also priced based on how nutty Foghorn Leghorn acts, Tesla is, and Elon is acting CRAZY. I’m somewhat surprised you stick with him, Trump has totally abandoned him and now says Tesla is a terrible investment. Even if you stick it out, lots who listen to Trump are getting out. That’s going to hurt for a while. Another self inflicted wound.

Yeah, sure buddy. Just keep telling yourself that. Tesla is dropping off a cliff, unlike other car companies, and it’s all Biden’s fault (only the losses, not the gains). Tesla’s losses are self inflicted, and there’s more to come.

Growth is good, but you must ignore that it was so insanely overpriced that it really doesn’t matter, the price is not tied to any growth or income, it’s pure speculation…PE still 110. A decent PE is below 20.
Record capacity….but it’s never been close to full capacity so that’s meaningless. It’s still stymied by chip availability, battery availability, and parts availability for their battery factories so they can’t even make their new batteries their new car models require, and Tesla isn’t first in line for chips, Ford and Chevy are. If you could only produce 100 cars a month and now you made 103…that’s record production, but still failing miserably.

Edit: Not a good sign that cybertruck and the electric semi truck are now delayed indefinitely. Ford is going to beat Tesla to the pickup truck market with a truck that doesn’t look like a bad 80’s sci-fi movie prop. If major semi manufacturers do the same, and manage to solve the weight limit issue two expensive product lines will totally fail. Elon is clear, neither will be released this year, next year is a maybe at best….but as designed they aren’t competitive with diesel trucks for range or load capacity.

Yeah, sure, everybody else is hurting Tesla to hurt YOU. It’s not slumping because it’s in financial straights, can’t produce cars anywhere near full capacity (or at a profit yet?), is burning through BILLIONS every month, and has an owner that clearly doesn’t care one whit about tanking the stock with impulse moves like offering $45 billion for a company not worth $20 billion.
I don’t let politics control my investments….and mine have not lost 32% this year, you have (and you pretend it’s only 20% because you lie even to yourself).

Again, if it grows 50% (and I don’t think Tesla has btw) but is overpriced by over 10 times (it was in Jan) it needs to keep it up for 20 years with no stock increase to break even and actually be worth the price. Any stock with a PE over 100 is horrific.

You claimed down 20% this year, then blew up when I showed it’s actually down 32% and massively overpriced. Why on earth would anyone take advice from someone so dishonest with even the values? Especially someone so divorced from reality as you?

Tesla is losing subsidies, can’t produce at profitable levels,and SAID they’re downsizing by 10%.
Yes, the EV vehicle category is due to explode, but Tesla is at full capacity (as much as they’re capable, not full factory capacity) and is about to get MASSIVE competition from the big 3, with insanely more production capacity, better supply chains, and subsidies they haven’t burned through yet. Tesla can’t keep up with demand, but they’re nearly the only game in town….but not for long. Expect demand for Teslas to plummet when electric Mustangs, Corvettes, SUVs, pickup trucks, etc start rolling off the lines in big numbers later this year, EV’s that are on par with Teslas (or better) and that customers don’t have to wait a full year for delivery…there have been multiple times recently when Elon said he would stop taking orders because he can’t produce them.

We had an apple in the home by ‘80, and stock soon after. They weren’t at a PE over 100. They also were doing terribly before they gambled on the cell phone industry. Derp.

There’s a reason you think I know everything….I can read. When there’s a topic I’m ignorant about, I read about it, and don’t just look at one source. I try to get multiple different opinions, the facts, and history of any topic, then reply. You listen to admitted liars and nut jobs Alex Jones or Beck and think you know it all. Lol. Such a silly, constantly projecting little boy you are.

Really….it’s certainly something to Tesla. Yes, I want him to be held to the contract he signed. Yes, it will hurt Tesla more than the $1 billion drop in assets for NOTHING, because it’s an undeniable example of Elon’s recklessness and poor business sense. I don’t care one whit if he buys or not, I want him to follow the contract he signed. If he does buy, though, it might end Tesla. $45 billion from its coffers (for assets worth well under $20 billion) would be a death nail.

MSNBC agrees with me? News to me. I come to my own decisions, little boy. I don’t need them spoon fed to me, and I understand why I invest as I do. I made money this year, did you?
(I know, if you’re honest about being all in on Tesla, you lost massively, 1/3 of your portfolio in 6 months, and you still think you’ve got it all right, you know everything there is to know about investing, so much you spend lots of time being an unpaid salesman for Tesla, a stock that’s losing money hand over fist and is overpriced by at least 6 times according to professionals).

I’m one gullible dude?!? I AM!?! Er mer gerd, that’s some serious hard core projection (and a little tissy fit).

bobknight33 said:

How well do you follow Tesla? Most likely you answer is near zero. But you sure have all the answers.

Once again You foolishness is on full display. Cherry picking numbers? Thats ok

I said it was down a great amount. 20% or your 32% pick your date pick you %. Does not matter.

IF chicken was on sale 20% or 32% below normal pricing you would buy? Same with Tesla.

This is due to the overall economy. not from anything Tesla is doing. Tesla is is growing. 84% last year and 70% the year before.

This Q2 growth was only 50% . Mostly due the china shutdown. China is back up and running and at record capacity.

Biden economy and Communist fuckery is holding Tesla down , not Tesla. Hence it is a great buy.

Maybe your just a Union only guy? Thats OK.

Regardless of current stock price., who wouldn't want to buy the stock of a company growing 50% YOY?

I follow daily. I have about 1500 shares in the Tesla. And your are right I am down from that $1200 high. But I'm looking long term. 5 year min. I see explosive growth over nest 8 years.

Tesla goal is to make 20Million vehicles/year. Last year nearly 80 million vehicles were made globally. ICE vehicle sales are declining about 7% YoY since 2017. Al the while EV sales are growing.

What side of the fence do you wan t to be on? When Apple entered phone market they were a computer company. Today they have 20% of the phone market .

Apparently not the great intellectual foolish and ignorant @newtboy , who know everything about everything.

Finally, Now you want Elon to buy Twitter?
$1 billion penalty. That nothing to Elon.

Guess if MSNBC says something it must be true.
Newt, your one gullible dude, lady, sis whatever.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. I’M narrow minded?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Who told you that?! They lied.

Wiki-Five House Committees (Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight and Government Reform) initiated their own inquiries soon after the attack. The Republicans on these five House Committees delivered an interim report to the Members of the House Republican Conference on April 23, 2013. The interim report, which contains the conclusions of the Republican majority staff, signed only by the five Republican chairmen of those committees and stated "This staff report has not been officially adopted by the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, or the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and therefore may not necessarily reflect the views of their Members," was critical of the Obama Administration's actions before, during, and after the attack. Among dozens of findings, the report states that:

"Senior State Department officials knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable and unable to withstand an attack, yet the department continued to systematically withdraw security personnel"
The "[Obama] Administration willfully perpetuated a deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative that the attacks evolved from a political demonstration caused by a YouTube video."
"... after a White House Deputies Meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012, the Administration altered the talking points to remove references to the likely participation of Islamic extremists in the attacks. The Administration also removed references to the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa'ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya ..."
"The Administration deflected responsibility by blaming the IC [intelligence community] for the information it communicated to the public in both the talking points and the subsequent narrative it perpetuated."
Democrats on the five committees criticized the report, which they said had been written without Democratic input, as a "partisan Republican" work that was "unnecessarily politicizing our national security".

Also “ Democrats on the committee certainly say this was political and politically constructed. They say there were many witnesses whose testimony wasn't released because it supported the administration and particularly supported Hillary Clinton.”

There were 8 Benghazi investigations, 7 of which were only done as political attacks on Clinton to hurt her presidential run, admitted by McCarthy and others on tape. That’s why, even though their Republican led investigations found no wrongdoing he called it a win against Clinton because the accusations hurt her politically.

You get what you call one point of view because one side, the anti democracy pro-sedition side, refuses to testify, ignores subpoenas, and hides and destroys evidence….the same “side” that boycotted the investigations and refused to authorize a non partisan outside investigation, then whined they weren’t being allowed to participate…the treason side….your side.
They have absolutely been able to present another side…under oath. Trump has an open invitation, as do all his co-conspirators that ignored subpoenas. They refuse, or are incapable.
There have been plenty of Trump officials who did give their point of view, and every one has said Trump was clearly attempting a coup, knew he lost the election early, knew his plots were absolutely illegal, and many quit on Jan 6 when it became obvious he was willing to violently attack America and his own VP intentionally to retain power by any means.
You know this, you just hope someone else is as dumb as you act and can be fooled into believing your nonsense that this is a partisan politically motivated hatchet job, not an investigation into the worst attack against America on the mainland since the Southern Insurrection (otherwise known as the civil war).

bobknight33 said:

You so narrow minded. It is truly sad.

Those other investigations had the other side to counter.

There is not 1 counter point of view - It is not allowed on this Bull Shit Jan 6 smear job.

The Jan 6 just a want to paint a false one sided narrative.

School Police: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Not sure where to put this news, but Sweet zombie Jebus….

Sunday morning in Denver there was another mass shooting, 6 shot….all shot by police. Only one was a suspect. The rest were on the crowded sidewalk in the line of fire when officers, not the suspect, opened fire with no concerns for public safety whatsoever.
Police spokesmen, when asked about police accountability for shooting randomly into a crowd of innocent bystanders said “accountability goes both ways”. WHAT!?!
No apologies or even really acknowledgment of any mistakes by police.

Now, not only can we not expect police to protect even children from murder when it’s 400-1, we can expect them to randomly commit mass murder and walk away blaming their victims.

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

Are you really that ignorant? (That’s a rhetorical question, I know you are)
1) watch Argo. There were multiple attempted rescues, starting within days of the revolution.
2) read about Reagan who made a secret, illegal deal with the terroristic Iranians to not release the hostages until after the election to hurt Carter’s chances, then he later sold them weapons in another illegal deal to pay for another secret illegal war with the Contras. If a Democrat did anything near that, he/she would be (rightly) shot as a traitor if not legally then by some nut job….when Cons do it the anti American crimes are ignored and cons celebrate the treason.
3) Also read about the year+ of negotiations by Carter that actually gained their freedom on Jan 20 81. Would have been much sooner without Republican interference. Carter was the one who initially “held” (seized) those $8 billion of Iranian funds, and stopped buying Iranian oil costing them billions more…all legally, unlike the sneaky, illegal, back room collusion with and payoffs to the terrorists Reagan tried, knowingly and intentionally extending the hostage crisis for his personal political gains. The “deal” wasn’t struck on Jan 20…the Iranians delayed the release at Reagan’s request in exchange for promises of special treatment from president Reagan.

Like Biden, Carter actually solved a problem created largely by Republicans despite Republicans doing their utmost to work against America. Gas prices dropped nearly 10% in the last month and continue to drop despite a massive shortage world wide thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Republicans have fought against every effort to lower them, voting against all mitigation efforts in a unified “fuck your gas prices” block.
They even voted against a bill to force oil companies to stop price gouging because it would have dropped prices significantly the day it passed, also helping inflation significantly, and cons REALLY don’t want prices to drop under Biden, certainly not before November.
It’s just like when every Con just voted to protect and keep neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and violent extremists in the military and federal police forces because they don’t want their voters to lose their jobs. Keeping their power is far more important to them than helping the country, and their main methodology is to try to hurt the country then blame the president….odd since they excused the former president from any and all responsibility for his lack of leadership and absolute horrific disaster that was his last year in office, from 1 million dead to -3.5% GDP to millions unemployed to rising inflation to supply chain failures to disastrously ruining the reputation of our elections to dividing the country horrifically to actually trying to overthrow the elected government by force…all for his own personal gain….and you whine that Biden hasn’t fixed everything yet!?

Pretty dishonest for Republicans to do everything in their power to stop any attempted plans on inflation, gas prices, or hostile foreign powers, then blame the president they blocked from fixing the issues they caused. It’s not weak leadership, it’s an anti American party with veto power and a chip on their shoulders willing to hurt the entire nation rather than let Biden (and America) have a “win”.

Now…how did Trump handle it when foreign powers kidnapped and dismembered an American? He covered it up, made excuses, declared the Saudi prince innocent (and Trump was recorded laughing about how he “saved his ass” over that murder)….then his son in law was given a $2 billion payment for future services his company was completely incapable of supplying.

So let’s measure Trump….
Nice guy, no. Moral, no. Ethical, no. Honest, no. Smart, no. Loyal, no. Trustworthy, no.
Fickle to the utmost, yes. Weak leader, yes. Treasonous, yes. Dictatorial, yes. Narcissistic, yes. Criminal, yes. Anti-democracy, yes.
Most American deaths-yes. Worst unemployment, yes. Worst economy, yes. Most domestic terrorism, yes.
Worst president ever by far….unequivocally by every measure. He actually made idiotic GW look benign by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

Nice guy, yes
Moral, yes

Weak leader, yes

He failed to get out hostages. I believe 52+ week
He did tried and mission failed. Mission mishap - 6 dead
Finally on his last day, last hours negotiated agreement that included 8 billion bucks of held money.
This issue had a looming cloud over his presidency.

Like Joe Biden>
Failed to control inflation
Failed to do much about gas prices.


newtboy says...

For @BSR -

Ossifragant- literally bone breaking “ The fierce, ossifragant force of Humbaba's blows would have hurt any men but Enkidu and Gilgamesh…”

Internecine - destructive to both sides in a conflict “indiscriminate biological warfare is internecine”

discontiguity- the quality of being discontiguous (disconnected or without contact) “after the beheading, he lived temporarily in a state of discontiguity “

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Are they disrespectful? Yes.
Is their behavior acceptable? No.
Will it hurt their future if not corrected? Absolutely.
Is that why I think YOU chose to post this particular video? No, I believe it’s because you think it reinforces your world view that includes sentiments like the one you quoted above….” I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.”…you actually said you just think that MIGHT possibly be racist, it’s “iffy”, but I think you agree with the idea, and the others I listed above that you somehow inexplicably don’t find at all racist too.

There is a similarity in the people you single out as “the problem” vs those you excuse for similar actions…it’s not their behavior, it’s their skin color. It’s too consistent that you use non whites as examples of criminality and excuse whites for similar or worse actions to be coincidental. I think you really believe all non whites are just born criminals, and white criminals are mostly framed. I think you wear blinders that won’t let you see anything else.

Bad parenting….explain. Because their parents may need 3 jobs to pay rent and feed them, and they’re unsupervised?
Sounds like government sponsored daycare might be something you would support….but I bet you don’t.
Sounds like funding a variety of after school programs would save tons of money and stop crime, but I doubt you support them either.
Both together are insanely cheaper than police, prisons, and high crime.

@kir_mokum hit the nail on the head. You vote and advocate to remove all pathways to advancement then blame the needy for falling behind.

bobknight33 said:

I know that they are disrespectful.
You and @newtboy find this acceptable.

They will grow up and end up like this kid. All due to bad parenting.

Apparently you like this kind of behavior .. Your ok with it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

As if you don’t know.

He TRIED to defraud the election, repeatedly, by asking Republicans to “find” him thousands of fake votes and to invalidate millions of valid votes for Biden. He TRIED to defraud the election by pushing over 60 frivolous lawsuits designed to do nothing but destroy confidence in our election system, not because he believes it but because he knows he lost, and assumed some of his appointees would subvert democracy for him. He TRIED to defraud the election by sending fake electors with fake credentials and trying to get Pence to fraudulently certify them instead of the real electors, and he TRIED to send a well armed gun, spear, sword, knife, and bomb toting crowd to violently stop the certification and try to install him as dictator for life.
Each of these is an attempt to overthrow the duly elected government. Don’t you feel dumb for asking? Aren’t you embarrassed you need it explained?
He failed on all counts because he’s an incredibly dumb loser and so are his people….but he made plenty of effort trying to overthrow the government by force when he failed to defraud the election successfully.

Clearly 10000 violent rabid people…you now admit 1/5 of them, exactly 2050, were armed, (oddly specific, what do you know?) the true number is probably more…who couldn’t be stopped by the minimal police presence and severe restrictions on their response that existed (they eventually were stopped with deadly force, but they should have shot the entire crowd the moment they broke through barriers), and Trump refused to deploy more, to call out the national guard, or even tell people to leave….but when it’s BLM peacefully marching unarmed in front of the whitehouse in a public area he was able to deploy military forces without hesitation.

Investigating a murderous mob attacking congress doesn’t make sense to you. (It would if they were liberals). Nothing makes sense to you, that’s the problem with listening to Trump. Either he’s right, or reality is, and you like him better. You really, no kidding, not joking or being smarmy, need serious mental help. You have split from reality and are likely a danger to yourself and others. I know it hurts to admit you are a traitor to your country, but admitting your mistakes is step one towards correcting them, otherwise you just continue to be a traitor and get crazier and crazier defending the indefensible.

So sad, Bobby. Just so sad. That you could even consider asking such a stupid, unAmerican question only proves how anti American you really are.

bobknight33 said:

What did he do to "overthrow" the Government?

You think 10,000 people walking the halls of DC could not be stopped?
How many were armed? 20 50 ?

yea that will do it.

Your reasoning is so skewed, it does not even begin to make sense.

Batting fouls and grounders suck But keep swinging the bat. you might even get a real hit.

Nenmara Vela Accident

Millennials Are Still The Stupidest Generation. Brad Upton

TheFreak says...

I think what he's missing is that it wasn't the Millenial kids who asked for an overly insulated upbringing. It was their Boomer parents who put up all the guardrails and made all the rules to protect them from getting their bodies or feelings hurt.

Let's be clear, there were 2 versions of Boomers (early and late):
Boomer 1.0 raised the GenXers and they didn't give a fuck what tree we fell out of or who made fun of us in school.
Boomer 2.0 raised the Millenials and I'll never hate on Millenials because their parents were fuuuuuuuucked up protective.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Not the parts that matter, like him screaming to let his armed troopers into his rally to be ready to storm the capitol, because they aren’t there armed to hurt him.
Also not the part about him being apoplectic when they wouldn’t let him go to the capitol to lead the attack.
You will never wake up.

“Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?”
“I plead the fifth”- disgraced general Flynn (and every Fascist Trumpist)

bobknight33 said:

8 ‘Bombshells’ from Hutchinson Testimony Are All hearsay.
When will you wake up?

Russian soldier caught with his pants down

newtboy says...

Not snuff.
He’s clearly fine at the end, pulling up his panties. He got off lucky, he didn’t even shit his pants!
I doubt he was hurt at all beyond a bit of hearing loss. The explosive looked like a cheap consumer firework, not a grenade or missile. I’ve been hit directly with similar explosives while having firework wars with my older brother, and had no injuries beyond slightly burnt clothes. (Yes, my bro was a dick, we were supposed to just use bottle rockets).

Please don’t call snuff on any depiction of violence or war. That’s not what it means. It’s for graphic depictions of certain death not any possible slight injury.

I’m really sad the poster killed this. There aren’t many funny war videos.

visionep said:

Not sure why, but this video bothers me.

Maybe it's because it's likely snuff. But it's sad that people are getting killed whether it's the attackers being manipulated by their government or the people defending their homeland.

War sux.

Ruby on Tuesday

luxintenebris says...

who promotes abortion?

that doesn't even make sense.

can only attribute these lists to...
- aphasia
- severely low blood sugar
- interaction w/drug(s)
- head trauma
...or the keyboard is malfunctioning.

but get the point in the video. he is a criminal. needs to be confined before more people get hurt/killed.

bobknight33 said:

You right,

[Edited for brevity]

Nothing moral about the Republican party.


newtboy says...

No, bob.
The right adopted racism in the late 60’s when Democrats tossed it out in the cold. You know this no matter how many times you deny the Southern Strategy happened, or how many sock puppets you echo that denial with.
Not all right wingers are blatant racists, but nearly all blatant racists are right wingers.

This isn’t a display of racism, it’s a display of ignorance. This will hurt her career. If she were a right winger, it would cement her career.

TangledThorns said:

The LEFT will protect racism.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

Well put. But what's the % of Western (or the whole World in general except the Middle Eastern region) population who can make the distinction? It's really depressing.

Here in Canada, IMO the political landscape is very much the same as in the US. It is firmly drilled into people's mind that anyone criticizing the government of Israel's constant harrasement, military action, and land grabs in Palestinian territories are automatically branded as Anti-semitism by the likes of the JDOs (Jewish Defense Organizations). There are many legit Anti-Semitism incidents in Canada that need to be condemned, true, but there are also real over-reaction and subpression of objective opinions by the JDOs. These "false branding" hurts people's lives. And we almost NEVER hear the word Zionist (or anti-Zionist) in the media, mostly isolated to academic circles only.

Nobody would be offended hearing someone criticize any country's policy and military incursion (say, you don't like Trump/Biden? No one will say you're anti-American), but any negative comment involving Israel? Damn it boy, you're begging for trouble. As if Isreal, Likud, Netanyahu and the Jewish people are one and the same. Criticize one, you criticize all. But why is that? What makes Isreal, above all other countries, well above any reproach?

Now, I'm not pro- or anti-Semite nor pro- or anti-Zionist. Such generalised sentiment is wrong to me. I'm just pro-peace, the history of that land is way too complex and the blood spilled between its peoples ran for generations and gone on for centuries. It's unrealistic for any leaders to settle anything between their peoples in a political term or two (and not even factoring outside influences that DON'T want them to settle). There are too many hate and zero trust between the peoples right now. Just let peace reigns for a decade then it'll be time to talk settlement of statehood. Give Isrealites & Palestinians some peaoce & prosperity first. Everyone, including the media, politicians inside and outside of that land, the UN, etc. just need to recognize that and not be just so lopsided in their support.

newtboy said:

Being anti Zionist is not the same as being an anti semite, no matter how much the Jewish people claim it is.
Being a Zionist makes one a racist draconian invader that fully supports slow genocide of innocent children in order to steal more of their ancestral land. We should not support Israel in their evil murderous genocide.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

And also don’t think about HOW they were hurt…just send thoughts and prayers, feel a little sad, then get back to waving our dicks at liberals and arming criminals and mentally ill people out of spite.

BSR said:

"Let's think about the people who were hurt!"

In other words, don't think about those people who are not hurt yet.

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