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Geography Idiots on Family Feud

bleedingsnowman says...

>> ^chikngreez:
If anyone is wondering why immigrants in the United States are starting to get all the best jobs out there, wonder no more. It's because they're smarter. Perhaps we're just a little too enamored with useless knowledge, like how much Pimp Juice it takes to incapacitate a ho, the complete details surrounding the life and times of Anna Nicole Smith, or the exact date and time that Paris Hilton went to jail.

Um no, it's because you'll work for less money, even with the high tech jobs. And because there are no markets in your own damn countries for what you studied for. Also because foreign workers are more likely to behave and not make a stink about wages, benefits, and work environments.

Family feud is a slow for morons, so it's only right that they choose moron contestants, so they don't alienate their audience.

Israeli Media Airs Suppressed Video

Farhad2000 says...

Oh QM doesn't do history, he does ill informed right wing banter.

Israel is a recognized and supported state by most of the world. Not just America. These little places called the EU, Russia and most of Asia. But you know geography isn't a strength of his.

The UN has actually worked time and time again to condemn military actions of Israel in instigating violent reactions from Palestine and bring Israel back to resolution 242 and an acceptance of the 1967 borders. But you know Israel has this buddy in the UN that shoots down Security Council resolutions in the name of US. Which then wonders why China and Russia game security council resolutions in their favor as well.

Islam is not against Jews, Judea and most of Europe were under Islamic rule before during the times of the Moors. If they really wanted to wipe out a religion like Judaism before they could have.

Arab nations are against Zionism not Judaism, but Zionism is a representative policy right now of Israel. There is a healthy Jewish community living in Iran quite well also.

Most Arab Jews moved to Israel due to the fact that Israel citizenship is given to anyone who can claim Jewish lineage.

But I guess you are trying to stir that old clash of civilization story with mharevy42 and Pprt.

A geophysical survey of the World of Warcraft

rychan says...

Wow, this seems like a rip off the work I did on this very topic four years ago. See which has been publicly posted since January 22nd, 2005. It's not entirely paranoid -- Google for "azeroth geography" and it's the 11th hit.

He even uses terms that I use in my post like "tape measure". He used the same methodology that I did, except I didn't have to make assumptions about the size or speed of characters. He's wrong that Warcraft doesn't have native units, it DOES. Distances for abilities are all expressed in yards.

To be fair, he does verify that Azeroth has the same gravitational acceleration as Earth, which I did not do. I didn't bother to consider things like density of the world because, like I say in my post, it seems more like a flat world because the sun sets at the same time everywhere.

Stan Rogers "Barrett's Privateers"

Too many men in the siftlounge today

Penguin finds safety from killer whale attack on small boat

Krupo says...

>> ^Linz:
Good God, that woman in the boat at 1:10 is wearing SANDALS! i may not be a geography expert, but I'm pretty sure that if you're some where with penguins and freaking orca whales, that you should at least be wearing socks.

Socks with sandals? Fashion blasphmey!

Penguin finds safety from killer whale attack on small boat

Linz says...

Good God, that woman in the boat at 1:10 is wearing SANDALS! i may not be a geography expert, but I'm pretty sure that if you're some where with penguins and freaking orca whales, that you should at least be wearing socks.

Bin Laden To Outdo 9/11?

MINK says...

captain planet, i actually don't know who you are talking about.

i know there was that guy who had so much backbone that he let his campaign advisers fuck up his style, and then there was that woman with zero experience of reading books in science and geography... i am just wondering which of them you think would deal with a crisis with the stature of a statesman such as... oh i dunno... KENNEDY.

russia win WWII not america

MINK says...

CP you are fixated on this idea that there were other battles. OH REALLY? I THINK EVERYONE FUCKING AGREES WITH YOU.

Were there any battles more bloody or pivotal than Stalingrad... err.... no.

Are americans famous for their "educated class" forming the majority of the population? Famous for having geography and history scholars roaming the streets? Er... no.

Can we calm down now? Nobody dissed your grandfather.

Palin Did NOT Know Africa a Continent

Palin Did NOT Know Africa a Continent

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sarah palin, africa, continent, fox news' to 'sarah palin, africa, continent, fox news, stupid, pathetic, geography, fail, wingnut' - edited by Fjnbk

Al Franken Draws US Map Free Hand.

Official Election 2008 Thread (Subtitled I VOTED) (Election Talk Post)

Official Election 2008 Thread (Subtitled I VOTED) (Election Talk Post)

Geography Fail

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