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Maddow takes O'Reilly down a peg

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^bobknight33:

I am sad that there are people like her. Sad that there is a MSMBC
GE is a pathetic left wing liberal Company. Disgusting.

I like her actually, she seems like a decent person. I don't see eye to eye with her ideologically, and she does a bit of pandering, even so, she is a decent human being in my mind.

"So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts."

-James Madison

On the other hand, O'reily is an patronizingly, mean bastard. Even Glenn Beck is a nice guy even though he panders to a different audience, I wouldn't mind having a beer with him or her, but O'Reily can bask in the radiance of his own piousness.

Maddow takes O'Reilly down a peg

Maddow takes O'Reilly down a peg

Afghanistan: We're f*#!ing losing this thing

rougy says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

4. As the actual CiC of the armed forces, Obama now realizes Bush wasn't just some neo-con crackpot and there were actually darn good reasons for following "The Bush Doctrine".

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yeah, I'm sure Lockheed and Dyncorp and GE and all of the other defense leeches agree with you whole heartedly.

Why, there are billions and billions of good reasons to follow "The Bush Doctrine" according to them.

Obama on Protesters: They Should Thank Me For Cutting Taxes!

Nithern says...

I rather have Obama as President then Bush. How many times did Bush screw up words, sentences, and concepts, trying to make a point? If he couldn't get his own stuff straight, why should anyone take him serious on concepts that effect the nation?

Yes, 47%, due to tax cuts, provisions, and other legel code, allowed Americans to NOT have to pay a single dollar to the IRS. In fact, GE (General Electric) announced, after over 7000 local, county, state and federal filings, it will not be paying a penny in taxes. This is, the same company that filed $10.8 billion in profits for 2009. So, how is this possible? GE knows how to file taxes, and those earnings were made OUTSIDE the USA (to which it did make the proper accounting and taxes).

Someone like WP, you will simply have to understand, doesn't get it. This person has contradicted themselves in the past. Said things both not correct, nor justified with facts one could look up (from a neutral source). WP has waged wars of disinformation, taking things out of context, and 'liberally' glossing over details that would have infact, destroyed his arguements. Its kind of like beating a dead horse. To WP, he/she/it gets tons of fun out of it, while the rest of us go off to play a game of chess or something...

You can argue with him/her/it if you wish, but this person will NEVER conscede defeat, NOR, admit that you make valid and justified arguements. He insults and threatens at an alarming rate. He rails others, that they have to be held absolutely accountable, while keeping himself/herself/itself from any degree of accountability.

In essence, he/she/it, is Republican.

For example, ask WP to publish a list of CREDIBLE, economists, who disagree with how the economy has shown signs of turning around. Have him explain which factors are both leading and trailing indicators of the economy status and health. While doing this, have him state WHERE the deficit has grown from. Have him provide the full accounting of events, from a neutral source (read: non-right wing site). Yes, he will not provide this information, because his arguements really dont have much concrete ground to stand on.

Democracy and Ethics of Force

rougy says...

Green was a white boy, born into a white-boy world; finding jobs was easy for him, like a square peg finding square holes.

Blue was a round peg, and had trouble fitting into the square-hole world.

Red is the embodiment of the putrid imagination of Green.

Consider the fact that Green has lots of money to spare: big surprise, since Green is living in a world that caters to him...only a fuckup could be Green in a Green world and not make money.

Yes, let's remember that there is no reason to threaten Green's life just because Blue is starving to death. The two are totally unrelated.

Oh, yes, let's create a "program" to help people like Blue, because we all know that in the USA it is the poor and the weak who control our government.

Aggressive acts...redistribution...never would occur if the blues were organized. Unionized. Had they formed "Guilds." Because there are at least two factors to capitalism: those who have capital, and those who don't (labor).

Transfer of wealth? Working for minimum wage while somebody else makes enough to live on Malibu Beach, that's not a transfer of wealth to start with?

"The main problem with this system is the unrepresented blues and greens that object to the will of the masses." You're joking, right?

"The reason we do not have a democracy is to prevent the whim of the majority from dictating peoples lives." Oh, that's a riot. Yeah, that's why. Has nothing to do with GE, Lockheed, Boeing, KBR, and certain families that I dare not mention for fear of reprisal.

Wake the fuck up, Blankie.

Stop being a boy crying about the nickels you lost from your pocket.

Wake the fuck up, man.

I can't even watch the rest of this shit. You will know in about 20 years just how valuable you are.

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It runs on natural gas, which something like 50% of US homes already have. If they can get the unit cost down, it looks really promising.>> ^RadHazG:
Hell its got me interested. But the skeptic did have a point in GE and the other utility companies probably going along the same route once (if) this gets big enough.
My only other question is that it still needs a fuel of some kind. Granted those big companies have access to all those diverse fuels, I wonder how the average consumer is going to get that stuff. Aside from the folks who perhaps already have natural gas lines for cooking.

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box

RadHazG says...

Hell its got me interested. But the skeptic did have a point in GE and the other utility companies probably going along the same route once (if) this gets big enough.

My only other question is that it still needs a fuel of some kind. Granted those big companies have access to all those diverse fuels, I wonder how the average consumer is going to get that stuff. Aside from the folks who perhaps already have natural gas lines for cooking.

Darlene McBride: The "Take Back America" Tour

"I was duped" - Brits Furious Over GOP Healthcare Claims

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

nobody other than John Stewart calls them on it

If that's where you get your information then you'll never want for moonshine. Stewart's a comedian - nothing more. If you want to go ahead and stake out the position that you get your talking points from a comedy show then go ahead. Just don't act all surprised when you join a serious discussion and people point at you and laugh.

As far as 'lying' about things - that's what politicians do. I don't like it, but it happens. But I note with dry, distant amusement that you confine your 'lying' accusation only to Republicans. Fact of the matter is, that the bulk of the actual lies in this discussion are coming from the liberal Democrat side of the aisle. "If you like your plan, you can keep it" indeed. Even the most cursory reading of the house bill clearly shows that is deceptive. The bill would kneecap private plans down to under 10% of the market within 5 years, and the Democrats know it.

facts to ignore

The NCHC is a fronted neolib pro-government group. It's easy to ignore crap that sluices out that particular trough. Follow the money. NCHC is run by the AARP, the AFL/CIO (unions), GE, and a bunch of other groups that want a public health care option for political reasons. This bunch of clowns doesn't care what stillborn plan flops out of the government's womb as long as it has the word 'reform' stuck on it.

Worst Person: How Does Bill'O Still Have a Job After This?

Behandlungq (Member Profile)

Behandlungq (Member Profile)

Olberman's Worst Person in The World: Rupert Murdoch

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