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Makin' Music with John Mayer

Can we please have Funny or Die be a valid embed site? (Sift Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

You know... I'm now at a silver star, and I still can't post Funny or Die videos (I know, i need gold... sooo far to go), but come on, Funny or Die has a lot of great stuff that isn't able to be grabbed from elsewhere... I mean, come on... this one is friggen hilarious... I'm sure it'd do well on the sift... anyone with gold or above want it... go on, see how well it does, and then scoff at me for not being able to post it.

State of the Sift '08 (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

1. I say * begs should be free, but can only be done once every 3 days. I think Power points should be used to promote the videos of others or to award * quality stars in order to build community spirit.

2. Add a few more preferred hosts so that members who haven't reached Gold can have more variety to choose from. Here are my proposed candidates:

- Funny or Die
- Superdeluxe
- Megavideo
- Red Lasso
- Megavideo
- Jib Jab
- 5 Min. Life
- Hulu

3. Raise the maximum number of channel assignments a video can have from 5 to 6. We've added 5 new channels in the past couple of months, and more will be popping up soon. Six shall be the number, and the number shall be six.

4. Create a Gold Diamond level for reaching a thousand, as we have two members who are rapidly approaching 1000 stars. Their privilege: Give them an extra queue slot for reaching that level. If they've contributed that much to the Sift then they've earned that extra queue slot.

5. Give Silver Diamonds a privilege, because they currently don't have anything more than Bronze Diamonds. Think of something good, like a free pedicure.

Where do you go for videos these days? (besides here) (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says... old, I remember the days when you really had to hunt, I used to be an avid Farker as well, hell remember ebaums world?

I do go back to fark and have checked out their video section.

I used to (and still kinda do) follow the blogs -, Crooksandliars, mediamatters - Those websites were great in the early 00's when video blogging was still young, those guys really let picked out the gems from Television.

I have collected so many youtube subscriptions over the years I dont have to go far to find a good clip or two. I also have a few links that follow documentaries, Heres one that I just recently bumped into. I have more lists then I do hours in the day.

Otherwise I use Stumble Video as well...not as often as I would like.
When I have time I like to check out newer places, as Dag Mentioned Funny or Die is a great place from what I can see and Redlasso is still in Beta so it might be usefull for the sift yet.

Can we please have Funny or Die be a valid embed site? (Sift Talk Post)

garmachi says...

I don't get it. >> ^darkrowan:
Damn, this ones even got the puppy dog eyes and everything while asking.
But yeah, Gold and above

Are you saying that gold star members can post from I've seen it done, but can't do it myself. Is that it?

Any source video code not working for me (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Along similar lines to what dotdude said, sometimes you have to delete the crap after the or tag too. I've had to do that with Funny Or Die videos and at least one other site too whose name escapes me at this time. If you're still having problems leave me a profile comment and maybe I can help you with the specifics.

FlashVars not working in embeds (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Thanks for the input, joe, but with my practice you (unfortunately) need both the param and embed tags. It may work fine for your configuration, but maybe not for others on, say, Safari or Netscape or whatever else. As to why Funny or Die didn't add the video id to a query string instead of a FlshVar parameter is beyond me, but they didn't, and without that damn id it just won't play. GRRR!

VideoSift 3.1 (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

I'd like to commence the whining by whining about your spelling of "whining." Come on dag, you're an American abroad. Don't make us all look like idiots.

I already gave a few suggestions in an earlier Sift talk, so I won't rehash those here. However I have come up with a few more ideas to improve this site:

1. Make the default search include all videos in the Dead Pool. I think that the primary use for the search engine is to look for dupes, so the Dead Pool needs to be included.

2. When an an account is banned, automatically switch the video tags to just "banned" or "redacted", and then lock them out to prevent further changes, rather than allowing them to be switched to "has no dick" or "rapes dead sheep".

3. Create a new invocation called *destroy. I would like for this invocation to only be used:
a. For a video that's already been discarded, and
b. It can only by invoked by the user who originally submitted the video, that way no one else can mess with your discards.

Why have a *destroy invocation? Mainly to remove all the discarded dupes from the system. It cleans things up a bit, and also precludes the possibility of a discarded dupe being * saved by a well-wisher who didn't notice that the video was discarded for being a dupe.

4. Ditch V-Social from the Sweet Sixteen list of approved video hosts. Who really wants to sift a video about a marketing or promotional campaign? And I can't even find where their damn videos are anyway. I'm also inclined to suggest ditching because it also is rarely if ever used, but I do realize that they have some quality content so I'm not going to push hard for that. Possible replacements for either or both of these sites:

- Megavideo
- Funny or Die
- Veoh
- Glumbert
- eBaumsWorld
- Mojoflix
- SuperDeluxe

None of these sites are going anywhere any time soon, so I think they're acceptable.

5. Happy Hour from 5 - 7 pm every day.

That is all.

Will Ferrell in "The Landlord"

djsunkid (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Funny. To die with honour AND butter is truly something.

Fare thee as well on your journeys 'round the sun.


In reply to your comment:
Hey, just wanted to let you know that quantummushroom the lobster led a full and productive life, and died with honour in the steamer this evening, before being cut in half, grilled and served with butter to american tourists.

take care,

Be funny or die: Will Ferrell enters the world of user-submitted video (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

be funny or die, does that mean Will Ferrell will finally eat the cyanide pill I sent him months ago. I included a screed about honor and his status as a no talent ass clown, but he is apparently without honor.

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