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Ryan Reynolds is a F***ing Nobody

Hawkinson says...

>> ^spawnflagger:
Sandra was right - I had no idea who Ryan Reynolds was...
this was totally staged, but still hilarious.

It didn't even try to look real. there were several cameras and many cuts. and its from "Funny or Die", a skit comedy Web site. how did this comment even enter someone's head? its like watching Speed and smugly stating "That was fake."

please, up vote spoco2's comment.

Batman Garage Sale with Adam West


3rd Siftversary? (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Adding more video hosts would be cool, especially since we have four hosts that are notorious region blockers:

1. NBC
2. MTV Music
3. Hulu
4. Comedy Central

I suggest we add:

1. Funny Or Die
2. Current TV (Yeah, they don't host that much video compared to the players, but they post at least as much as The Onion.)

And others? Let the membership suggest more.


Muskrat Love - Captain and Tenille

my15minutes (Member Profile)

VideoSift v3.3 (Sift Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

Oh, actually I do have a suggestion. Why isn't Funny or Die on the approved hosts list? Lots of good stuff coming from there, and it's not region blocked like most of the new approved hosts seem to be.

VideoSift 3.3 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

1. Thumbnails for all the preferred video hosts. Not every video host on the planet, mind you, but the just for the 16 preferred hosts. Hosts that currently need thumbnails (as far as I know):
- Yahoo
- Dailymotion
- Google
- Myspace
- The Onion
- Video Jug
- SpikeTV (formerly iFilm)

2. New video hosts so that sub-Gold members have more choices. A few suggestions:
- Veoh
- Funny Or Die
Make sure they get thumbnails too if they're brought on board.

3. Get rid of and V-Social as preferred hosts. No one ever uses them.

4. Add a new tab along the top row next to "Blogs" called "Other Features." Here's what I'd like to see in the "Other Features" section:
- tag cloud
- Top 15 new comments
- and other small features that members would like to see

Gina Gershon is Sarah Palin: Funny or Die

Orgasmic Birth

Funny or Die: most unintelligent video host on the net? (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

The Robot Revolution

Raigen (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Ahhh, duh. Sorry, I didn't realize you haven't quite achieved enough stars to post from unapproved video hosts and funnyordie is not approved yet.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your effort.

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
Thanks, Lucky, I've been trying to get the Funny Or Die embed to work since this morning, but nothing seems to want to work properly. And, unfortunately, that embed you left on my profile for me to use is also a no-go. It's slightly confusing.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Raigen-

Great upload with the Panda vs. Iron Man. Here's a much cleaner embed if you want to use it:


lucky760 (Member Profile)

Raigen says...

Thanks, Lucky, I've been trying to get the Funny Or Die embed to work since this morning, but nothing seems to want to work properly. And, unfortunately, that embed you left on my profile for me to use is also a no-go. It's slightly confusing.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Raigen-

Great upload with the Panda vs. Iron Man. Here's a much cleaner embed if you want to use it:


Embed problem from (Sift Talk Post)

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