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Sia "The girl that you lost to cocaine" KCRW 2007

Zawash says...


I've stuck around, through thick and through thin
You cannot deny, I've always been in
And I've watched you stand, still as a snowman
No I don't see you change, you're always at meltdown

And I've been your crutch, your smell sight and touch
Yeah I took you home when you've drunk too much
But I can't survive, with you by my side
See I'll never get laid, while I'm running your life

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah I am a girl with a lot on her plate

So just cut me loose, learn to tie your shoes
There's somebody here, I'd like to introduce
So look in the mirror, look for the glass
'See you're not my problem, you are my last

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah I am a girl with a lot on her plate

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah I am a girl with a lot on her plate

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I'm not your mama, so I'm walking away
See I'm just a girl that you lost to cocaine

chingalera (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

man, I can't even be bothered derailing that video anymore.

I do think it's odd that @gorillaman accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being "intellectually and morally subhuman" and then calls me "a shallow, gawping spectacle-whore", but somehow I am the one that loves drama.

The strange misapprehension that I give a fuck continues for reasons unknown....

chingalera said:

Stay on the defensive and let's explore this bail-out a bit more please-You chime-in as you are want to do for at least an hour of two a day, you obviously love drama when it's not directed at yourself, and love to stir-up and/or foment self-satisfying discord...HEY, I find your roll somewhat familiar and otherwise stinky and generally foul-tasting on the pallet...Care to defend your manner and comfort-zone??

No protests from a cadre of familiars yet??...Give em a few ticks. We're sure to witness them they'll jump right aboard the boat to Stroke-and-Polish island, where all such balls are caressed and cared-for with covetous enthusiasm...

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

Stay on the defensive and let's explore this bail-out a bit more please-You chime-in as you are want to do for at least an hour of two a day, you obviously love drama when it's not directed at yourself, and love to stir-up and/or foment self-satisfying discord...HEY, I find your roll somewhat familiar and otherwise stinky and generally foul-tasting on the pallet...Care to defend your manner and comfort-zone??

No protests from a cadre of familiars yet??...Give em a few ticks. We're sure to witness them they'll jump right aboard the boat to Stroke-and-Polish island, where all such balls are caressed and cared-for with covetous enthusiasm...

ChaosEngine said:

nah, it's just fucking boring and completely unrelated to the thread at hand. @gorillaman is clearly just trolling and has confused me for someone who gives a fuck.

Calvary Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Went to see it last night and I'm still mulling over what I think about it. It's undoubtedly a great movie, I'm just not sure that I like it.

I mean, the script is phenomenal, it's beautifully shot and Gleeson is amazing in it.

But there were a couple of things that just didn't sit right. Chris O'Dowd really can't do drama and Dylan Moran doing "Bernard Black becomes obscenely wealthy and turns into an arsehole" felt completely out of place. And I am absolutely mystified as to who told Aiden Gillen (the doctor) that accent was a good idea. It sounds like a parody.

In some ways, it felt like some kind of commentary on post-catholic Ireland. I haven't been home much in the last 10 years, but I don't remember that much open depravity in small town Ireland.

But still, I think its merits outweigh its faults, and the fact that I'm still thinking about it can only be a good thing.

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

VoodooV says...

wow, they really are copying fox news.

I may completely agree with him but that was ridiculous, but then again, Orly is a ridiculous person. I guess that's the question then. What's worse, giving ridiculous people a platform, or a press that behaves ridiculously too?

im thinking this is just a symptom of the 24 hour news cycle. they don't have enough news to fill that 24 hours, so they create their own drama. giving airtime to people who are not experts and who are not rational.

JiggaJonson said:

She's reminding me of Orly Taitz more and more these days:

The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

Jerykk says...

This seemed pointless. They tried to make the event more impactful by overdramatizing it (showing the cop talking to his wife about their daughter, drawing out the gunfight, having the cop mention his family right before getting killed, etc) but it just made it feel like a cheesy Hollywood drama. The actual dashcam footage is way, way more impactful and really shows how sudden and brutal murder can be.

It's all too easy to hate cops (and authority figures in general) but it's also easy to forget that even a routine traffic stop can be a life-or-death situation. Cops have no idea who is behind the wheel. It could be a soccer mom or it could be a violent psychopath.

Jimi: All Is By My Side Official Trailer #1 (2014)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jimi hendrix, all is by my side, Andre 3000, drama, early years' to 'jimi hendrix, all is by my side, Andre 3000, drama, early years, Andre 3000' - edited by Trancecoach

Saving a Squirrel With CPR

The New Doctor Who - Peter Capaldi

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'BBC, Drama, Comedy, Thick, of it, Swear, Curse, Rude' to 'BBC, Drama, Comedy, Thick of it, Swear, Curse, Rude, Doctor Who' - edited by Lilithia

Netflix In Real Life (IRL): Please stop recommending things.

Sagemind says...

I just had this conversation yesterday.., Stop with the "Because you watched..." I just want a listing.... Fantasy Movies, Drama, Animated and so on, Stop recommending to me, what I've already watched... This whole AI and Algorithm is quickly becoming outdated and condescending... on Netflicks and on Youtube.., not to mention on Google...
Effective for certain things but..., Try finding original content on YT..., It just keeps shoving the same ol' things in my face... I can't escape it...

Four Cats, a Bobcat Statue and Dog


Gordon Ramsay's Tikka Masala In 40 seconds

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

ulysses1904 says...

Sidenote, it always irritates me how people tend to jack up a story to say he escaped 5 years in jail. As if he had already been sentenced to 5 years. The story has enough real drama, they don't have to lay it on.

Meanwhile in Iowa a 10 year old girl faces 20 years in prison because she didn't pay taxes on the income from her lemonade stand.

A dramatic pet rescue - cat rescued from under Ferry

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