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How not to be Angry all the Time

gewel_the_grateful says...

"As it is, Not as we would like it to be"

When we have a desire or expectation on what we want or how things should go, but it does not turn out the way we 'hoped' or 'wanted' (desire), then we loose the balance of our mind.
Desire is based on illusion, we desire (hope) something that has yet to happen and we think about how perfect it would be 'if', yet when that 'if' turns out to be something we did not expect, intend or desire, then we become agitated, sad or depressed that it did not transpire the way we thought it would be. We then take that agitation and we try to share it with others. We don't like to feel the way we are feeling, so we express it to others, spreading the drama. Most people take on the agitation of the one with agitation and become emotional in some way to either commiserate with them or it brings up our own internal agitations about so many things, that we then become embattled with the one that is agitated. Then the fire that is inside is being spread to each other and sometimes it gets bigger and keeps spreading to those around the ones that are agitated. Then it keeps growing and we have a tendency to hold on to that agitation from moments past or days, weeks or years past and it keeps building. It becomes a habit pattern and we keep repeating the same process because we are consumed with it.
But we all know that the only thing that puts out a fire is water. Water is the cooling substance to quench the fires lust to consume. It is the same way with human beings, water (calm cool words or actions) can help diffuse oneself or others.
When we are agitated we lose our self-awareness and travel down the path that our sensations or emotions are taking us. We in essence lose control, we allow ourselves or others to guide us down a path that is never helpful to any situation.
But there are many paths to change that habit pattern within ourselves and gain mastery over our minds and change the habit of allowing ourselves to lose our equanimity.
Science has proven that no one can make you feel a certain way, or make you do anything. Yet we still have a habit of blaming others for our agitation or sadness, or even praise others for making ourselves happy. Yet we are the only ones that can make ourselves happy or sad. We have the ability to accept things as they truly are be it 'bad' or 'good' and be OK with it. Why do we cry when the milk has spilt? It has spilt, crying or any other emotion over that reality is not going to make the milk un-spill. Cleaning it up and learning or teaching on not to have the milk spill again and moving on from that moment is the most important thing.
We are incredible beings with so much power and beauty. To be with ourselves and learn from within our own beings is so important and the key to dealing with the world around us.
So yes, hope can be a very dangerous thing when that hope consumes us to the point of anger and depression when that hope it not fulfilled.
We do not have any control over how things transpire outside of ourselves, but we do have the ability to master ourselves so we can be mindful to the ever changing world when our hopes are not fulfilled. As we grow we learn not to have so many expectations (hopes), but allow life to unfold around us and 'Act' to any situation instead of 'React' with emotion. When we Act, we start to become aware instead of becoming blurred when we are reacting with unawareness.

'Be well on your journey, May Truth and Awareness be your guide'

Who do you blame for the election results? (User Poll by newtboy)

enoch says...


i don't know if i would use such a charged word to describe a very and nuanced question.i think there is plenty of blame to go around,and it is never quite as simple as the media soundbytes we are all subjected to on a daily basis.

who do i blame most?
democrats..hands down.

but there are other factors that all served to produce this circus of an election cycle.

1.the failure of the left to actually understand just how frustrated and angry the working class had become.those people may be politically unsophisticated,but they are not dumb.

this really had very little to do with republican vs democrat.this was a large portion of the american population that had simply become fed up with a system that they finally understood had thrown them overboard decades ago.many of the people who voted for trump also voted for obama..TWICE..because they wanted to see "change" and what they got nothing,zip,zilch,zero,nada.

they simply refused to play charlie brown to the democrats lucy.

2.the DNC and debbie wasserman shultz,may she burn in hell for eternity.
this woman singlehandedly secured the nomination for clinton,while blocking a sanders nomination.

remember laurence lessig?
well,don't feel bad if you don't,because wasserman and the DNC kept changing the rules of application so lessig couldn't even get on the primary ballot.

the DNC basically said to the sanders supporters "sanders? fuck you! you get hillary and will like it".

3.the ultra left liberals,for being so sensitive and touchy (don't get mad,you guys are way too soft skinned) that they restrict their interactions in these weird,singular echo chambers.where everybody is agreeing with each other and nobody is challenging anything,no critical examination.

so when trump won.
they damn near lost their minds in shock!
because anybody who may have shed some actual light on the situation was already blocked or on ignore.

4.the republican party,who hated trump but allowed him to fan the flames of dissent with his bombastic speeches,emotionally charged rhetoric and divisive language.

they let this go on for almost a year,and while publicly denounced trump,privately sought a way to capture his thunder.

want carson?.....nope

because just like the left,they too,had misjudged just how pissed off people were in regards to our political system,and their plan backfired.

5.the democratic party for allowing such a shit candidate,and just like the republicans,not fully understanding just how pissed the electorate was.

6.the corporate media,who sought solely to profit from the election by giving us all this mish mash of reality tv,wrestling and days of our lives.they didnt report the issues,they fed the drama.

and every political pundit,every pollster,every opinion news mrs mcprettyface,got it FUCKING WRONG.

7.bernie bros who stayed home in protest,but this entire election was a protest vote.

yeah..a lot of mitigating factors went into trumps win.

i didn't think he was going to win but i knew it was going to close,but i sure as fuck was not surprised.i was actually laughing at loud.

would you look at that...
my fellow countrymen just hit the nuclear option.
i didn't want a trump sir..but i have to admire the audacity of my fellow citizens to hit that shiny red button.

fuck you washington!

we live in interesting times my friends.
interesting and terrifying times.

and really...what would clinton have given us?
more of the same?
more wars and regime change?
more tax breaks for the super rich while children starve and more people become homeless?

i may find my fellow americans choice horrifying,but i have to respect it.
either way kids...something is gonna change.

Breakfast Burrito - You Suck at Cooking

The Black Women Who Figured Out How To Get A Man To The Moon

vil says...

Holy tetrahedron!

Oh the Hollywood drama, three black girls save the space program, like Bruce Willis saves humanity.

Like they werent badass enough in reality. How do you make someone look like a hero if what they do is basically indistinguishable from accounting? You make shit up.

Maybe if Neil Armstrong stopped the moon from crashing into the earth, that could be a good movie.

Vault of Bad Ideas, 1980's edition: The Charmings!

SDGundamX says...

Same. It's interesting they revived this concept with the ABC series "Once...", shifting from sit-com to soap-drama.

ant said:

Rad. I remember this barely.

Women Sportswriters do the Mean Tweets thing

00Scud00 says...

Show a dozen different people the same event and you can get a dozen different feelings or reactions. But on the internet you had better make sure you show the right kind of reaction or risk being attacked for it. If they brought these guys in without letting them know what they were really in for then it's ambush TV at it's finest.

The shame responses in these guys were pretty clear and I thought that making them take on the shame and guilt that rightfully belongs to another seems cruel and manipulative to me.

Guys often feel the need to take responsibility, it doesn't matter what it is or even if they really were responsible. And so they drag these guys out in front of millions and proceed to make them feel as responsible as they can. And really , all men are responsible for these things anyhow, right?

This video is meant to instruct? You mean like how you are supposed to react? And if you deviate from this response in any way whatsoever you are not human anymore or something?

Being human means that you are a creature of both thought and feeling, emotional reactions can either be compassionate as in this case or deadly when someone commits a crime of passion. Both our hearts and our heads will be needed if we want to continue as a species.

I don't know any of these men, but I know that were I in this situation I would feel like a bug under someone's microscope. (of course you'd never get me in front of a camera, knowingly at least) For what it's worth, I feel bad for everyone involved in this mess. The women were subjected to things that nobody should have to put up with, told things that were cruel, stupid and pointless. (but humans are so good at all three of those things) The men were tricked into someone's drama fueled media spectacle and suffered for something they had nothing to do with.
Not that any of that matters, in your professional opinion I'm probably just a garden variety psychopath.

bareboards2 said:

I did not get that impression at all. In fact, what I saw were some truly kind people unable to say despicable things directly to two women who they admired and liked.

Do you really think they would have no compassion towards to a man who had been raped, and who then made themselves vulnerable to the general public by revealing that rape to advance a discussion?

I'm sure there are some men who have been shamed about their feelings their whole lives that they would joke in that moment. I can see that happening. A defensive nervous joke to mask the pain. To deflect the discomfort.

It wouldn't be funny though. Not funny at all.

These types of instructional videos aren't meant to be perfect. They are meant to instruct. You can pick them apart, and minimize the impact by saying all these rationalizations.

I'll tell my reaction. I cried. I cried for these men who so obviously did not want to say those things directly to the living breathing person sitting in front of them. They weren't thinking. They were feeling and reacting like the humans they are.

Marijuana, Not Even Once

Ben-Hur Trailer

AeroMechanical says...

Why do all the non-effects shots look like they were shot with an iPhone? Is that a style now? Is there a professional cinematographer who is going for that syndicated cable drama look?

Christchurch earthquake and cliff collapse

Mammaltron says...

"It does us a power of good to remind ourselves that we live on two volcanic rocks where two tectonic plates meet, in a somewhat lonely stretch of windswept ocean just above the Roaring Forties. If you want drama - you've come to the right place."

Memory attributed that to David Lange like most kiwi quotes, but apparently it was Geoffrey Palmer.

Jim Carrey Presents Golden Globe For "Comedy"

RFlagg says...

As I understand it, the studios submit to which category they want to be nominated in. Think Drama will be a too tough, got a few moments of light humor, Comedy. So blame the studio for going for the Comedy nomination... and then blame the Foreign Press for going, "yeah, sure, we can accept it as a comedy".

Back when I worked at Borders. The buyers or whomever was in charge of such things at the home office, put City of Angels in the Comedy section of videos. I think their explanation was that it was Comedy/Fantasy and something, but shouldn't Fantasy be in the Sci-Fi section? Indeed, most normal Fantasy movies were in the Sci-Fi section. So I'm still at a loss to figure out how City of Angels was considered a Comedy by Borders.

eoe (Member Profile)

enoch says...

glad i was cruising the comments,otherwise i would have never seen your reply.(you replied on your own page).

good to hear things are moving forward my patient,good ideas take a bit of time to take root.

i simply asked because i was impressed with your exchange with newtboy and your subsequent appear to be taking the far (though slower) tactic of sticking to the facts and dealing with people in a respectful and open-minded manner.

i think that is the best way to go,though it will not garner you the insta-following that hyperbole and drama that many vegans adopt to convey their message.

that only works in the short run,and in the end you will just find yourself preaching to the choir.a rabid,aggressive and morally questionable choir.all residing in an echo chamber,smelling their own farts.

what you are attempting is hard,will take time but ultimately will be beneficial for everybody.the information you are trying to get across is important and you are challenging not only deep set traditions but also the incredibly bad impression many vegans have left in so many people psyche.

nobody wants to listen to a self-righteous person who behaves as if their choices make them the arbiters of morality,kinda like born again christians.they will simply tune you out at best or ridicule you at worst.

who knows?
maybe you could even change my mind!

(although i aint ever giving up bacon,so let that one go)

guess i am just rooting for you because i know the uphill battle you are facing,and am wishing you luck.
stay awesome man!

ps:maybe you could start to post videos to illuminate the subject you are so passionate about? just an idea.

why is the media ignoring the sanders campaign?

VoodooV says...

To more directly respond to the video though, the answer, as they already talked about is the media's fault. Bernie, despite his open socialism, is not very controversial. He's nuanced, shown that he can give complex answers to complex problems and actually seems to be interested in governance.

THOSE THINGS ARE BORING! Doing your job well is often boring. Media doesn't like boring. The media has their profits to think about, so they're going to generate controversy.

This is not groundbreaking at all. I call it the Cartman effect. South Park episodes usually focus on what crazy thing Cartman is going to do next. The show revolves around it. He does completely insane, amoral, disgusting things that no one should ever do...but the audience laps it up. Similar thing occurs with Sheldon of The Big Bang Theory. As I've already compared it to, Reality shows do the exact same thing. The contestant who everyone hates is kept on as long as possible, who otherwise would have been eliminated long ago. People love to hate that person. They keep watching to see what they'll do next.

This perfectly describes Trump. People who will never vote for him in a million years still follow what he does just to see what happens next. This also describes Fox "News" It recently just got ranked the highest in viewership for 2015 again. The right loves to pretend that means that their views are popular. No, that just means everyone wants to watch the trainwreck.

This is also why the Republican debates got more press than the Democratic ones. All the Republican candidates were fighting each other tooth and nail. All were going after Trump. There were a lot of catfights and lots of drama. Meanwhile, in the Democrat debates, everyone gets along. Even when they disagree, they do so in a constructive manner and everyone gets along. No drama, therefore no press. Being serious is boring and that doesn't generate ad revenue for media.

Having an outrageous, controversial candidate is still not enough to get elected though, in fact it cuts both ways. When you put forth a "Cartman" candidate, sure it rallies lots of supporters. But it also rallies lots of opponents (or more) against the candidate. This is exactly what happened with Palin.

Elections have turned into being more about voting against the person you don't want than voting for the person that should be in office. "Anybody but X"

secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

kingmob says...

I liked the video better than the commentary.

I feel bad for the feels like he is stuck (doesn't walk away)

I don't really understand this newfangled social justice warrior. I am just glad I missed it. It is always the self-important people that cause the most drama. They think they are so important.

The snap is just weird. No one questions it. This is how we clap now.

nightly news covers trump 23X more than sanders

VoodooV says...

Media loves sensationalism and controversy and that is what is driving our current era of reality-show elections. Media wants page views and ad revenue so they will always go with controversial distractions and bullshit aka Trump.

Actual governance is boring. Peace is boring. Compromise is boring. Being rational is boring. Policy is boring. Nuance makes the heads of stupid people hurt.

Money is at the heart of it and money is made off of drama.

Sloppy Seconds - Watsky

eric3579 says...

Fuck you if you love a car for its paint job
Love you if you love a car for the road trips
Show me the miles and your arms and the pink scar
Where the doctor had to pull out all the bone chips
Cuz you were pressing on the gas just a bit hard
Right in the moment where the road curved a bit sharp
And when you woke up, somebody was unclipping your seat belt
and pulling you from the open window of your flipped car

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs
Give me give me leftovers
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give em here, give em here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

Show me someone who says they got no baggage
I'll show you somebody whose got no story
Nothing gory means no glory, but baby please don't bore me
We won't know until we get there
The who, or the what, or the when where
My favorite sweater was a present that I got a couple presidents ago
And I promised that I would rock it till it's thread bare
Bet on it
Every single person got a couple skeletons
So pretty soon, in this room
It'll just be me and you when we clear out all the elephants
Me and you and the elements

We all have our pitfalls
Beer's flat, the cabs have been called
And everybody and their momma can hear the drama
that's happening behind these thin walls

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs (hand me downs)
Leftovers (leftovers)
Sloppy seconds
Give'm here, give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you (2x)

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

My pattern with women isn't a flattering image
But I don't want to run away because I said so
I don't want to be the guy to hide all of my flaws
And I'll be giving you the side of me that I don't let show
Everything in fashion
That has ever happened
Always coming crashing down
Better let go
But in a couple years it will be retro
You rock Marc Ecko
My shirts have the gecko
Cuz in the past man, I was hopeless
But now's when my little cousins look the dopest
(whoop whoop)
Fuck the fashion po-po
Have a stale doughnut, I don't need no tips
Fuck a five second rule
That's a plan I never understood
It's September in my kitchen in a Christmas sweater
Sipping cold coffee on the phone with damaged goods

And there is not a single place that I would rather be
I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me

Cold pizza (cold pizza)
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, Give'm here
Hand me downs (oh hand me downs)
Give me give me leftovers (leftovers)
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give'm here give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

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