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Puppy chat with little baby Ramsey

Payback says...

So why is he howling I can't see how he thinks that
even sounds remotely like a real howl now my dad
he can howl make your fur stand on end oh hey there
uncle Dawg whatcha doing down there I'm kinda
getting dizzy up here is it far enough up for oxygen
deprivation to affect me oh what the Hell why is he
howling again he's really no good at it what's so damn
funny anyway hey watch it lady you almost dropped
me oh ya your kid is real brainiac hope you don't waste
any money saving for college what the Hell he's howling
again can you get him to shut up it's getting annoying...

Steel, concrete, and glass swaying like blades of grass...

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

korsair_13 says...

No. Aspartame is not bad for you. Sugar, however is absolutely bad for you. The purpose of this video is to show people how much aspartame is in Coke Zero vs the amount of sugar in Coke. Sugar, the number one cause of obesity, heart disease and other health issues, is far less sweet so you need a much larger amount to get the same level of sweetness as aspartame. The tiny amount of black stuff left over at the end of the Coke Zero pan is the aspartame. You need milligrams of aspartame compared to 30 grams of sugar.

All of the studies that have "shown" damaging effects of aspartame have given RATS not milligrams of aspartame, but GRAMS. This would be equivalent to a human being shoveling a pile of aspartame powder into their mouth, something that no one could even do because it would be too sweet to ingest.

Aspartame is a very simple chemical that when it enters the human body breaks down into three things, phenylalanine, methanol and aspartic acid. Once again, the amounts that these things break down into is smaller than you would get from eating comparable "natural products." You would get more methanol eating a few grapes or an apple. Aspartic acid is an amino acid that is good for you and you would once again find more of it in an oyster than in Coke Zero. And finally phenylalanine is the only thing that is of any danger to anyone. And even then, it is only dangerous to those who have phenylketonuria, a sensitivity to phenyl-groups that you would know if you have. Otherwise it is a hormone that only affects infants and is present in breast milk, one of the healthiest substances on earth for a human.

Sure, aspartame is one of the most complained about items by consumers at the FDA. But does that mean the science is wrong? No. It simply means that someone gets a headache and they blame it on the diet soda they just drank instead of the fact that they are dehydrated. Or someone has a dizzy spell because they got up too fast and they blame it on the diet soda they just drank. Aspartame has been investigated by every Federal Consumer Product group around the world and none of them have found a sufficient link to any health danger in order to take it off of the shelves. If you believe that this is a conspiracy, you are wrong. The bigger conspiracy is the rampant disregard for the danger of sugar in processed foods.

If you are curious about the dangers of sugar that are backed by solid nutritional and molecular biology, you should watch "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on Youtube, or the movie Fed Up.

Laser Attached To Dog Collar

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

JustSaying says...

I don't mind if a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is required to enjoy a movie but when your writing is shitty or your basic premise is too silly that won't help. Some things just make people cringe, some tropes and clichees just become too stupid. Especially if you take yourself too seriously.
I don't have to watch "The Happening" to know it's a ridiculous movie that'll make me roll my eyes 'till I'm dizzy. Or make me laugh hysterically about it.
It's the same here. A really stupid and completely wrong pseudo-fact about brain is exploited to tell a superhero story. If the very first response you get is "Brains don't work this way. Good night!" you have a problem. And that's coming from someone who's perfectly willing to accept that gamma rays make you a green ragemonster.

Drachen_Jager said:

Can't people watch fictional movies and accept that they're fiction?

Mind you, I suppose there are people out there who believe in The Force, Alien Abudction, and Ayn Rand's philosophies.

Mountain Biker vs. Road Biker - Epic Rap Battle


City Lights To Dark Skies - International Dark Sky Week 2014

Ickster says...

As a kid, I was really into astronomy, but was always bugged by the fact that books would talk about seeing the Milky Way at night, and about the thousands of stars in the night sky. I figured there was something wrong with my eyes or something, because I could never find the Milky Way, and while I never counted the stars, I thought there were only about a hundred at best.

Then when I was about 12, we went camping and on a night with a new moon, I went outside the tent after dark. I looked up at the sky and literally got dizzy at the stunning revelation that was the real night sky.

Nowadays, I always try to plan family camping trips around the new moon so my kids get a chance to see the real sky, but even out in the middle of nowhere it is getting increasingly difficult to find a spot without at least one glaring streetlight or security light.

I wish I were a one year old Yellow Labrador

A Cool Aerial Shot of Reindeer Herding in Norway

Elder Scrolls online: the arrival trailer

rancor says...

I wouldn't, how hard is it to keep a camera steady when the whole thing is CG? Made me dizzy after about 15 seconds. I can't figure out why some movies think that makes good cinematography and/or editing. I've taken to calling it "the Batman Begins problem".

TheFreak said:

I would totally go see the CGI "Elder Scrolls Online: The Movie" in theaters.

TEDTalks | Beardyman: The polyphonic me

ChaosEngine says...

It's cool and impressive and so on, but I'm still not sure what the point is?

He talks about being able to replicate "the sound in his head". Ok, cool. Musicians have been trying to do that for years. Electric guitarists, for instance, can spend hours/weeks/months tweaking settings on a dizzying array of gear to produce the sound they want. But ultimately, the expression of the music still comes from the guitar, from the physical manipulation and vibration of the strings.

I have no problem with Beardyman using his voice as an instrument, or even manipulating it, looping it or whatever. But surely there comes a point where the manipulation is so extreme that the "source" is lost, i.e. there is nothing about the output that is affected by the input. At which point, I have to ask, why bother with voice as an input in the first place? Why not just use a wave generator?

Actually, I think I might have answered my own question. I guess it's the fact that his voice is an easily manipulatable starting point.

Gravity extended agoraphobic trailer

412 foot jump snowmachine and motorcycle

Skyscrapers in Tokyo swaying in Earthquake - 2011

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