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Chapelle: White people can't dance unless there's guitar!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dave chapelle, john mayer, electric guitar, drums, piano' to 'dave chappelle, john mayer, electric guitar, drums, piano' - edited by rasch187

Bus driver stops before hitting baby in middle of road

Indian Singer gets scared by his own music

Dave Chappelle on Man Rape.

deadgoon says...

>> ^brycewi19:

The man is a stand-up comedic genius.
And I don't throw that term around loosely.
Off the top of my head --> Bill Hicks, Andy Kaufman, Mitch Hedberg, Stephen Wright, Emo Phillips, and Dave Chappelle.

I don't know if I would throw Hedberg in with those guys. He was bombed out of his mind 99.999% of the time. I was at the State Theatre and watched that dude perform. A cup of vodka in one hand, a cup of orange juice in the other, his parents were in the audience and he kept forgetting his lines Couldn't come back on stage after someone heckled him. Funny guy but not a genius.

Dave Chappelle on Man Rape.

Dave Chappelle on Man Rape.

brycewi19 says...

The man is a stand-up comedic genius.

And I don't throw that term around loosely.

Off the top of my head --> Bill Hicks, Andy Kaufman, Mitch Hedberg, Stephen Wright, Emo Phillips, and Dave Chappelle.

Djevel (Member Profile)

Dave Chappelle - The Secret of Life

Dave Chappelle - The Secret of Life

burdturgler (Member Profile)

dag says...

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My guess is that when you were logged out you selected the anonymous Nsfw filter. Try that.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Something is screwy. When I'm logged in I see my Dave Chappelle sift in the top 15 (at #4). When I log out, it's no longer listed in the top 15. When I'm logged in and go to my profile and click on sifted videos it's listed there, when I log out and do the same ... it's gone. Any idea what's going on?

edit .. here's logged in:

here's logged out:

dag (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

Something is screwy. When I'm logged in I see my Dave Chappelle sift in the top 15 (at #4). When I log out, it's no longer listed in the top 15. When I'm logged in and go to my profile and click on sifted videos it's listed there, when I log out and do the same ... it's gone. Any idea what's going on?

edit .. here's logged in:

here's logged out:

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Aliens vs Predator - Killmoves Trailer

Aliens vs Predator - Killmoves Trailer

"Racist" Australian KFC Commercial

dag says...

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From @mofodoobs who is having trouble logging in:

The only reason I know of the fried chicken stereotype is because of Dave Chappelle and other African American comedians. I can't recall ever seeing a white comic doing the fried chicken thing, but I don't doubt some have and probably no where near as funnily as Dave.

I can only agree with kymbos, but would add that I can't recall any members of the West Indian supporters in the ad being white so maybe by that omission it does have a racist element by assuming that all West Indian supporters are West Indian and that all West Indians have dark skin.

What I feel is strongly racist however is the view that all groups of dark skinned people are African American which most of the critique seems to imply, and which is supported by applying the sterotype American fried chicken chit to an Australian ad that uses a "Stranger in the opposition crowd" scenario.

Of course nothing has been said about the tragic sterotypical White Aussie cricket supporter who comes across as a wanker.. I loved being portrayed that way in advertising.

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