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Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

LadyDeath says...

Nice Post I wont put my dog picture in my avatar but I can share some pictures of her,she is a sweet cocker spaniel,I named her daisy,3 years old,what she likes is sleep all day long,play with tennis balls,and doggie toys,she likes music..oh she is a popping machine oh god that dog..she is trained to go outside but I dont feed her that much to be cleaning up that much poop LOL not to mention her drinking obsession with beer or
Here is some of her Photos in her Famous my space page...

Vintage Sexist Commercials - Folgers #3

Warning: do not operate this table while naked, men

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You know what I don't get about this table? - the arc on the outside of the pie wedges would be correct for the smaller size, but too small for the bigger size- how does it do it without making a kind of lumpy daisy shape?

Maybe it's all just CGI and we've all been duped.

Taliban attacked with Artillery Fire.

Fade says...

Please tell me where I said the Taliban were a bunch of peaceful daisy pickers? Please quote me. I hate the Taliban. They're ignorant fundies.
But if you truly believe that the US is in Afghanistan becuase of 911 then you are a retard. If that were the case then the US definitely had prior knowledge because they were ready to invade before sept 11.

2001: A Space Odyssey -- original trailer

Which Patriots wear the Flag Lapel Pin?

Girl Does 21 Different Accents

swampgirl says...

Yeah, the common accent in Charleston doesn't sound remotely like this one. It sounds more Hollywood.

There is another Charleston accent that's a bit more aristocratic. Jessica Tandy's accent in Driving Miss Daisy is a close approximate. She should rent that movie and watch it a bit.

The Fall - A Film by Tarsem Singh

What is Sodomy?

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu (Blog Entry by persephone)

persephone says...

A lot of food tastes like seafood in Japan, even though it may not be seafood itself. This is because the basis of Japanese cooking is dashi, which is the stock of kombu (kelp) and fish flakes, like bonito. It's called the flavour of the sea and dashi is used to boil vegies, it's mixed with the egg in omelettes and egg rolls, it's the broth used in miso soup, noodles and hot pots and much more. Even rice is boiled with some kombu, so it can have a seaweedy taste.

Dashi is easy to make and very good for you. Most young people in Japan use the instant dashi packs, but older women/men know how to make the real deal. I was fortunate to meet some older talented women who passed on a lot of their knowledge to me.

We eat pretty well, including home-style Japanese cooking about 2-3 times a week. Thanks go out to Kuri sama, Daisy and Mayumi san for their patience and care in teaching me to cook kateika ryori. Arigato gozaimasu! Taihen osewa ni natte imasu yo!

Mike Daisey Audience Protest, Walkout and Attack

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Yeah, the residents of Norco are not exactly the best demographic for your hip, edgy, one man show. Norco is one of those armpit, rest-stop towns you try to avoid on your way to Vegas - It's not a place that Californians are in any way proud of. Daisy should just be happy they didn't coat the theater in graffiti and urine.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

8756 (Member Profile)

Halo 3: Homophobia Evolved (NSFW)

deedub81 says...

You're right.

I never said that gay jokes or racist jokes are okay. I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I take vulgar language very seriously. I don't think it has any place in society. I think parents that hear their boy talking like that should knock some sense into 'em.

I lived in San Fransisco when I was younger and I know a lot of gay people that I like very much. I saw more homosexuality in one week than you'll see in your life. I'm not threatened by Homosexuals. I'm annoyed by so called "Flamers". I think frat boys are especially annoying, and I make fun of guys wearing "bikini inspector" shirts. Does that make me intolerant? Well then why am I intolerant if I'm annoyed by a "Flamer"? I think a guy wearing a pastel colored shirt, daisy dukes, lipstick, and roller blades is asking for people to poke fun at him. That's all I'm saying.

I think some straight men are uncomfortable around gay men, not threatened. The more time you spend around people of different backgrounds and races and lifestyles, the more comfortable you feel around them, right? That's human nature.

P.S. You realize you're invoking Rosa Parks while we're talking about frat boys and gay halo 3 players, right?

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

qruel says...

the wife and I started viewing the episodes online that ABC hosts, but it started with episode 3(through6) so I had to go find episode 1 & 2 :-) has the torrents for all the shows.

let us know what you think. I hardly watch any tv, but this is one of the few I turn on the tube for.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Interesting, will definitely check it out.

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