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Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

I don't think you understood what he was trying to say. There's a difference between being a Nazi, being an opportunistic follower or going along with it to avoid trouble. There's a difference between being a zealot, a shitty human being or a coward.
And if somebody gets himself killed for not going along with it, then that person is neither of these things.
'Being a slave-owner was the thing to be' isn't a correct statement either, or is it, Bob?

bobknight33 said:

Being a Nazi was the thing to be.. It was the way of the society.
Thanks for making that point.

Craigslist Ad for "$25 an hour protesters", for guess where

dag (Member Profile)

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jim jefferies-charlottesville white supremacist rally

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

Drachen_Jager says...

So, @bobknight33 how was the weather in Charlottesville?

You're still avoiding answering any questions, I see. Easier to hide like a coward rather than face the fact you might be wrong I guess.

Do YOU support the marchers? Are you a member of any of the groups represented there? Clearly you support some racists, I'm just checking how far it goes. Where do you draw the line? Are Nazi slogans okay so long as you're on the right side of the barbed wire?

White Power Rally In Virginia Canceled Because Of Violence

Freedom Peed in his Canteen.

Officer Brandishing Weapon On ATV Motorist In North Pole

Scalise shooting used in attack ad against Jon Ossoff

Fairbs says...

way more nut job cowards hiding behind guns or other weapons on the right; American taliban and just as bad as isis or any other religious zealot

A Fair Summation of the Comey Testimony

newtboy says...

Testimony shows Trump is a liar, bold faced, in private and public.

Testimony also showed that Trump knew his actions were wrong, that's why he cleared the oval office to direct Comey to leave Flynn alone.

Comey shouldn't have said what Trump wanted, that he wasn't under investigation, because everyone around him and his campaign itself was under investigation and it seemed likely he would be personally implicated soon, and saying he's cleared or not under investigation is a claim that would not be fully honest. Also, because the FBI isn't supposed to comment on open investigations at all, nor are they a spokesperson for the president speaking at his direction.

I do agree with him, Comey was cowardly....he admitted as much. He should have refused and walked out of the room insistent he never be left alone with Trump again when Trump asked him to let Flynn go and gone straight to congress.

tomi lahren from the blaze goes full blown snowflake

Drachen_Jager says...

Funny how the taunts right-wingers use to describe lefties (such as 'snowflake') are actually far more true of themselves.

They value 'manliness', toughness, and martial abilities above all else, but it seems like every one of them found some way to avoid serving in the military (though Ted Nugent literally shitting his pants is still the best example of that particular cowardice).

When it comes down to it, they're all a bunch of lying, cowardly, sissy men, and sometimes I wish Barack Obama would step into the ring with Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Donald (or hell, I'd do it if given a chance, but nobody knows who I am, so that's not very likely).

Jim Jefferies tells Piers Morgan to Fuck Off

Engels says...

Oh, it's a muslim ban alright. It just doesn't target muslims who have enough power to hurt us, only those powerless to hurt us. It's a coward's play to his base.

jimmy carter-crisis of confidence-prophetic speech from 1979

newtboy says...

Carter is the only president from my lifetime that I would break bread with. By far the most honest, thoughtful, moral, brave, and humane of all I've seen. All that have come after him are completely lacking in all of those traits. (Cue Bob's knee jerk rant about how he's the worst ever and a coward).


Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

dannym3141 says...

I love how nazis use violent imagery and talk up the brutality all the time, but when they get punched in the face it's less boots on necks and more piss in pants.

Honestly, richard spencer helped dispel the illusion that these new nazis are anything to worry about when he bitched out after tasting some of the violence he enables. Reminds me of the Big Lebowski.

Donny: "Are they gonna hurt us Walter?"
Walter: "No Donny, these men are cowards."

worm said:

Ahhh, the boot on the neck isn't quite as comfortable when its YOUR neck. I think I enjoy all this liberal whining.

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