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SFOGuy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

vil says...

Dont blame "capitalism", blame humans, civilisation. Some countries, communities, families are able to create institutions and rules that span generations and centuries without destroying their livelihoods. Call it capitalism if you must, but the only way for humans to survive it is if they are allowed to make meaningful decisions and shoulder the responsibility for those decisions.

I lived in a "communist" country and I can inform you that shit was removed from rivers, sulfur from power station smoke and lead from car exhaust gasses only after it reverted to a form of constitutional democratic individualistic "capitalism".

All it takes is some basic rules about shit and rivers and a will either free, or imposed by institutions, to abide.

Some big rich countries have good rules and institutions, some dont. Most poor countries dont and that is a real problem. If you cant afford to put shit anywhere else it has to go in the river.

cosmovitelli said:

Unfortunately in an individualistic capitalist system the guy who's feeding his family by pouring shit in the river will fight you tooth and nail irrespective of what it means for the planet. Every other asshole is doing it why should he starve? This is why the more socially minded countries are the ones who can control themselves, as everyone feels they have a stake in it and they know they won't starve.. unfortunately the big rich countries are by definition plunderers running on greed and desperation.

New Math vs Old Math

JiggaJonson says...

I have asked math teachers about this and they seem to be behind the line that it helps kids understand how they got to a solution. I am yet to see any credible research that illustrates that this improves skills or thinking or critical thinking.

I will admit, I do THINK about numbers this way. If I come across a problem that's too difficult to do immediately, I start breaking things up in my head.

Sometimes when I'm bored and walking I whistle, sometimes I recount the digits of pie, sometimes I recite the To be or not to be speech from Hamlet, sometimes I start multiplying (really)

2x2 = four
4x4 = sixteen
16x16 = uhhhh <<<< and this is where I start breaking it up --->16x10= 160
----->10x6= 60
------>6x6= 36

Then I have to remember the 36 as I add up the 6 n 6 for 12 dont forget the zero so it's 120 + 100 + 36
so it's 256

256 x256 is like 250x250 or 25x 25 (at this point it's helpful to think of quarters and money) and then add 36 (6x6)
so if there are 4 quarters in a dollar or 100, 25/4 = $6.25
then i need the zeros still

62500 + 360??? = 663? no that's not right, 65? Im losin' it somewhere in there, cant keep track a whole lot further without some paper in my hands or digital transcription (I'm trying to simulate what I actually think of)

>>>>>>>> 65k? estimation <<<<<<<<<
ALL that said, I do that but I learned math the old way and worked as a cashier for 5 years. I never would do regular calculations this way all the time, it's just handy for some fast math. It was easier to commit to memory a lot of my multiplications tables than it would have been to think through this stuff when i didn't know anything about it.

a lot of the education community shits all over the idea of memorization, but I think there's something to be said for it and would be interested if anyone had any studies of memorization as a teaching method and its efficacy.

Mordhaus said:

It's part of common core. Supposedly it makes it easier to understand the theory behind math so later in higher level classes (algebra, trig, etc) they can easily break the harder equations down.

Beats me, I learned the old way and it worked for me through algebra 1/2, and geometry.

We're Collectively Using Escalators Wrong

vil says...

Load of rubbish. If a crowd forms at the entry to an escalator typically people start standing on both sides. 30 percent of efectivity (percentage points fly around a lot in this video) are not worth the loss of personal freedom. Some people insist on forcing their social engineering on everyone for small apparent economic advantages for who? Escalator makers? Their own personal ego warming? Look ma, my escalator is 30 percent more efficient than Bobs! Yes but half of your escalated people are unhappy because they cant walk and the other half dont care either way! So lets all be nice to each other if possible and let walkers walk and standers stand, OK? Which is BTW the result of the mentioned experiments.

RFlagg (Member Profile)


Mordhaus (Member Profile)

USDA: Eggs are NOT Healthy or Safe to eat

Trump to Give Primetime Address on the Shutdown

vil says...

Lovely how the cronies behind Trump totally cant tell if he is being serious or not. Better than Stalin or Chrushchev. Not as bloodcurdling as Saddam. But in the same general job description and persona.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

All The Small Things by blink-182 on a Kalimba

Metal Ant

Tom and Jerry

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