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Franz Reichelt's Fatal Jump From Eiffel Tower

Michael Moore, 9/11 and The Pentagon

BicycleRepairMan says...

Well, two planes did hit the WTC. I know that much. Sure, these were "probably remote controlled" according to the conspiracy.. but then, if so, why "cheat" at the Pentagon? Why not just run a 3rd plane in there? If it was an inside job, why risk the entire operation by using a rocket that could have been filmed by some amateur cameraman and thus vaporized the whole 9/11 "official story"? Seems to me, if I was one of those men in black behind it all, that would be the peak of stupidity.

And this hearing explosion stuff.. well I'd say much of the same applies here, why risk the whole operation on making the towers collapse? Isnt two jetliners flying into two skyscrapers scary enough for them?

The other thing is that explosions did happen, as a result of a LARGE FUCKING PLANE HITTING THE BUILDING, debris, falling people etc makes bangs too...(just look at that french brothers documentary)

The most puzzling thing for me about 9/11 is the WTC7 collapse, but again, from the insiders perspective why bother with the risk? I'm guessing the collapse of the two towers probably knocked its foundations down, surely the crater probably smashed everything on and under the ground nearby to pieces.


TerraKhan says...

It could very easily have been a JDAM - the JDAM is simply a guidance package that attaches to a wide variety of ordnance (including the BLU-109 "bunker buster") in order to allow for GPS guidance as opposed to laser guidance. I am also not convinced that it was a bunker buster, the crater you mentioned is easily created with a standard Mk84 bomb, regardless of guidance package used. A hard target penetrator bomb (bunker buster) won't necessarily leave a larger crater than a standard bomb, but is designed to penetrate more deeply into a hardened target, such as a concrete bunker, before exploding.



Why we have terrorism...

quantumushroom says...

So the Middle East was a paradise of enlightened rulers before the evil USA exported despotism there?

Ha ha ha.

If the US supports dictators in backwards countries because these evil men serve our interests, then we're the bad guys. BUT if the US gets rid of brutal dictators like Saddam, guess what liberals say? We're STILL the bad guys!

The American people don't have a good Idea of how dangerous the threat is that we face.

Unfortunately, this is true. It's why mecca isn't already a smoldering crater.

9/11 Flight 93 Footage-Censored News Coverage

choggie says...

It all got sucked into the crater, then the resulting blow-back, scattered all the paper and small pieces, around the ground....the engines were recovered, still miraculously attached to an entire couldn't show that either...Where are all the interviews, eyewitnesses, surviving family members testimonies, (sure they are still around).....but most of all, why don't we still discuss the impact, or severe lack there of, of the effect this had on a nation? Why did this event serve to do nothing more, than to distract the country from their everyday routine, for about a half a year??? Because were a buncha' putties, s'ppose.....

Have to remember this day every other week: some curious minds, are still not satisfied.They simply don't have, and are programmed to believe they do not deserve, an audience...
carry on, eyes wide shut-

One bomb that can take out 40 tanks in a 500-1200 ft area

NordlichReiter says...

Hey, I look at this and i don't see any real damage on those tanks? The tanks arent moving, and they are old tanks whats to say that the new tanks with that new retroactive armor plating wont take one of those bombs and chew it up then spit it back out? I also have to say that good old fashioned HE explosive bombs are better than this cluster bomb crap, give me a crater and see if that tank can get out of there when its in pieces. It just seemed to me that the munitions carried in that bomb were just fireworks compared to the stuff they show in Tomahawk missiles, those are cluster munition capable as well.

The daisy cutter? Now thats a bomb, big and fat and really delivers a boom.

330ft-deep Sinkhole, Guatemala (23.02.07)

spoco2 says...

Amazing, terrifying, but also... is it really correct to tag this as 'Nature'? The sinkhole was caused by:
"Officials blamed the sinkhole on recent rains and an underground sewage flow from a ruptured main. They warned that the crater could widen or others could open up."

So, if no sewage from a main, no sinkhole... dunno.

Secret Places of Google Earth

Secret Places of Google Earth

Oatmeal says...

And weird looking plane a near an equally weird looking dirt airstrip near area 51
theres a lot of craters and stuff around here, so probably a millitary site.
37°24'12.32"N 116°14'32.29"W

Australian Newscaster asks Americans Which Country to Invade Next (language NSFW)

Alien Technology? Building Ancient World Monuments

Farhad2000 says...


But seriously, Is it hard to believe that perhaps like we had our Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, the ancient world would have the similar great scholars that would make these constructions possible? Human progression has really taken place because we publish works of knowledge, preserve them and pass them on.

We know that we have lost so many old world works of science and knowledge, lost in place like the library of Alexandria. Who knows what people might have deduced by then via ancient scholars? As to the large structures and alingment of the stars? Those were the world's wonders at the time. Why wouldn't one worship it, their mystery must have baffled these ancient peoples just like they do us now.

And Mars-Earth connections? Cheap shot using the old photographs that make it look like a face and pyramids. That same site has been photographed countless times showing no evidence of structures just natural formations. I don't think the drones they have at mars would be racing towards a large crater looking for possible evidence of microscopic life if there was evidence of a intelligent structures on mars.

I don't understand why we have to always say we relied on someone else to progress. Still entertianing watching.

Controversy: Did We Land On The Moon (Shown on FOX)

ren says...

The 3 major arguments are..
1)No stars in the footage
2)Flag waving with no atmosphere
3)No blast crater under the lander.

Lets analyze that closely.
1)No stars in the footage because of the contrasting brightness of the moons surface and the short exposure time of the film camera.

2)The flag does move, but only after it was placed, and any material in micro gravity will hold its momentum for a long period especially with no atmospheric drag.

3)No blast crater under the lander is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. Ok at first, your mind goes hey wow there is a powerful rocket on the bottom of the lander. What you have to realise is the lander comes in very slowly, doing most of its deceleration before touchdown, which it ends up doing at about 1 foot per second.

Man jumps off a cliff... and lives!

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