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Why Hayao Miyazaki's Animation Feels Alive

I Was the Fastest Girl in America, Until I Joined Nike

newtboy says...

Idiocy. If she was smashing records, her weight clearly wasn't an issue.
Assuming her story is factual, after her first bone break, continuing the ignorant regimen amounts to intentional abuse.
Alberto should be banned from the sport for life.
Nike should also be banned from running a sports team for a number of years. They clearly don't know what they're doing, and put their athletes health at risk. I hope she gets every dollar she would have earned by being the top American female runner, including top dollar endorsement deals, from Nike. They would do themselves a big favor by settling, they won't do well in court against her story.

Girl Surprises Nurse Who Thought She Was Paralyzed

ant says...

Nice. I remember back in late 1984 that I had a major surgery to remove a bone from my right hip into my mouth to make a bigger jaw (born with a tiny one). I had to relearn how to stand and walk. I came back to the hospital and saw my nurse again. She saw me standing and walking slowly. It wasn't loud, happy, and crazy as this video, but still rad. However, I found out my recovery room mate died even though I didn't know him (don't even remember chatting with him too). :~(

Whale Fall Actively Devoured by Scavengers

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

newtboy says...

Yes, considered that by partisan idiots who couldn't see past their hatred for anything left of Regan....they thought him a dumb country bumpkin too. To the rest of us, he was the last responsible president not interested in using the office for personal gain, one who kept us out of war with Iran, and was cheated out of a second term by the right wing/Regan Iran Contra scandal, which delayed the release of hostages to help Regan win the election.

Read. There's proof of 100 contacts between the campaign and Russia, and an undeniable estimation of their actions which were 100% aimed at electing Trump, because he would divide us even more than Clinton (which is a high bar, to be sure), and be weak on foreign policy.
Edit: for someone trying to deny the efficacy of Russian propaganda, you certainly repeat it a lot.

Look at him go, still building houses by hand. Trump can't walk from one hole to the next tee without getting winded, that's why he drives his cart onto the green.

Nuclear submarine designer....proof of extremely high level intelligence. Commander and tester of same, proof of high level of competence and service to the nation. President bone spurs can't compete in any way.

Wow, Bob. You can't do better? Even you say he's a pedophilic lech at best, and you can name not a single charity he's involved in you know isn't fraudulent? Sad.
That's what you come up with, a joke about his lack of character that's not even a joke because it's true, caught on tape? Sad you see him for the anti humanitarian, misogynistic, infidelity flaunting, charity fraud he is, and still stand with him and smirk. Pathetic Bob. Just pathetic.

bobknight33 said:

President Carter was considered the worst POTUS in a century .

Russians interfered, clearly in favor of Trump-- no truth / proof to this.

Carter in better physical shape than Trump. Wow pushing clearly false narrative.. U schilling for the fake news?

Nuclear submarine commander/designer. -- Admirable
and Irreverent .

Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in ... Female anatomy inspector. Pay attention new you should know this. Did you miss the Access Hollywood tape?

Lighten up Newt.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

Ashenkase says...

I can get behind this, "your a big ol lazy bones"... lol, love it

Sagemind said:

I only needed to make it into a few seconds into this video to realize this video was about a self-righteous Douche who wants to exploit people for non-conformity and vilify them for something so menial.
I can't get behind shaming people for living their lives and doing things someone else don't agree with. She's not doing anything illegal or harming anyone.

(As a student, collecting carts was part of my job at closing at the end of every day. I had a job and enjoyed getting out of the store - I don't endorse this guys intentions)

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

No Bob, you don't need to keep crying "but I love him"....we know you'll gladly ignore any foibles he has while viciously attacking others for the same, or similar but lesser crimes he claimed they were guilty of.
We know you allow him to bold faced lie to you about anything.
We know you're ready and willing to repeat any stupidity or nonsense he feeds you.
We know you're 100% prepared to accept his word over your own eyes, ears, or memory.
We know you're prepared to claim financial and civil gains even though reality disagrees.

You really don't need to keep telling us you love your lying fraud of an abuser....we know.

Do I need to remind you about Carter again? A politician who was never two faced or untruthful. Please, please don't display your stupidity by attempting to attack his undeniably excessive levels of intelligence or morality. Dumb people don't design nuclear submarines, immoral people don't command them with honor....they get phantom bone spurs that miraculously disappear the minute the draft ends so they can screw the wives of their honorable associates while they go to war.

Good, if Trump is really done playing politician, that's great for all of us. I hadn't heard he had quit.
It's just asinine to claim the person holding the most powerful political position in the world isn't a politician. You might as well claim he's not a fraud, not a thief, not a philanderer, not a business failure, not a hypocrite, not immoral, not a misogynist, and not dishonest while you're denying reality.

As noted above, your video evidence and your claims have nothing in common.

bobknight33 said:

Do I really need to do this again.. Again Politicians are 2 faced until rubber meets the road.
Good thing Trump is not a Politician, Just a man wanting to MAGA.

LA bikers scatter to avoid out of control rider

BSR says...

That false sense of security rears its ugly head again.

I removed a guy that T-boned an SUV with his motorcycle, on the driver side sliding door. He went in through the window and all the way to the back compartment. All his limbs and his neck were broken.

Luckily he still had his helmet on. The family may still be able to have viewing for the funeral.

The driver of the car was airlifted to the trauma center. There were no passengers in the back seats.

Warehouse Jenga

RFlagg says...

Yeah, I saw something that suggested this was filmed in July, so you'd think there was more information. All the news I can find on it, just report about the "viral video", with no results on when and where for sure. You'd think that the company itself, or people there that day, would have seen it gone viral and put info out by now... though unless it was the company itself, it'd be harder to vet.

I'd wager the driver was okay in the cage, might have broke a bone or two, but otherwise was okay. The guy in yellow on the right would be the bigger concern, as he was buried. Near the very end you see somebody in black making a run across the far right as the last section collapses.

The crazy thing is, the shelf was barely hit. You probably hit it harder when putting pallets up. It must have been the perfect combo of angle and velocity, then add to that the tension on the legs given the way it was stacked and voila, disaster.

newtboy said:

Maybe...I thought he's likely just been swept off his feet, but it's possible he got crushed. There's surprisingly little info about this to be found.

We're the Last Humans Left...

BSR says...

Made me think of this.

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D. : Spock, this "child" is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do? Spank it?

Commander Spock: It knows only that it needs, Commander. But, like so many of us... it does not know what.

Commander Spock: V'Ger must evolve. Its knowledge has reached the limits of this universe and it must evolve. What it requires of its god, doctor, is the answer to its question, "Is there nothing more"?

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.: What more is there than the universe, Spock?

Commander Willard Decker: Other dimensions. Higher levels of being.

Commander Spock: The existence of which cannot be proven logically. Therefore, V'Ger is incapable of believing in them.

Captain James T. Kirk: What it needs in order to evolve... is a human quality. Our capacity to leap beyond logic.

Commander Willard Decker: And joining with its creator might accomplish that.

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.: You mean this machine wants to physically join with a human? Is that possible?

Commander Willard Decker: Let's find out.

So, basically... V'ger needed to get laid?

Ten Cent Beer Night Was A Total Disaster

C-note says...


So Ah when are they going to do a story of the time the Cleveland Indians had Mini Bat Night? Or the time they had Dog Bone night. I'm not making this up. They gave out free cookies in the shape of dog bones and half way thru the game the fans started raining them down on the field. Awe Cleveland how can you not love that town.

McCain defending Obama 2008

BSR says...

Your writing is very eloquent but, obviously, you've never had a bone spur.

newtboy said:

...treasonous and cowardly draft dodging Trump a hero solidifies your position as a non American and a irrefutable troll. It won't be forgotten. #Derp state

What Does a Nuclear Bomb Explosion Feel Like?

McCain defending Obama 2008

RFlagg says...

The Love of Christ everyone. A continuing shinning example of why I hate the faith. Treat others as you'd have others treat you. Anyhow, I agree, no need for a ban, at least yet, though that is a new low, but in line with the rest of the Trump supporters. It again, just shows how evil and vile the faith is, because that's what they actually think Christ would act like, do and say, and have zero conviction in their heart otherwise. The modern right is the biggest reason cited why people leave the faith or are turned off by the faith, so the more Trump supporters dig in, the more and more people will leave the faith. Hopefully they'll turn to reason, or Paganism, anything but stick to a faith where they are happy at the death of a man who served his nation far better than the man they praise. As to Bob himself, I don't know if he's just a troll or what, my issue has never been with him, but the faith he represents. I am surrounded by people like him at home and work, and it isn't the people, it's their faith... sort of like how they say of the gays, "love the sinner hate the sin", I just hate everything about them, but I'm sure they are just fine people otherwise.

While I didn't like McCain, I at least respected his service. I respect the fact that he REFUSED to leave the POW camp when it was offered to him because there were others there before him, and he'd go on for another four plus years more of torture because of his refusal. He could have left the service long before he was even shot down, as he was injured on the deck of his ship when he was accidentally shot by another plane on the deck, an indecent that killed 134 other sailors and injured 161 others, himself included... of course many on the far right blame him for somehow being shot in that case and say he caused the deaths... As bad as he was on his political philosophy and the whole Palin thing (which I agree with what was pointed out already, was an attempt to lure the far right and women voters, and it worked on the far right, he probably wouldn't have got nearly as many votes as he did without her, because the narrative had already shifted far right on Fox and talk radio), he at least served and didn't dodge service because of a bone spur.

And this video just goes to show how gullible people are, "he's a Muslim" and he has to refute it. He has to keep saying how good Obama is as a man, and how true to himself he is, but they boo him. They are so wrapped up in the Fox and talk radio narrative, and their little social media bubbles, they don't know how to vet things they see and hear... they may do a quick Google search, not realizing that Google changes its search results to match what you'll find most agreeable... and then even if they do see a link they disagree with, they'll ignore it, find ones they like and coddle their bias.... I should know, I was among them for far too long. Up until basically this 2008 election, where I moved from Republican to supporting Paul, to supporting Obama, then loosing my faith shortly after the election because of the far right's actions...

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

The Wallrider

eric3579 says...

Store employee Doug Sharp told Mad World News that the man came in to the shop the day after the incident to explain what had happened.

According to Sharp, the incident resulted in the man suffering 'several broken bones.'

As Sharp explained, the man promised 'to make good on it.'

Ashenkase said:

Seriously... is he dead?

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